The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 338 – Furious Dragon Soaring

The battlefield filled with gunpowder, the arena covered with flames, and with a huge explosion, the entire arena was covered in smoke and dust, broken stone chips danced in disorder, and people's eyes were fixed on the huge arena?

What happened?

Even the attacking person, Hentian, didn't know it. The anger of the ghosts and gods disappeared, and so did the three heads and six arms. Hentian returned to his original appearance, and turned his suspicious eyes to the direction of the attack just now.

"President!" Long Xiangwutian and others shouted, wanting to run away, but because of Yuchen's existence, they couldn't go any further, they could only watch helplessly as Hentian launched an attack, causing the situation before them scene.

"It's so long-winded! Don't yell like I'm dead!" Long Xiangwutian had just finished shouting, but there was a roar in the filled dust, and this voice immediately made all the contestants in the field scream. I was taken aback!

"Damn, failed!" Hentian cursed secretly, and immediately raised his sword in front of him. Longxiang Jiutian's speed was outrageous, and they dared not be careless.

"President!" Long Xiang's group of people showed joy, and Yu Chen also looked stern. Although he had thought that an attack of this level could not hurt Long Xiang Jiutian, he was still shocked. After all, the blow from Heantian just now was definitely not Soft hands, even if it is replaced by Yuchen, I am afraid that he will not be able to retreat completely, right?

So what about Longxiang Nine Heavens?Yuchen looked towards the battlefield, trying to find the figure of Long Xiang Jiutian.

The changes in the arena were also discovered by careful players. Some even exclaimed that Long Xiang Jiutian was still alive. At first, people didn't believe it. However, when the smoke cleared and a figure appeared in front of everyone, they also I have to believe it.

However, Long Xiang Jiutian was not unscathed, at least one corner of the flamboyant knight clothes was broken, and the sleeves were torn, revealing an arm comparable to a woman's skin, but the blue veins and iron-like muscles on the arm proved that at this moment Long Xiang Jiutian was very angry, very angry!

"Looks like it's not useless." Looking at the injured Long Xiang Jiutian Wuxin, from the current situation, it was already a sensation, Long Xiang Jiutian was injured!

This scene made all the players exclaim. The broken sleeves and bare arms caused the players to roar and discuss.

"The slash of ghosts and gods, he actually took it with his bare hands?" However, compared to the shock of the spectators, the most horrified of all the people present was Hentian, since this move was broken by Yuchen. , he has been concentrating on cultivating, refining it to a great success, and now the skill of ghosts and gods is extremely powerful, however, Long Xiang Jiutian didn't have time to use his right hand at that critical moment, the only thing he could use was his left hand!

Now that his left hand is injured and his sleeves are torn, this can only prove one thing, Longxiang Jiutian used his left hand to block Hentian's shocking Asura slash just now, Ghost Nine Flashes!

What a terrifying defense this is?What a powerful force?Is he human?He actually only blocked his slash with his hands?Hentian was so startled that he couldn't speak. For the second time in his life, he felt fear. The first time was on Yuchen's body, and this time he also felt terrified on Longxiang Jiutian's body.

The body involuntarily took a step back, and the hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

Long Xiang Jiutian turned his head back, his expression was stern, he didn't say a word, his sharp eyes made everyone present tremble, he became calmer and quieter, which proved that the anger in Long Xiang Jiutian's heart became stronger.

"You guys make me really angry!" Long Xiang Jiutian expressed his inner anger without concealing the first sentence. He took a step forward, and a burst of dust rose from the cracked ground.

"Tian Shang, restrain him again, we are attacking again, this time we must kill him!" Duan Hun Wu Shang did not give up, shouted coldly, Meng Tian Shang also nodded sternly upon seeing this.

"Priest, give us a bite!" The precious instant recovery potion Duanhun Wushang was not willing to use it, because there was still a sliver of luck in his heart, if he could defeat Long Xiang Jiutian, everyone present would still have a chance to advance.

Wuxin didn't refuse. A big rejuvenation, big healing, and group magic triple down, instantly pulling everyone back to their state.

"This time, I'll make a surprise attack!" Duanhun Wushang said coldly, holding his sword in front, ready to attack at any time.

"Frost arrows, if you add armor-piercing arrows, the effect of adding a wind blade arrow should be better?" Meng Tianshang murmured, and in an instant, there were arrows of three different elements on his strings. arrow..

This terrifying archer, the competition so far has been disappointing. Is he an archer?Or a magician?This is a question that everyone who has watched the battle will wonder.

"whoosh whoosh"

Three sharp arrows shot out from the chicken wings, and it was at that moment that Duanhun Wushang shouted: "Go!"

In an instant, several people rushed out, galloping towards Longxiang Jiutian, even Hentian trembled suddenly, and rushed out recklessly, holding the weapons in his hands tightly, this time he must kill Longxiang Jiutian!

Since Shura Nine Flashes can't do it, then it's better to use the finale skill to defeat Yuchen!Hentian thought so angrily that everyone has their own trump card, and he is no exception. It was originally intended to deal with Yuchen, but now it seems that he can only sacrifice his life for benevolence.

"Ice, Flame, Thunder Fire, Wind Blade!"

"God's arrows are fired!"

"The Great Darkness!"

"Sword Demon Nine Styles!"

"Ahhhhh! Rush!" Hentian seemed to be transformed into a fierce tiger, his whole body glowed with a dark blue light, covering his body like a flame, his pupils gradually turned blue, and his body The armor worn is also changing rapidly.

"Ghost King...!" With his roar, two horns appeared on his helmet. Is Hentian finally going to use his trump card?

Everyone showed their strongest strength, but Yuchen was a little restless at the moment?What exactly is going on?What are you worried about?Yuchen glanced at Long Xiang Jiutian suspiciously, and suddenly met his eyes.

At that moment, Yuchen felt as if an incomparably huge crisis had struck, and a kind of panic spread in his heart. When he saw the faint smile on the corner of Long Xiang Jiutian's mouth, he finally knew where the uneasiness came from .

"Not good, all back!" Yuchen is not worried about other people, but hates the sky, Wu Xin Wu Lai is also in it, Long Xiang Jiu Tian seems to really want to fight!

"Full of loopholes!" However, at the moment Yuchen turned around, the six members of Longxiang behind him suddenly launched a attack, and they all surrounded him to kill him. This sudden turn of events shocked the players outside the arena.

"You are looking for death!" Yuchen shouted, his face changed, and he lost interest in continuing. The black knife in his hand had a chilling light, but at the moment Yuchen launched the attack, Longxiang Jiutian And finally did it.


The moment everyone attacked, he rose into the sky, and the sword in his hand emitted a strong silvery cold light. He flew ten meters above the sky, condescendingly looking down at the surprised players in the arena.

"I want you all to disappear!" Long Xiang Jiutian's roaring voice spread to the ground and into the ears of the contestants. His sharp eyes made people tremble. Thought, that is to make a big move.

"Long Xiang, Long Xiang"

For a while, the shouts continued to spread throughout the venue, and the deafening roar resounded through the sky.

"Death to me!"


The black arrogance, Yuchen's black knife harvested Long Xiang Jiutian's subordinates in an instant, Yuchen turned his head to look at the sky, and saw that Long Xiang Jiutian had swooped down, what does this guy want to do?

Just like Yuchen's thought, everyone looked at Longxiang Jiutian who swooped down in puzzlement. When Longxiang Jiutian finally approached the ground, the sharp silver blade was so dazzling!

"Not good! Defense! Absolute defense!"

Yuchen was the first to discover the problem. Seeing that the situation was not good, he shouted at Wuxin, Wulei, Heantian and others. When people came back to their senses, Longxiang Jiutian had already come to the ground, and his swooping body A spin in the air, the sharp sword pierced straight into the ground!

"Burning sword!"

"not good!"

"Defend quickly!" Duanhun Wushang also shouted loudly, and almost the players on the field were terrified and hurriedly put up defenses, because the entire arena is trembling now, and everyone, including the second group duel, In the attention of the players, people saw the bright scene in front of them.

When the clusters of towering and blooming sword flowers radiated crystal light under the sunlight, everyone's eyes widened, and they stood up from their seats holding their breath.

The entire arena was instantly covered by the flowers of the blade, which was as brilliant as a crystal, but it made people shudder. The players who saw this scene could no longer calm down...

The girls of "Yu Chen" covered their mouths and couldn't speak in horror. They could only look at the bright sword blades on the field with heartache, some of them were even bloody, which proved that someone had already died in this world of blades. ..

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Because of this sudden scene, Jing Jing, who was already in trouble, escaped unharmed because of this, which also brought the members of the second group back to their senses. No matter what happened, they were fighting. The only thing they could do was star Bamboo and the others can only pray to Yuchen, hate the sky, Wuxin, Wulei they escaped this catastrophe.

It lasted for half a minute, and the bright sword blade finally disappeared slowly under the anxious mood of the people. When everything returned to calm, the field became abnormally quiet and silent at this moment...

The messy ground was full of cracks, the smell of blood filled the smoke and dust, and the roaring explosion touched people's hearts. Under Long Xiang Jiutian's angry blow?

Can they survive?

(Second more)

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