The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 333 – Death’s Silence

"Boom boom boom boom"

In this passionate era, in this game world full of good and evil, light and dark camps, Xuanyuan Continent held the first World Martial Arts Tournament, and currently the Budo Tournament has progressed to the top 128 from 64.

All the arenas were full of strong fighting spirit, with fire splashing, all kinds of magic flying all over the sky, and the fighting did not stop for a moment. Like most arenas, the battle between Yuchen and Shen Mo at this moment attracted everyone's attention.

This is a duel between two powerhouses. Both of them used their extraordinary strength to amaze the players. Black and purple light enveloped the entire arena, and fierce collisions of flames continued to radiate from inside!

What the hell is going on inside?No one knows, the players tried to find a trace of clues, but they couldn't see what happened inside anyway!

On the arena shrouded in black flames, time passed by every minute... What's the situation inside?

"So that's it, brother Mo Mo, you are really thoughtful." When Yuchen noticed that the surrounding gas flame barrier had shrouded the two of them in this radiant space, Yuchen knew Mo Mo's purpose of doing so .

"If I don't do this, how can I see your true strength? Don't worry, no one will find out." Mo Mo looked at Yu Chen with a faint smile, his eyes full of expectation.

"Hehe, brother Mo Mo, do you really want to see it?" Yuchen asked in a questioning tone and stopped being silent. His tone made Mo Mo stunned for a moment, and then he grinned: "Do you think I am joking?" ?”

"Then, you should be mentally prepared, right? Once I release the suppressed power, I feel scared myself." Yuchen said sternly.

If this sentence came from someone else's mouth, Silence would not take it seriously, and even scold the other party for being arrogant. However, this sentence was spoken from the mouth of Yuchen today. Not only did Silence not have the slightest meaning of sarcasm, but on the contrary, his expression was abnormal. grim.

In fact, when he saw Yuchen, he always felt that there seemed to be a faint terrifying aura hidden in his body, and this strange feeling was obviously Yuchen deliberately suppressing the violent aura in his body.

"Wuchen, in fact, this barrier is not only made for you, but also for me!" Silence's expression became serious, and then he smiled lightly: "I am not what I used to be now, in order not to become a drag on everyone, How can I be alone?"

"Let you experience it, this is the power called Death God!" Shen Mo said coldly, the dagger in his hand had already glowed with a strong black glow, forming a black sharp blade.

"Spirit weapon?" In fact, Yuchen had already guessed at the beginning that the dagger in Shen Mo's hand was weird. After the black barrier was formed, Yuchen was sure that the weapon in Mo Mo's hand was also a spirit weapon, and it belonged to the seal. Otherwise, the power of this spirit weapon is too weak.

"Messenger of the God of Death, redeem the evil spirits in the world, and revive the soul of the God of Death!" With the silent whisper, the dagger in his hand glowed with a strong purple light, which surprised Yuchen slightly.

"So that's it, have you already mastered this kind of power?" After seeing Shen Mo release the soul of the spiritual weapon, Yuchen knew that Mo Mo was already an opponent of the same level as him at this moment.

Putting away the last bit of playfulness, holding back his breath, his expression froze, the black knife cut a trace of black light in the air, and the black arrogance began to rise, which meant that the battle was about to officially begin!


A gust of air blowing made the inner space glow like flames, and behind the silence began to condense a strange black glow, the black flames like skulls looked particularly terrifying, "Roar roar roar"

Yuchen looked at the change in silence, but did not start to act. If the liberation of the other party was interrupted at this time, then this battle would be meaningless.

Accompanied by a terrifying roar that resounded through the space, a terrifying skull head of the god of death appeared in the silent sky, and then poured into his body, the black gas flames rippled like a gas wave!

"Using this power, I don't know what I will become. Although I can't hold it for long, I'm about to go up." No longer silently shouted, and then he disappeared in place!


The ultra-high-speed movement actually made the silence disappear instantly.

"Demon pupil!"

Yuchen didn't dare to neglect, his dark and stern eyes moved freely in the field, observing the surrounding actions.

"Death Harvest!"

In the next second, a blood-red slashing light suddenly came out from behind him, and Yuchen turned around and shouted: "Yu Chen is armed with the hidden dragon art!"



With a dragon chant, a silver swimming dragon entwined Yuchen's figure, and kept wandering around him to resist the blood-red attack. However, the silent attack did not end because of this!

"Kiss of Death!"

"Whoosh!" Silence and Yuchen's figures flashed by, and the moment they confronted each other, the purple light formed a circle of light and rippled.

A gust of wind blew by, and the two of them stood still at the same time...


"-8394!" Three seconds later, Yuchen suffered huge damage from the top of his head. This blow almost killed him instantly, and the dragon armor on his body also disappeared because of the kiss of death.

"If you don't use real power, you will be killed by me. This is just the beginning." Mo Mo said to Yuchen coldly with his face sideways, now he is not Mo Mo, but the god of death!

Yuchen let out a long sigh of relief, relaxed his body, turned around and looked at Shen Mo, grinning and showing his white teeth: "I'm so happy..."

"Then, I don't need to be merciful..." Yuchen's expression suddenly changed, his whole body became majestic, and the surrounding atmosphere trembled because of his sudden release.

"Let me see, how strong is the power of original sin?" Yuchen looked at the black blade in his hand, showing a confident smile. After a month of mental and physical torture, how strong is Yuchen now? ?

Perhaps, soon the silence will understand.

While the Budokai was going on fiercely, none of the players noticed that a huge conspiracy was running in the dark.

"Master, we have already deployed all of them, and there is only one opportunity left." An elderly man said to a handsome man.

"Okay, let's go, I think this opportunity will appear soon!" This handsome man looked out the window at the bustling city with a confident smile on his lips!The colorful world came into his eyes...

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