The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 332 – The God of Death

Silence fell to the ground, but it was at that moment that everyone held their breath and stood up. When Yuchen's black knife ruthlessly cut a wound of more than 2 yuan from Silence's chest, everyone was shocked. Showed a trace of regret..

The atmosphere in the martial arts venue was a bit depressing. Compared with the cheers on the other side, Yuchen and his team were completely silent, even completely silent, with more than 2 seconds of damage. I believe that there is no player in the game world with a life of more than [-]. .

Except for the special profession of military commander, it is impossible for thieves to withstand this blow.

lost?This is what everyone thinks, after all the damage caused by Yuchen, I believe that if you don't stay silent, you can't live anymore, and the blood splattered is also shocking and frightening.

"Brother, it looks like it's over..." Yuchen withdrew the black blade, a deep bone-deep scar on his silent chest left a lot of blood, and huge injuries continued to float on the top of his head...

"-3832, -2949, -3849."

Yuchen believes that no matter how strong Mo Mo is, life players will not be able to survive. Although he is a little sorry for Mo Mo, he is not guilty. On the contrary, Mo Mo will be angry if Yu Chen keeps his hand.

"I lost... Is the gap really too big?"

The dream cadres all sighed, and Yuchen had unknowingly pushed them far, far away, and the distance was still increasing, but there were still people who firmly believed that Silence was not dead.

That is Xiao Ting and Han. Every scene in the Tower of Death still appeared in their minds. If Shen Mo really lost like this?Then it can only be said that it is not that Mo Mo is too weak, but that Yuchen is too strong, so strong that he can kill gods.

Yuchen's black clothes fluttered in the wind, he turned around and turned his head, silently waiting for the system's notification sound, ready for the second match.

Time seems to stand still, and people's eyes have moved to other battlefields. In everyone's eyes, silence is sure to lose!

"God, how is it possible!"

When the audience was silent, and when people were looking at other battlefields, one person still looked at the battlefield unwillingly and was no longer silent. However, seeing this made him scream out in horror!

"No more silence, why is it gone!"

At the same time, other players also noticed this weird scene. The players looked at the original location of Silence. Is there still a figure there?

Everyone's exclamation made Yuchen, whose back was silent, felt a bit of a bad atmosphere, and turned his head quickly. However, at the moment Yuchen turned around, a dagger pierced Yuchen's chest.


Yuchen's eyes widened, and he looked at the player who suddenly appeared in front of him in shock, but everything was over, and the silent dagger had pierced Yuchen's chest!

"how is this possible?"

"Isn't it?"

The moment the silent sharp blade pierced Yuchen's chest, a fatal critical blow floated above his head, even Yuchen's life was declared over, and he didn't even have the chance to use the red medicine.

"How is it possible..." Ruoxue, Yihan, and Xuan'er covered their mouths and exclaimed, watching the scene on the screen with incredulous eyes, Yuchen was actually killed by Silence?

The screen turned back to the arena, and the silent sharp blade killed Yuchen. This scene made all the players present unable to sit still. They stood up, their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open.

Silence, this green leaf covered by Yuchen's branches finally exudes a bright light at this moment!


There is still a hideous wound on Shen Mo's chest, which was injured by Yuchen's black knife. Even the instant recovery potion has no effect, because the knife here is a demon knife. Gave Yuchen a fatal blow.

It's not luck, it's strength!

Only real strength can kill Yuchen in an instant.

"You seem to be careless." Shen Mo grinned, but Yu Chen's life was emptied. When he was dying, he flashed his demon pupils and saw an incredible scene.

"Careless? Hehe, brother Mo Mo, you are really strong."


Yuchen's body disappeared in an instant, and the first match was no longer silent, yes, it was no longer silent. The news spread to the entire venue, and everyone showed surprise and shock.

Refresh again, pause for five seconds, when Yuchen refreshed again and looked at the silence, there was a little more solemnity and excitement.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

Game start!

The second duel began, however, neither moved.Yuchen smiled slightly: "Hehe, brother Mo Mo, what's the matter? The wound can't heal, right?"

"You guy, where did you get the bt weapon?" Shen Mo showed a bitter smile, he could imagine that even ten bottles of red medicine would not be able to stop such bleeding.

Soon, this scene was also discovered by the watching players, and the second duel began?It stands to reason that the state should be back to full, right?However, Silence was not only losing life, even the huge wound showed no sign of healing.

"On the floating city, this month is for this sword." Yu Chen didn't hide it.

"Ah, haha..."

The moment the voice fell, the silent body glowed with white light, and his life lost a total of [-]. This scene has shocked countless people!

"what happened?"

At the start of the second duel, Shen Mo actually died directly?Yuchen hasn't done anything yet, right?

"When the god of death comes, the life is negative, but fortunately there is a limit of [-], otherwise Brother Mo Mo would really be invincible." Yu Chen sighed and said, this way it will be a tie!

All eyes were on the third game.

The silence refreshed, this time the life was fully restored, the wound on the chest left incomplete sword marks, and the battle armor was destroyed by Yuchen, which is enough to show how powerful the power is!

"It's the last match." Mo Mo came back to life and stared at Yu Chen...

"Ah, it's the last match." Yuchen also murmured.

"This time, I'm going to do my best!" A strong aura of purple awns had already appeared on Shen Mo's body, and the purple light spread throughout the venue, and Shen Mo was also shrouded in this purple light!

"The final strike will determine the outcome!" Shen Mo shouted loudly, and the sharp blade in his hand turned into more than three feet, and the terrifying arrogance spread throughout the ring, causing an uproar in the audience.

"Are you going to decide the outcome with one blow?" Yu Chen glanced at it and grinned.

The black knife danced sword flowers in the air, and Yuchen's expression turned serious: "In that case, I won't be polite!"

"Hidden Dragon Slash!"

"Blade of Death God!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The black and purple rays of light, mixed with the silver-white light of the dragon, enveloped the whole audience in this radiance....

The winner is Yuchen?Still silent?The final blow to the road to promotion!

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