The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 337 – Dragon and Tiger Fight for Hegemony

After several days of confrontation, the top 32 players of the Budokai were finally born. In order to meet the final of the Budokai, these 32 players were divided into two groups for an unprecedented group melee duel!

Among the 16 people in each group, only one person will be the winner, and the winners of the two groups will go to the final to decide who is the No.1 of Xuanyuan Continent!

However, in this group, there are two people who have attracted much attention, that is, Longxiang Jiutian and Yuchen. It is like a fateful duel. They did not meet in the final, but met in the arena of the top 32 competition. superior.

A battle between dragons and tigers kicked off with the duel between the two of them!

When the match started, everyone showed their weapons, but none of them acted. They looked at each other's opponents. In Yuchen's group, it was obvious that Long Xiang's men had the upper hand.

Of the 16 people, they accounted for eight of them, four were Yuchen's partners, and the other four were obviously isolated.

At the beginning of the battle, the four of them instantly distanced themselves from Yuchen and the others. Unlike the second group, Ye Jingjing was surrounded by more than a dozen people, and everyone regarded him as a thorn in their side.

At first glance, the battle in one group looks like a battle between the three forces. Yuchen, Heantian, Wulei, Wuxin, and Longxiang Jiutian all occupy one side, staring at the battlefield with stern expressions.

The three players in the dark camp played a color and stood still. Seeing this, the president of the temples glanced at Long Xiang and then at Yuchen. They couldn't make up their minds for a while, not knowing how to make a decision.

"What? No one dares to make a move? If you don't move, then I will do it!" Hentian grinned and walked out, showing his white teeth. Under everyone's gaze, Hentian pulled out the gun in his hand. Ghost King Battle Sword.

Taking a horse step, his expression suddenly froze, the surrounding space was windless, and a strong wind rippled on the ground. This sudden scene made the expressions of more than a dozen people turn serious, and Yuchen was also taken aback, because Hentian's posture is undoubtedly Guiba, and his target is clearly aimed at Long Xiang Jiutian!

"Ghost pull!"

"not good!"

Long Xiang's members exclaimed, because the target of Hentian's attack was them. They disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in an instant. The opening battle was so exciting that everyone exclaimed, and the shouts continued to resound through the sky .



Second injury, Longxiang Longtian at the front let out a scream, over ten thousand injuries floated above his head and died on the spot. Seeing that he is no longer in the original position at all!

"Hate God, back off!"

Yuchen's expression froze and he yelled loudly. When he saw Long Xiang Jiutian disappearing, he felt something was wrong and hurriedly reminded Hentian, but it was too late. When Long Xiang Jiutian's figure flying with the wind appeared When he was behind Hentian, everyone in the audience held their breath.

"Ghost pull, mad dragon breaks the wind!"

When Long Xiang Jiutian slashed at Hentian, Yuchen, who was about to stop him, stopped. He saw Hentian waving his sharp sword backhand, and a slash like a tornado suddenly appeared from the ground. In the sky, Long Xiang had no choice but to stop attacking when he saw this, and took a few steps back while flying in the air!

Long Xiang landed on the ground, and just now he stood still, suddenly behind him was a sharp sword shining with silver light, Long Xiang's expression was serious, and he turned around amidst the lightning and flint, and successfully blocked the sharp sword attacking from behind !

"Let's go together and kill Long Xiang Jiutian, otherwise we will have no chance!" Long Yan shouted, as the president of the temple, he and Long Xiang Jiutian have a deep hatred, now he has the opportunity to revenge, how can he miss.

When the rest of the people heard it, their eyes trembled. Although they agreed with his words, but there are still six members of Long Xiang in this game?To fight or not to fight?

Duanhun Wushang looked at Yu Wuchen suspiciously. To be honest, he was unable to attack Yuchen anymore. Ever since he confronted him in the qualifiers, he had lost all fighting spirit.

"What? Do you want to fight me?" Yuchen smiled and looked at Duanhun Wushang.

Duan Hun Wushang's face twitched, but he didn't answer: "Tian Shang, Zhan Gui, kill Long Xiang Jiutian!"

"Where is Yu Wuchen?" Meng Tianshang asked with a puzzled expression.

"Don't dare to drop Longxiang, it's meaningless to hit anyone!" Duanhun Wushang shouted, and rushed to Longxiang Nine Heavens. Fight Longxiang.

"Wuxin, take care of everyone's treatment!" Yuchen said to Wuxin beside him.

"What about you?"

"Me? Hehe, it's okay. I want to see if Long Xiang Jiutian has superhuman powers amidst so many masters. What's more, the smashing needs to be cleaned up, so leave it to me!"


"Support the president!" Long Xiang Wutian, one of the vice presidents of Long Xiang, as a senior professional player, he rushed to Long Xiang Jiutian with the other five people at the first time. Already ready!

However, at the moment when they were rushing towards Longxiang Nine Heavens, suddenly a silver-white sword slashed past them, making them stop.

Long Xiang Wutian roared angrily, "Yu Wuchen!"

"Don't shout so loudly, I can hear you." Yuchen stood in front of them with a black knife in his hand, blocking the way of the six of them.

"court death!"

The six shouted loudly, and greeted Yuchen. All kinds of skills were qualified in the arena. The battle finally started, and the players in the whole venue looked at the battlefield with enthusiasm.

The shouts of cheering continued to come, although Yuchen and the others couldn't hear them, but just looking at the excited expressions of the crowd, it could be seen that not only the players in the game were excited, but even the players watching the game were also excited.

"Ghost Slash!"

Purple lightning and black slash, this powerful force instantly passed in front of Long Xiang Jiutian, and passed close to him. Long Xiang Jiutian relied on his steps to dodge, but in the next second, a shining sharp arrow shot at him. his head.

Long Xiang Jiutian's expression froze, and he quickly avoided the sharp arrow, but at the same time, behind him was the powerful joint attack of No Tears and Duan Hun Wushang, as well as assassins hiding in the darkness at any time. For a while, Long Xiang Jiutian fell into a In the midst of a difficult battle.


"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

Hentian was the most ferocious, he gave up the defense at all, and just kept attacking. With his fearless morale, he created a surprise attack opportunity for everyone. At the beginning, Longxiang Jiutian could dodge calmly. When I came down, I was gradually impatient with the game because everyone was not afraid of death.

Long Xiangjiutian glanced at Wuxin behind everyone, his face changed: "Is the first priest Wuxin? Sure enough, he has some skills, but unfortunately he can't be used by me, so..."


"Do you want to kill me?" When Longxiang Jiutian disappeared in an instant, Wuxin immediately set up an absolute defense. As expected, a huge sword mark exploded from one meter in front of Wuxin. This sword mark It passed directly through Wuxin, and drew a shocking scratch on both his front and back.


At the moment when he saw the right moment, the president of the temple hidden in the darkness finally launched an attack, and the dagger stabbed Long Xiang Jiutian's back mercilessly.

"Hmph, looking for death!" Long Xiang Jiutian had no fear at all, just when his dagger was about to kill Long Xiang Jiutian, his weapon could no longer move a single step, because a sharp sword had pierced his chest.

"Damn, go!" Seeing this, Duanhun Wushang immediately yelled and sent out a black slash as a cover, one of them walked towards Longxiang Jiutian with vigorous strides, and the rest of them also showed shocking expressions, the top 32 masters besieged Longxiang Jiutian What kind of terrifying power is it for a person to kill an opponent in seconds?

"Wuxin, Wulei, cover me!" Seeing this situation, Hentian had no choice but to ask his companions for help. Wuxin and Wulei nodded to each other, and even Wuxin began to chant battle magic.

Hentian and Duanhun Wushang rushed out together, and in a blink of an eye they came behind Longxiang Jiutian, the two attacked together, and for a moment swords, lights and swords flashed continuously on the entire arena, dazzled everyone watching.

Intense flames, blood splattered on the battlefield, only half of the six people blocking Yuchen were left in the blink of an eye, and the rest were already covered with injuries. They looked at the man in front of them in shock, showing incredible eyes.

"How is it possible!" Even though they tried their best, they still couldn't hurt Yuchen at all. This undoubtedly made Long Xiang's players at the president level disheartened. They looked at Long Xiang Jiutian...

However, the pupils shrank suddenly, and Long Xiang Wutian even shouted out of composure: "President, be careful!"

Meng Tianshang's Frost Arrow successfully froze Long Xiang Jiutian's feet, restrained by Wu Lai and Duan Hun Wu Shang, War Ghost launched an attack but was blocked by Long Xiang Jiu Tian, ​​but all the attacks fell, with only one second remaining At that time, Heantian made it out like a ghost, and behind him appeared a legendary ghost with three heads and six arms!

"Ghosts and gods are angry!"


"Ghost Nine Flashes!"

Nine gorgeous flash attacks flashed across the huge arena. At that moment, all the players in the audience screamed. This was the first time they saw Long Xiang Jiutian being attacked head-on.

Hentian's slash hit Longxiang Jiutian's front like the roar of ghosts and gods. Under the effect of the Frost Arrow, Longxiang Jiutian couldn't dodge at all. A wave of anger spread across the battlefield, and time seemed to stand still...

Windless and automatic hair, fluttering knight clothes, the only remaining players on the battlefield, following the shouts of Long Xiang Wutian and others, all looked towards the arena filled with gunpowder smoke, and that position was the direction Long Xiang Jiutian was in .

Hate naivety successfully hit?

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