The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 334 – The Encounter

"Fuck, we want to watch the game, what are we doing!"

"Black screen, Nima's black screen, gm hasten to take care of it!"


On the competition arena, when the duel between Yuchen and Shen Mo reached a point of excitement, a black halo enveloped everything inside. Of course, this also caused the players who were collecting information and watching the game to yell.

The purpose of buying tickets is to have fun and to watch the battle, but the situation in front of them is unstoppable for everyone, so people roared, trying to watch the battle inside. Wonderful duel.

"What happened?"

Like everyone else, the dream players are most concerned about this battle. Yu Wuchen, a very powerful man in their hearts, lost in the first round. The two fought evenly, making this battle infinitely suspenseful.

Seeing the last battle, this black space covered everything up, making it impossible for people to guess or know what was going on inside.

"Ahhhh, I really want to watch the game! God, please let that black space disappear." A pious thief prayed to the sky.

A crush next to him cast a glance: "You're just so promising."

"Ah, it's gone, it's really gone!" The man stared straight at the field, and suddenly screamed. He stared at the huge arena tremblingly, and pointed his trembling fingers straight at the ring.

"Really, really disappeared!"

"Look, the black smoke has disappeared!"

Exclamations resounded throughout the competition venue. All the players in the south looked at the arena. Everyone held their breath and stared intently at the black barrier that slowly dissipated from the top of their heads...

A second passed...

Three seconds passed...

The black smoke was disappearing in front of the players at an astonishing speed. Their faces revealed joy and excitement, and they could finally see the game.. This was the thought in everyone's mind.

"Look, they're still there!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd, and the entire venue was in an uproar. On the ring, two figures stood tall, motionless like a towering mountain peak, giving people a powerful aura, no, it's not exactly like this!

"Brother Mo Mo, something is wrong."

Careful dream cadres found something wrong. At this moment, the silent eyes are dull, dull, and even trembling all over. The look in his eyes is undoubtedly fear. Yes, there is something wrong in the eyes that are no longer silent Fear arises!

Many members of Dream regard Yuchen as a god, however, the man they respect most in their hearts is that he is no longer silent, for no other reason. This iron-clad man once left a deep impression on everyone.

Fearless, iron-blooded man, not afraid of death, not afraid of tiredness, a man among men, daring to act, decisive in doing things, such a man who has never flinched, standing on the ring at this time, his whole body is trembling , not excitement or excitement, but Chi Guoguo's fear!

"What happened...what happened?" the dream members looked at the playing field with some fear and muttered to themselves...

Not only they have such doubts, almost all players who watched this game have such doubts, what happened in that black space?Let the first thief silence the trembling of fear!

"Using this kind of power for the first time, it is indeed a bit difficult to control." When the black barrier disappeared, which meant the end of the battle, Yuchen's black clothes had also disappeared, and even the black knife had disappeared.

"Brother Mo Mo, is it okay?" Yuchen still looked at Mo Mo with some concern. If a strong man's heart is destroyed, no matter how strong his martial arts skills are, he is useless. Of course, Yuchen doesn't think Mo Mo is so fragile. .

Silence did not answer, his eyes were still full of fear, one second, three seconds, the battle is not over yet, and people's eyes are also staring at the ring?What was the result?

"It seems that this kind of power really has disadvantages..." Yuchen looked towards the sky. Powerful power always has huge risks. If it is not used properly, it is likely to hurt the brothers and friends around it just like it is now. .

"It's better not to use this kind of power..." Yuchen shook his head, walked to Shen Mo's side, and put his right hand on his shoulder: "Brother Mo Mo..."

This time, the silent eyes seemed to have passed through a long century, Yuchen's voice fell, and his whole body was like a bolt from the blue, as if he had recovered from the great panic...

When he saw Yuchen, he took a step back involuntarily, then looked around, and suddenly came to his senses... He looked at Yuchen for a long time, and the fear on his face gradually turned into a smile...

Some bitterness, but also some relief.

"I didn't expect.. At that time, there is such a big gap between us at that time. We thought we could catch up with you and run on the same line as you. It turns out...we were all wrong..." Silent expression darkened for a moment and smiled lightly. Not only did he not have the slightest jealousy or hatred for these words, but he looked at Yuchen with fiery eyes, as if Yuchen should have such a powerful power.

"Brother Mo Mo, what else do you want, spiritual weapon, powerful liberating power, messenger of death, how can you make people feel bad!" Yu Chen said with a faint smile, beating his chest and wiping his back.

"Let's go, I think so too." Shen Mo smiled, but turned around..

Seeing this, Yuchen said puzzledly: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"What a horse? Brother is still an ox, what a fart, I am humiliating myself, compared with you, a beast, I suddenly realize that I am not as good as a beast!" Moment said sonorously, despising himself fiercely, He even despised Yuchen severely..

But in an instant, his expression froze: "Long Xiang Jiutian, a group of you should meet? Hehe, we are all looking at you, this time you will definitely defeat him! We believe in you! Come on, Wuchen."

Looking at the back of Silence leaving, Yuchen was moved in his heart, Silence, just like his name, he is very silent, he is a man who can only prove everything with actions, he doesn't talk much, what he said now His heartfelt words are enough to show his expectation and trust in Yuchen.

"Ding Dong, don't give up the game in silence anymore, you have been born and successfully advanced to the top 64!"

As the system's notification sounded in Yuchen's ears, the surrounding light blue barrier disappeared, which also meant the end of this game. However, such an end caused countless players to curse .

Because they don't even know what happened.

In order to try to know what exactly happened in the black space, why he trembled in fear and voluntarily surrendered when he was no longer silent. This suspense has attracted the attention of the players, but the person concerned has not mentioned a word.

Even the dream players are at a loss, unable to know what happened inside, only the high-level executives of the dream spread a legend, that is, don't make Yuchen angry... otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

"Brother Mo Mo, you have a heart." Yu Chen actually expected Mo Mo's abstention. As for what happened inside?Maybe only Yuchen and Shen Mo knew about it, but no matter what happened, they were very happy and trusted each other. For Yuchen's strength, Mo Mo was pleased, and Mo Mo's strength also exceeded Yu Chen's expectations. Both public and private, Yuchen is very pleased.

"In this way, it will be the top 64? Who will be the next opponent? Hate the sky? Hehe, or..." Looking at the competition ring, Yuchen's alarm clock unexpectedly appeared that the next opponent will be Long Xiang Nine days of such thoughts.

But it's not impossible, after all, this is randomly assigned by the system, and everything is possible.

"Ding Dong, some players have already qualified. Now you can choose to play the next match? Do you want to fight?"

"Oh? It seems that there are quite a few people who have qualified." Yuchen spent a little time talking with Shen Mo, and there were not many players left in the ring.

"Yes!" Yuchen chose the duel. In the eyes of everyone's expectations, he once entered another arena. Of course, there are fewer and fewer arenas in the arena!

This also means that more and more people are eliminated!

So, who will be the next opponent?Holding a sliver of expectation, Yuchen came into the field with a swish, where the opponents had already been waiting. However, when their eyes met, not only Yuchen was stunned, but even the person on the opposite side was also shocked. I was taken aback!

Ren Yuchen wanted to break his head, but he never thought that the opponent in this duel would be her!

That woman who is so beautiful that makes all women ashamed, just like his name, is not only charming, but also seductive, captivating. Every frown and smile of her affects the heart of a man. Enough to drive people crazy.

As a man, Yuchen is no exception, especially after seeing her true face, and this beauty once offered to her door, it is true to say that Yuchen has no idea at all, but, for a beauty, he can't guarantee Will you be tempted.

As for ideas?Yuchen really didn't have it at all, just the few girls around him had already made him feel a little pain, and adding one in, he probably couldn't stop him from collapsing.

"Yu Wuchen..." When Feng Wu Qingcheng saw that her opponent was Yu Chen, she also showed surprise, but then quickly recovered, calm and without any waves.

However, the duel between Yuchen and Fengwu Qingcheng immediately attracted the attention of all players, even Longxiang Jiutian was included in these gazes!

Feng Wu's beauty, since she was exposed to the public last time, she has become Yuchen in the hearts of all men. Among the players who have advanced, they can't wait to meet Feng Wu Qingcheng.

Afterwards, Yuchen in the field felt countless killing intent gazes from Chiguoguo, but they were also ignored by him gorgeously, and instead looked solemnly at the front, that unbelievably beautiful woman.

"I actually met her... This is really troublesome!"

On the way to the top 32, Yuchen accidentally encounters Fengwu Qingcheng, what will he do?

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