The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 327 – Ruoxue Confession

"Ruoxue, Ruoxue"

When Yuchen and Yihan searched the house but couldn't find that beautiful figure, they anxiously came to Xiyang Community to look for Ruoxue's whereabouts, and they could only pray that Ruoxue didn't go away.

"Yihan, where is Ruoxue's house?" Ever since the man in black came to the door, Yuchen found that Ruoxue, who was already a little melancholy, had become even more silent. What does leaving without saying goodbye today mean?

"Ruoxue's family..." Yihan stopped in her tracks, her expression flustered, as if she was trying to remember something, and finally Yihan shook her head at Yuchen aggrievedly. Neither is clear.

Yuchen couldn't blame Yihan either, he couldn't get through the phone, and he didn't know when Ruoxue left, and it was almost night, so finding someone in Suzhou City was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Yuchen went back and forth in the community, wanting to go out to look for it, but found that it was impossible. Could he just be in a hurry?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yuchen's mind, a breeze blew, he closed his eyes, held his breath, the surrounding air fluctuated, he used the hidden dragon art in the game, at first he just hugged and tried In the heart of the trial, 5 minutes passed, and Tu Yuchen suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at Yihan in disbelief, his eyes turned to the distance again. He actually used the hidden dragon formula in the game world in reality. Not only that, but within the scope of this community, Yuchen actually sensed Ruuoxue's exist.

When Yuchen looked forward, a beautiful figure appeared in front of their eyes, Yihan covered her mouth, tears welled up in her eyes, because the person standing in front of them with several pockets was the missing Ruoxue.

"Ruoxue!" Yihan burst into tears, ran away, hugged Ruoxue, Ruoxue's beautiful eyes were full of doubts, then she seemed to understand something, hugged Yihan, with crystal tears dripping from the corners of her eyes.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." Ruoxue was crying.

Seeing Ruoxue came back, Yuchen breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the side of the two women, and still asked worriedly: "Ruoxue, where have you been? Why can't you get through the phone? Do you know that we are worried to death? gone."

Seeing Yuchen's handsome face and concerned expression, Ruoxue's heart warmed up: "The phone is out of battery, I, I just want to go out and buy some delicious food. I've been here for so long, and I always trouble my heart sorry...”

"Why don't you feel sorry, you see, you just went out for a while, Yuchen almost turned over the Xiyang community, someone cares about you very much~" Yihan said slightly sourly.

"How could..." Ruoxue lowered her head shyly, and still pretended to glance at Yuchen casually, and found that he hadn't changed. Yihan and Ruoxue walked in front, and Yuchen walked behind them , with a dignified look on his face that seemed to be preoccupied.

"Are you really going to buy groceries?" When she saw Ruoxue, her reddish eyes had obviously cried, and her expression was a little flustered, and she didn't even dare to look directly into other people's eyes. What happened to Ruoxue?

Although Yuchen was full of doubts, he didn't dare to ask more questions. Let's find a chance to ask again?

At night, colorful lights appear in the bustling city, and the sunset community is also brightly lit. You can see young couples walking everywhere in the garden, and some are even kissing passionately.

Standing on the balcony, facing the slight breeze, Yuchen smoked a cigarette and coughed twice. After many years, he is still not used to the smell of the cigarette?

Looking at the outside world with a little confusion in my eyes, it will be another year in a blink of an eye. This year is very exciting. I have met many friends and partners. The bright moon shines on the earth, and the moonlight is scattered on Yuchen's face. Looking at the starry sky, the sky is full of stars Twinkle, twinkle.

"Jingle Bell"

Yuchen's counterfeit mobile phone heard a message, and he took it out of his pocket.

"Did you sleep?"

Yuchen smiled lightly, it's already night, isn't this beautiful young woman lonely?The person who sent the message was actually Xuan'er, thinking of Xuan'er's sexy white body, a burst of evil fire spread in Yuchen's body, he shook his head quickly, put aside the unhealthy thoughts in his head and showed a bitter smile.

"Didn't sleep."

"Oh? I can't sleep either."

"What? Miss me? Do you want to come out and talk about your life?"

"No seriousness."

"Men are not bad, women are not loving."


"OK, goodnight."

"Well Goodnight."

In another villa area, Xuan'er sent the last message, tossing and turning on the bed, wanting to chat with Yuchen, but found that there was not much to talk about, looking at her daughter beside her, no matter how strong she is, There is always a need for a man's shoulder to lean on, and Xuan'er is no exception.

Every time I close my eyes, Xuan'er's heart will involuntarily show Yuchen's image, and before I know it, that kind of naughty, gentle and strong man has penetrated into Xuan'er's heart.

Thinking of his smile, Xuan'er also smiled lightly, hugging Hui Yu and falling asleep slowly in thoughts, this night may be the night where Xuan'er sleeps the most soundly.

Blowing the wind, smoking a cigarette, tasting a glass of red wine, of course, the red wine in Yuchen's hand is only a bottle of wine worth tens of yuan, and he will go home in less than two months, so he can't help but think of the people in his hometown , things in my hometown, every corner of my hometown.

Are they all okay?Yuchen thought so.


Yuchen turned his eyes, his eyes were plain, as if he already knew it: "What? It's so late, why don't you go to bed?" Still the same sentence... hardly changed.

"Didn't you sleep too?" With a far-fetched smile, Ruoxue, who was wearing pajamas, still couldn't hide her exquisite body, and the sexy and plump Xuefeng seemed ready to come out.

"Can't sleep, look at the sky." Yuchen glanced at the sky, drank a glass of red wine and asked, "How is it? Do you want to have a sip?"

"Take a bite? Okay, come here."

"..." Yuchen was silent, but Ruoxue seemed to be in a better mood.

Seeing that Yuchen didn't speak, Ruoxue fiddled with her curly hair, the air was filled with a faint body fragrance and entered Yuchen's breath, Ruoxue followed Yuchen's lead and looked at the sky: "Heaven? What's there to see?"

"Hey, well, of course an ordinary person like you can't see it." Yuchen smiled with his white teeth showing.

"Go, go, stop smoking, you have yellow teeth."

"Fart! Brother, I don't know how white it is."

"Okay, okay, is it okay for you?" Ruoxue didn't argue with Yuchen, and looked at the night with blurred eyes, full of melancholy.

Yuchen was also silent for a while, seeing that Ruoxue was full of thoughts, he seemed to have made up his mind, he rushed to the balcony with a stride, Ruoxue was shocked when she saw this: "Yuchen, you..."

Before Ruoxue could yell out, Yuchen leaped over the balcony and came to Ruoxue's side, stretched out his strong arms and put them on Ruoxue's fragrant shoulders: "Ruoxue, what happened? Tell me Can I?"

Looking at Yuchen's concerned eyes, at that moment, Ruoxue's eyes sparkled with tears... hugged Yuchen, and cried loudly under the night...

"Yuchen, I really want to have a pair of wings, so that I can fly freely and live the life I want without restraint. I want to abandon any family interests, or the orders of my parents. I don't need to worry about anything. think."

Hearing Ruoxue's crying, Yuchen didn't say anything. Fortunately, Yihan had the habit of going to bed early, and once the balcony door was closed, it was almost soundproof. Ruoxue buried her head in Yuchen's arms and cried, letting his My heart also tightened, how much pressure did this weak girl bear?

"Ruoxue, it's okay, it's okay." Yuchen's heart is also very complicated. After getting along for several months, will he really be indifferent to Ruoxue?Obviously impossible, Yuchen is not a saint, nor a tj, who doesn't like beautiful women?

He can't give up Yanran's love, and he can't give up Yihan's love, can he give up Ruoxue's love?Even Xuan'er has a place in his heart. Is he a playful man?

Yes, he is a beast, but is Yuchen wrong?No!Ten or nine people will be like this, obviously they have a girlfriend, but they like to play around and mess around, but Yuchen has more responsibilities.

It is undeniable that he is an ordinary person, and he cannot control his emotions. At this moment, he is entangled, what should he do?

"Yuchen, will you take me away?" Suddenly, Ruoxue raised her head and looked at Yuchen affectionately.

Yuchen was a little shocked, and remained silent for a long time. The balcony fell into silence. Seeing Yuchen's eyes that dared not look directly, Ruoxue's tears couldn't stop streaming down: "You know what? A long time ago, I wanted to see You, from Yihan, when I saw you, everything about you moved me. At first, I only thought that I admired you. It wasn’t until not long ago that I realized that I was hopelessly like Yihan. In love with you.."

"When you hit my heart again and again, everything you did made me fall in love with you uncontrollably, I told myself, I can't like you, I don't want to be a bad woman, Yihan loves you, loves you very much! I don't want to be involved in this love triangle, but in the end, I still fell in love with you..."


In the end, I still said it, not only Yuchen couldn't express it, but even Ruoxue burst into tears after speaking, facing Ruoxue's confession?Can Yuchen accept it like Yihan?

Of course it's impossible, he can't be sorry for Yihan...

What should I do?

Yuchen took a deep look at Ruoxue, she couldn't do it, she had to cut it off: "Ruoxue, I..."

"I know, I know, can you not reject me? At least not now, I know your answer, I don't ask much, let me be your girlfriend? Just five days?" Ruoxue cried .

Looking at the beauty with pear blossoms and rain in front of him, Yuchen's heart trembled suddenly, five days?Why five days?

"Yuchen, five days, just five days?"

Looking at the begging Ruoxue, Yuchen was silent for a long time, and finally nodded helplessly... He is a bastard, but he can't refuse Ruoxue in this situation?

However, what will happen five days later?

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