The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 339 – Dragon and Tiger Showdown

Looking at the smoky battlefield and the incomplete arena, the dream players couldn't help but lower their heads, and returned to their seats dejectedly, with extremely dull faces... They couldn't accept the scene in front of them.

An attack that almost destroyed the ring in just a split second?No matter how strong their president, that legendary man, he couldn't survive this unexpected blow, right?

"Boss...did he lose?" Feng Chuixue looked at Babao blankly, trying to find a trace of life...

"Idiot, of course not!" Babao clenched his fists tightly, feeling the pain in his heart, who dares to say that there is a possibility of surviving the attack?Although Yuchen has been creating miracles, it is impossible for a person to be so lucky forever..

Not only them, but everyone's thinking was the same. Everyone saw the shocking power of Long Xiang Jiutian. The powerful force destroyed everything, even the ring, let alone the flesh and blood players?

"Boss, boss, come out!" One second, three seconds, finally Babao couldn't help shouting...

Afterwards, all the members of the dream shouted excitedly, trying to find the only glimmer of hope. However, God did not favor them. Half a minute passed, and the smoke and dust on the ground gradually dissipated, revealing a corpse.

Seeing this scene, people's hearts tightened even more.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit dignified, and there was only Long Xiang Jiutian alone on the ring, what happened to the battle?Have Yuchen and the others really been wiped out?

At the moment when everyone was guessing, suddenly a black figure flashed by Long Xiang Jiutian's side...

"Ghost King, Ghost Slash!"


"squeak squeak"

There was a fierce light between the sword and Long Xiang Jiutian's sharp blade, like the flames of electric welding, spreading across the entire competition field. The intense fire light and the sound of the sword made everyone's hearts tremble. trembling!

"Who is it?" People are eager to know who is the living person?

He stood in front of everyone with a black-gray battle armor, a silver sharp blade, pitch-black hair, a torn armor, a mess, and blood all over his body.

"Hentian!" The dream players exclaimed. When they saw the bloodstained Hentian on his forehead, arms, and chest, everyone was excited at first, and then became heartbroken.

Because at this moment, Hentian was already covered with scars, and it was obvious that he was at the end of his battle.

However, what really makes everyone care about is Yuchen?Why is he missing?Hentian survived?So where is Yuchen?People were trying to find his figure in the arena, however, the dust was about to disperse, and they still didn't see Yuchen's body... This doesn't fully explain that Yuchen has lost, at least there is still a sliver of life left.

"Is there still alive?" Long Xiang Jiutian looked at Hentian disdainfully, knowing that the other party could no longer hold on, blocking his burning sword, I believe it took a lot of physical strength and combat power, right?He didn't pay attention to Hentian at all, his eyes were still looking around, because he was also very disturbed, Yuchen hasn't appeared yet?

died?Long Xiang Jiutian laughed at himself, if that person really died like this, Long Xiang Jiutian would not be so disturbed at all.

"Based on your attack, do you... think you can... take my... uncle's life?" Hentian replied with some difficulty, but he blamed himself secretly in his heart, his eyes had already begun to blur, in order to block the burning The power of the sword, the power of the ghost king activated by him can only save his life...

Glancing around, he showed a bitter smile: "If you are still alive, work hard with me..."

"Ghost King Profound Truth!"

"Hundred Ghost Feast!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho"

"buzz buzz buzz"

"Ah ah ah"

This skill is the ability that blooms on the ring to make all the women scream. When the ring was shrouded in darkness and countless terrifying scenes appeared in the entire space, all the women screamed, even many male players Also trembling all over.

When the White Ghost killed Longxiang Jiutian, Hentian only lasted for three seconds. His death made this strange skill disappear. Inside, he actually felt terror and despair, and even saw death.

The whole body was horrified, and the scene just now was still in his mind. For the first time, he felt terror, which was the terror from the soul.

"It's really full of flaws. If I cut down with this sword, there is no doubt that I won." At the moment when Long Xiang Jiutian fell into that terror, a blade with a black light shining on the blade hung on him. neck..

This scene was beyond everyone's imagination. This scene was what the dream players were looking forward to. It finally appeared. Yuchen really appeared!

When he appeared in front of everyone dressed in black, his black knife was actually hanging on Long Xiang Jiutian's neck, as long as he waved his hand.It seemed as if victory was within reach.

Long Xiang Jiutian trembled all over, he looked at Yu Chen in disbelief, and then his eyes returned to calm. After all, Long Xiang Jiutian is just a powerful mortal..

"I've checked, there is no one from you in the arena, how did you escape?" Long Xiang Jiutian asked coldly, still not paying attention to the threat on his neck.

"Escaped?" Yuchen was taken aback and showed a smile: "Who said I escaped?"

"I've been there all the time. I've been watching everything below, but none of you have seen it." What Yuchen said was the truth. At the speed at which he can run upright on the Tongtianzhu, no one can notice him when he walks in the air. , his speed is definitely not the fastest in the game, but it is definitely the fastest in Xuanyuan Continent.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

"Kill God, kill God!"

"Yuchen... that's great."

The appearance of Yuchen made Yihan and even all the players in the audience set off another climax, another new enthusiasm. With the end of hate, Yuchen's appearance once again kicked off the climax of this battle. prelude!

"Don't think that just because you escaped my attack, you think you can be equal to me?" Long Xiang Jiutian said coldly.

"Equal? ​​I don't think so!" Yuchen replied without fear, his expression became fierce, and he looked at Longxiang Jiutian and said coldly: "We are no longer at the same level today, it's not that you have surpassed I am too much, but, the current me has already surpassed you!"

Long Xiang Jiutian listened to Yuchen's words without saying a word, then looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, you surpassed me?"

"Hahahaha, surpass me? You're dreaming! In this world, no one can surpass me for nine days!" The players couldn't hear Long Xiang's words, but his actions were undoubtedly a ruthless provocation.

"Boss, fuck him, fuck him!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Defeat Long Xiang, defeat Long Xiang!"

The shouts have spread throughout the audience, and the real battle is still unfolding silently.

"Hey, hey, I said you don't need to kill them all like this, right? The battle between Longxiang and Yuchen has also started. Anyway, there is no time limit, why don't we fight after watching it?" An Jing has been compared to the desperate situation several times, but In the end, it was not him who died, but their side.

In the battle of the second group, only An Jing, Misty Rain, Xingzhu, Yan, Wufeng, and Xiaotian are left, and the rest have all been defeated.

"Fufu, I said you kid, why is your life so hard?" After a hard fight, Misty Rain's physical strength dropped significantly. In fact, except for Quiet, everyone was in the same condition and was already exhausted. Defeating An Jing would only injure her at best.

"How about? Let's pause first, take a break to study tactics, and watch the boss's battle by the way?" As a mage, Wufeng has the weakest health and the worst physical strength among them, otherwise this guy would have already made a big move one by one Let go of the big move.

Everyone has their own selfish intentions, only An Jing really wants to watch the battle. In fact, he has already won the duel with a certainty, but he doesn't want to miss the battle between Longxiang Jiutian and Yuchen.

"In that case, it's settled, let's watch the battle first!"

The sudden truce of the second group has attracted attention, but more people have turned their attention to the first group. The battlefield is full of a strong smell of gunpowder, and the eyes of Longxiang Jiutian and Yuchen have already burst into flames.

"Hidden Dragon, big tornado!"

"Boom boom boom boom"

A huge tornado came out from Longxiang Jiutian's neck, and Longxiang Jiutian's reaction was not slow. Countless swords and shields formed a defense, and the collision between the sword blade and the wind blade sent flames splashing all over the ring!

"Hidden Dragon Slash!"


With a buzzing sound, a huge slash took the shape of a dragon and killed Longxiang Jiutian. Is it a contest of skills first?

Seeing the galloping Long Xiang slashing, Long Xiang Jiutian shouted coldly: "The sword becomes a shield!"

"bang bang bang"

"Boom boom boom"

For a while, the entire arena was filled with the smoke of battle, and the powerful aura made people feel uncomfortable.

"Instant kill!"

"Blinking feet!"




The figures of Yuchen and Longxiang Jiutian intertwined, and the sound of swords was heard continuously. Finally, Yuchen and Longxiang Jiutian finally confronted on the ring. The battle between the two attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of viewers at the beginning. They are all watching, watching who is the winner of this battle!


After several rounds of fierce confrontation, both of them took a few steps back at the same time.

With a smile on his face, Yuchen put the black knife on his shoulder: "What? Is that all you can do?"

"I didn't use one-tenth of my strength, are you already overwhelmed?" Long Xiang Jiutian was also not to be outdone.

"In this case, the warm-up exercise is now over!"

"Exactly what I want!"

The flames of war spread in the arena, and the night under the arena was very quiet and deep, staring at the battlefield without saying a word...

"Is it just visually frightening? I really want to go in and feel what kind of pressure it is, Yuchen, let me see, how strong are you now? An Jing looked at the figures of the two and thought with anticipation in her heart..

Dragon and tiger duel, fateful battle, Yuchen finally confronted Longxiang Jiutian again, this time?Can he succeed!Become a legend to defeat the undying myth?

(The end of the third watch, ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for subscription)

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