The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 328 – Team Battle

The desolate night passed with the passage of time, Yuchen woke up drowsily, still recalling the heart-wrenching moment last night, Yuchen promised Ruoxue to be her boyfriend for five days, until now Yuchen is still preoccupied.

five days later?If Ruoxue leaves?Should I save myself?

retain?And in what capacity?And how to accept Ruoxue's love?How should I face Yihan? It is not easy for Yihan to accept Yanran. She is more of a character in the game world, but Yihan accepts Ruoxue?

Although the relationship between himself and Yihan is not clear, everyone knows it well, how can Yuchen make Yihan sad?

Thinking about it would give me a headache, Yuchen didn't want to think about it at all, and when he walked out of the room, there was a burst of fragrance, and two beautiful girls were already waiting for him in aprons, looking at the smile on Ruoxue's face, Yuchen's doubts also aroused. Nothing left, whatever happens in five days? At least five more days, right?All Yuchen can do now is to accompany Ruoxue happily, he greeted the two girls with a smile, Ruoxue looked at Yuchen with a smile: "Are you awake?"

"En." Yuchen nodded.

"Hey, I'll make eggs~" Ruoxue said excitedly, and walked into the kitchen again, looking at the round butt, Yuchen couldn't be happier, and at other times, he would definitely stare wretchedly Xuefeng yy with two girls.

"Yuchen, Yuchen, did you notice? Ruoxue suddenly changed into a different person? She seems very happy?" Yihan walked to Yuchen's side and said with a smile.

"Well, yes, I was also surprised." Yuchen looked sloppy.

"Oh? Really? I thought you knew~" Yihan glanced at Yuchen, his thoughtful look made Yuchen tremble, when did this little girl become so smart?

After having a warm breakfast, it's almost [-] o'clock. The start time of the Top [-] Tournament is [-] o'clock sharp, and there is no waiting for the expiration date, so Yuchen has to enter the game quickly.

"Yuchen, come on~"

"Yuchen, we are waiting for you to become the champion!"

"En!" Yuchen nodded, said no more, and walked back to the room. The two women looked at Yuchen's leaving back with blurred eyes.


"En?" Ruoxue turned to look at Yihan.

Yihan smiled and said, "It's great to see you happy, how is it? Let's go out to celebrate tonight, shall we?"

"Okay~" Ruoxue agreed happily, but he wanted to be alone with Yuchen, but unfortunately this was impossible.

"Hee hee" Yihan smiled, and happily walked into the room, his smile froze in an instant, and his face became sad: "Yuchen, that's all I can do for you."

The next morning at eight o'clock sharp.

When Yuchen came to the competition venue, he was without a doubt the best one to play. Everyone broke into a cold sweat for him. Yuchen saw too many familiar faces in the top [-] competition.

"Yo, you also participated?" When Yuchen saw the handsome man in black armor, he showed a faint smile.

"If you can come, I can naturally." Hentian replied decisively.

"Okay, okay...just do it when you come." Yu Chen didn't bother to argue with this guy anymore, this guy is not frank at all.

"Hmph..." Hentian snorted coldly, he was too lazy to talk to Yuchen, he couldn't beat him again and again, and he couldn't even talk about it.Just shut up.

"Did you stay up late last night, kid?" Yuchen went online, so naturally he was ridiculed by everyone, and no one knew who said nonsense. Yuchen lived under the same roof with two beauties, which made everyone envy and hate.

"Smart." Yuchen replied quietly.

Tranquility pursed her lips: "Sooner or later, you will be exhausted."

"I'm happy, I'm happy."

"Hey, I haven't seen you all night, why do you feel so shameless again..."

"Go shit."

"Ding Dong, players please pay attention."

"All contestants, please prepare well. The Budokai Top 3 Competition has officially started. The system will remain the same. The competition will start in 128 minutes, but this competition will divide [-] contestants into groups!"


The host's voice just fell, and the following sentence set off a discussion, fighting in groups?This system is really trying to make the martial arts meeting more intense. Just imagine, Yuchen Jingjing and Longxiang Jiutian are in one group, and the other groups are probably going to have fun.

"Next, the system will group the numbers of 128 contestants into groups, with 64 players in each group, and 1 final advancer in each group, and a group of two groups of final winners will compete one-on-one."

"One strong player in each group?" All the players exclaimed, which meant that they had to fight desperately, and at the same time, the game became extremely cruel.The other eliminated players have no actual rankings yet, the organizer of the Budokai is really shameless. "The players secretly scolded the official website for being shameless. After all, only the top 32 will have corresponding rewards. If this ranking is not won, the other rankings will be false.

"Okay, all players please pay attention to check, the system will conduct a group battle!"

As the voice of the beautiful host fell, the players in the entire venue held their breath, because the big screen had already started to rotate, and everyone's eyes were looking at the screen in the sky.

"Buddha appears, Buddha blesses, don't be with Yu Wuchen, the night is very quiet, Longxiang Nine Heavens is a group of bt..."

"Tathagata bless...don't be in the same group as those monsters."

"God is showing a spirit... I don't want to meet those guys."

Yuchen, Quiet, and Longxiang are well-known, they are opponents that no one wants to meet, everyone can only pray sincerely, don't be in the same group with Yuchen, basically, if you are destined to be in a group with them One less.

Although many people have no expectations for the championship, but at least they must successfully advance, the first place is not good, the second is not good, the second is not good, the third is the head office, right? 32 people are fine too.

"Ding Ding Ding"

The Arabic numerals on the top of the screen stopped suddenly, and two rows of numbers were presented in front of everyone's eyes. However, what made everyone exclaimed was that there were not only numbers, but also names!

"A group of combat members!"



"Oh my god, I'm actually in a group with that group of bts, damn it."

"Fuck, it's over, it's over."

When the facts were in front of them, people had to accept this brutal battle. However, what shocked the other contestants was the fact that one group was on the duel list!

Yuchen is actually in the same group as Long Xiang Jiutian, which means that a group is equivalent to the finals!

There are three flames, and the first game is about to officially start under the circumstances of the much-anticipated situation.

Among the 128 contestants, who is the final winner?

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