The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 345 – The God of Destruction

The dark red giant sword fell into the arena of the entire Martial Arts Association like the sky collapsed, and the area affected reached hundreds of feet. This almost covered the area of ​​more than 500 million players in the Martial Arts Association, just like the words of Long Xiang Jiutian. It is a forbidden curse of the sword system!

Its power can destroy a city. However, facing this curse-like slash, Yuchen greeted it without fear. When the people fled in panic, the players in other directions jumped out of their seats in surprise. stood up.

"what is that?"

A certain soldier's eyes widened and he stared dumbfounded at the horrific scene in midair. What happened on that ring?

Originally, the actions of Long Xiang Jiutian had shocked all the adults. They never thought that the shocking destruction scene that can only be seen in science fiction blockbusters would appear in front of their eyes. However, the fact has already happened, but they have not waited for them to recover. Come here, the black light that suddenly flashed in midair shocked their hearts again!

"That is...."


People tremblingly looked at the sky, a black ghost suspended in the sky, the burning black flames were like clothes, this black light shot straight from the sky above the ring and collided with the huge dark red slash, and the whole body immediately Skyrim is like an explosion!

Two superpowers faced each other in the air. Although the black arrogance was small, it was full of power. Although the dark red slash was huge, it lacked rear strength.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"original sin!"


"Sky Crescent!"

Changing the original sin's attack mode again, Yuchen once again added a slash like a crescent moon on the original basis, spreading from the blade to the sky and confronting the dark red slash again.


This time, the dark red light was bounced away by the black light by more than ten centimeters. This situation made the fleeing players look back and watch this earth-shattering battle again as if they had taken a tranquilizer.

"You can't defeat me in this lifetime!"


Jealousy emerged strongly, Long Xiang Jiutian looked at Yuchen with his ferocious face and blood-red pupils, and the veins on his arms were exposed. With a strong blow, the dark red slash slashed towards Yuchen even more violently.


The black soaring giant lang slash and the dark red slash are on par, evenly matched, you come and go, bang bang bang splashes like fireworks light scattered throughout the arena, Yuchen and Long Xiang Jiutian stared at each other, eyes All full of fighting spirit.

Long Xiang Jiutian's words reached Yuchen's ears, and he showed a faint smile: "You said I can't defeat you?" His eyes became sharper, and his hands increased their strength!

"What the hell are you looking at! I've... won!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Yuchen raised the black knife in his hand, and the black flame immediately spread the dark red sword. When the black completely covered the dark red giant sword, Yuchen's attack was like a wild beast being released. Grabbing towards the dragon soaring for nine days.

"squeak squeak"

When the dark red giant sword condensed by Longxiang Nine Heavens shattered, the clear cracking sound spread throughout the martial arts venue, and the players all looked at the ring in unison, their eyes flickering and full of shock.

"No...impossible, this is impossible, this is impossible!"

When Yuchen's black anger spread across the ring, and when the anger smashed Long Xiang Jiutian's giant sword and struck him with a powerful posture, Long Xiang Jiutian's blood-red eyes immediately returned to their original state, and he With a dazed face, he yelled impossible in horror.

"Boom boom boom boom"

"No... Impossible! I won't lose, I won't lose." The monstrous giant wolf's black slash ruthlessly swept across Long Xiang Jiutian's body, and the entire arena was destroyed in an instant. The anger continued unabated and rushed towards the auditorium, arriving at the second arena that was already crowded with people!

"I'll leave it to you..." After Yuchen finished speaking, he fell from mid-air, the ground cracked with a bang, and he raised his head haggardly, unable to move.

"Here we come! Everyone prepare!"

Although everyone had been prepared for a long time, when this slash like a legendary tsunami was in front of them, their hearts were still trembling uncontrollably, even though the night was very quiet, they also showed expressions of shock.

"This is still a part left over from the battle with the Lenovo Group. What if it is the slash of Quansheng? Isn't this kid too bt?" Ye very quiet and horrified thought, but now is not the time to think about it, his expression turned serious , came out with a purple sword in hand!

"Brothers, set up defenses! Go!"

"Magic Shield!"


"Fire Defense!"

"Red lotus flame array!"

"Tough tortoise shell!"

"Death is coming!"

"Great Rejuvenation Technique!"

"Great Holy Light!"


An Jing retracted his weapon, the black slash blowing his black hair, his eyes became stern, he raised his arms, when the black slash fell in front of them, countless people shouted, the night is very quiet He held his breath and shouted: "The Fury of Mo Wushen!"


Behind An Jing appeared a warrior in armor. He held a shield like a god and became the strongest defense. Everyone behind An Jing faced an angry slash, and everyone headed by An Jing resisted Yuchen with all their strength. s attack.

A powerful ray of light kept shining on the venue, and I don't know how long it took. When the ray of light gradually disappeared, white lights appeared in the arena. Thousands of people died under this huge slash, but their sacrifices In exchange for the survival of millions of people..

After this battle, huge smoke and dust rose from the two arenas. People still remember the shocking battle before with lingering fear. Suddenly they remembered something, and everyone looked at the first arena... ..

There, a gorgeous white figure had blood-stained gown, lying motionless in a pool of blood, and this person's body was that of Long Xiang Jiutian, that legendary man, that immortal myth!

And the man standing in front of him is none other than the overlord Yu Wuchen who was once so unknown until he showed his sharpness, until now he is fighting for the hegemony of the world!

His reputation has gradually spread, and people call him "God Killer!"

Now, this legend of killing gods has finally fulfilled the promise he made to the world and to himself. He defeated Long Xiang Jiutian, and he defeated the immortal myth!

Longxiang Nine Heavens has been in the online game world for five years without losing a single game. Finally, in this real-world game, he lost to a once unknown online game newcomer. After this day, the myth of Yushen Yuwuchen will spread throughout the world. Asia!

The deeds of defeating Longxiang Jiutian will remain in everyone's hearts forever. At this moment, people forgot to breathe and looked at the ring. look...

Fear, shock, loss, pain...

And in the same way, some people in the crowd wept with joy, they were Yihan, Feng Wu...

The silent meeting place was silent for a full minute, no one spoke, no one made noise, because they were still silent in the shock and joy of the immortal myth of the Dragon Soaring Nine Heavens being broken.

They still looked at the arena in disbelief, and after repeated confirmations, they finally realized that the person on the first arena at this moment was Yu Wuchen, and he was the only one standing on the arena, and Yu Wuchen was the only one standing on the arena!

The host was already scared and disappeared, and no one declared victory. However, after a minute of silence, the calm was quietly broken.


"I won't lose, I won't lose, how could I lose, how could I lose..." After the resurrection, Long Xiang Jiutian returned to his original appearance. walked out of the arena.

Long Xiang's members stood up one after another, and all walked to his side, wanting to say something comforting, but found it difficult to speak at all. They looked at Long Xiang Jiutian with complicated faces, who would have thought that the immortal myth would be It will be broken, and it will be defeated by someone whom Long Xiang Jiutian looked down upon.

I believe that no one can bear this kind of pain, right?So, they swallowed back the words in their hearts, but Long Xiang Jiutian's eyes were dull, and he kept repeating the same sentence in his mouth, and the figure of Depression slowly walked out of the venue of the competition.

His back looks bleak, his words look bleak... Long Xiang Jiutian, who was once invincible, finally suffered a feeling of defeat, his heart is so painful, so painful!

The figure of Long Xiang Jiutian gradually moved away from everyone, and Long Xiang's men and horses also took a deep look at Yuchen and then left in despair. Even if they were unwilling, even if they were angry, but even Long Xiang Jiutian lost, they What else can be done?

"President, the president won, the president won!"

"Long Xiang's immortal myth has been broken, and our boss has won!"

"Host, host, our boss won, President Wuchen won!"

The silent audience finally attracted a burst of shouts, Yuchen won, yes, Yuchen won, he broke the immortal myth of Longxiang Nine Heavens, and now the undefeated legend has finally been defeated!

Will Yuchen take his place?

When countless people excitedly ran to the arena and threw Yuchen into the sky excitedly, the dream players couldn't stop carnival and joy. Starting today, Dream will become famous, and Yuchen will also be the star of Xuanyuan Continent. No. 1!

However, is it really over?

Yuchen's expression froze suddenly in mid-air, and a halo of light swayed under his feet. He stood steadily on the spot, and the expressions of the cheering people suddenly changed. They didn't understand why the victorious Yuchen was still frowning?

He looked forward... What is there that makes Yuchen afraid?

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