The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 344 – The Final Battle

"Boom boom boom boom"

As the entire arena trembled, the players present couldn't help but tremble even if they were outside. On the arena full of gunpowder smoke, the air was filled with strong danger. Everyone held their breath and stared at the battlefield with wide eyes. what happens.

The entire arena was shaking violently, and the shattered dust was blown in the air by invisible fluctuations. Yuchen and Long Xiang Jiutian stared at each other. They had the same black eye sockets, but the difference was that Long Xiang Jiutian's pupils were blood red. And Yuchen has no pupils.

Yinlong Jue sensed subtle changes in the surrounding air, and this change was naturally transmitted from Long Xiang Jiutian. Long Xiang Jiutian, who had become another person, was still looking at Yuchen with a ferocious smile.

"Puff puff puff puff puff"

Flying sand and rolling stones on the ground around Longxiang Nine Heavens, the stone chips were suspended in the air as if they were attracted by gravity, hanging around Longxiang Nine Heavens, the majestic momentum spread across the entire arena in an instant.

"Use this strongest blow, I will send you to hell!" Long Xiang Jiutian shouted with a ferocious face, raised the divine sword in his hands with both hands, and the hidden radiant weapon emitted seven-colored light in an instant!

"My God.. Colorful light.. That is.. Artifact!"

"It turned out to be an artifact!"

"Longxiang Jiutian has a magic weapon, and he has a magic weapon for paralysis!" The colorful light made all the players present gasp, and they looked at the magic sword that Longxiang Jiutian held high on the ring with surprised eyes.

Not only does he have a divine tool, but he also possesses incomparable power, as well as a life experience, appearance, and talent that countless people envy and hate. However, such an almost perfect man has a dark side, which everyone cannot escape. Xiang Jiutian's is even stronger!

envy!The darkness that Longxiang Jiutian has is jealousy!

Long Xiang Jiutian would never allow anyone to surpass him, his self-esteem was extremely strong, and when this self-esteem was extremely strong, it turned into such jealousy!The same is the original sin!

"squeak squeak"

The divine sword held high by Long Xiang Jiutian reminded the whole venue of the trembling sound of weapons in the next second. People were horrified to find that their weapons were trembling, as if a strange force was about to suck their weapons away.



The sword in An Jing's hand suddenly flew out uncontrollably. It was too late to say it, and it was fast at that time. In the blink of an eye, An Jing suddenly grabbed the hilt of the purple sword. The strong suction surprised him. He fixed himself and stretched out immediately Only then did he forcefully hold the purple sword with his other hand.

The people around him were all in the same situation, and their eyes were full of horror.

"No... right?" Xing Zhu suddenly remembered something, and quickly turned his gaze to the ring, but his face changed drastically when he turned his head just now, and even turned pale, his eyes were full of shock.

The rest of the people also looked towards the arena. After a while, their expressions were almost the same as Xing Zhu's, even more so. What happened in the arena?Not only Xingzhu, Jingjing and the others were horrified, almost the entire martial arts venue players were completely shocked by the scene before them.

"Wan Jian Jue"

"Excalibur Profound Art!"

"Burning the sky and destroying the earth!"

At the moment when Long Xiang Jiutian's low voice resounded throughout the ring, everyone including Yu Chen saw a scene they would never forget. skyrim.

The body of the sword is bigger than the arena, and when you look at it at first glance, you can't see the end. No one doubts its power, and the male and female hosts on the host stage have long forgotten to introduce the competition. deeply shocked.

"Are you crazy? Do you want to destroy the entire arena and harm the innocent?" Seeing Long Xiang Jiutian risking everything for victory, Yuchen roared angrily!

If a skill of this range is released, it will undoubtedly involve millions of players behind Yuchen. Yuchen can't imagine the result of such a skill hitting the ring.

Yuchen's palms were full of cold sweat. He just considered the consequences and never dared to let go. It's a good thing that Longxiang Jiutian wants to win at all costs. Now Yuchen finally understands that this guy has fallen into madness, but he still doesn't Erase your strong self-esteem.

Bastard, cursed secretly, it is too late for Yuchen to resist this powerful skill, that is to say, is there only one way left?Yuchen took a deep look at the giant sword exuding dark red light, his expression became stern, and his complexion was unusually dignified.

Behind them is Quiet and their arena?Never mind, take a gamble!

"Crazy? Ah, I'm crazy, other people have nothing to do with me, as long as you win, die, Yu Wuchen! You will always be just an inconspicuous star, don't try to compete with the galaxy! "

"Burning the sky and destroying the earth!"

Accompanied by Long Xiang Jiutian's loud shout, the dark red giant sword was finally driven to fall. This situation immediately made countless players at a loss. The attack range of this giant sword obviously covered the safety of millions of people.

"Quiet, leave Long Xiang's attack to me, you must block my attack!" At the moment when everyone was at a loss, Yuchen suddenly soared into the air, and bursts of halos formed on his feet , he shouted to Jing Jing and the waiter.

Jing Jing and the others froze, looked at Yu Chen with puzzled eyes, and then nodded emphatically as if they understood something.

"We will use the absolutely invincible defensive skills later, and leave the rest to me! Use all the defenses!" An Jing's expression changed drastically, and he said to Yan Yu and the others solemnly, and then he looked at Bi Shuihan, his lips After squirming a few times, Bi Shuihan's face was startled, and he waved his hand. At that moment, all the elite groups from the entire Doomsday Floating Life came to the competition field.

"Let's go!" Shen Mo had already discovered that the situation was not good, and immediately came to the arena where An Jing and the others were. For a moment, people were confused by the picture in front of them?What exactly happened here?

The masters of the four major trade unions all put up a defensive posture. However, this change system did not stop it, it did not stop Long Xiang, nor did it stop the players rushing towards the ring. Instead, Yu Chen and Long Xiang Jiutian A layer of reddish defensive energy shield was applied to the arena of the battle!

"Ahhh! Go to hell!"

The dark red giant sword finally appeared in front of people's eyes, and the exaggeratedly huge slash was as frightening as the sky falling. At that moment, the players in the field finally realized that something was wrong.

Because the defense-like energy shield in the sky was cracked and shattered, until finally it could no longer stop the distance from advancing, the system issued a blood-red announcement!

"The defensive barrier of the arena has been broken, please leave the players who are in the attack range as soon as possible!"

"Ah, ah, run!"


There was commotion in the arena, millions of players scrambled to escape from the attack range of the giant sword, however, a huge black shadow had covered their figures, which meant that the attack was imminent.


People exclaimed, however, there was still one person who was within the attack position. Not only did he not run, but he stood in mid-air as if waiting for the huge slash to land.

"I will do anything to win, I still think too highly of you, Long Xiang Jiutian, as I said, there is a world of difference between us today, the weak you..." Yuchen said in the He remained motionless in mid-air, the aperture under his feet kept zooming in and out, a black windbreaker moved with the wind, and his messy black hair was blown away by the wind.

He stared at Long Xiang Jiutian with a ferocious face on the ground, Yuchen's eyes became cold, and the original purple pupils turned into pitch black and reddened in an instant, until finally the purple pupils appeared in the black eyes , Gases of three colors, purple, red, and black, began to appear around him, wrapping around his body like a flame, and spreading into the air like a weeping flower.

"I'm the weak one? Didn't you see the form in front of you clearly? My Burning Heaven and Miserable Earth is a sword-type forbidden spell! It's enough to destroy a city, and it's up to you? Let alone block this attack, how can we talk about victory?" Me?" Long Xiang Jiutian swung the divine sword vigorously, trying to make the giant sword fall faster.

Yuchen did not refute Long Xiang Jiutian, but sighed: "It seems that you have lost your heart. Just remind you, if I want to kill you, it is enough before you attack. However, I I didn't do that, I just wanted to convince you to lose!"

As Yuchen's last words came to an end, he raised the black knife in his hand, with both hands facing the blade horizontally in the air, with the palms in front of the handle and the palms behind the tip of the knife, his eyes were stern, when the dark red giant sword blocked when his body...

The change begins at that moment!

"Sleeping original sin, wake up..."

"Puff puff puff puff puff"

When a low groan sounded on the ring, countless black gaseous flames suddenly appeared in the air covered by the dark red giant sword, like flames, like monstrous giant waves, and like weird skulls constantly changing in midair , until it finally became a sea of ​​raging flames, this scene shocked people's eyeballs.

The dark red giant sword finally came before Yuchen's eyes. However, he didn't panic at all. His whole body was integrated with the black arrogance. No one noticed Yuchen's change at this time.

Black battle armor, black wings, black sword, everything is black, this is the purest power of original sin!

Raising his head suddenly, the black pupils made people shudder.

"Because of this, it is really impossible to control the power as one likes, so I can only leave it to Jing Jing." Yuchen said while slowly raising the black knife with a cold luster in his hand.

"Original sin, anger!"

"Let him see our strength!"

"Buzzing..." Heidaogui let out a sword cry, as if responding to Yuchen's words. When the dark red giant sword fell, Yuchen flew up suddenly, and even met the huge slash!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Original sin. Slashed with anger!"

A loud shout spread throughout the martial arts venue, and because the shield was broken, everyone heard this shocking roar! ! !

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