The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 346 – Not Ended Yet

"Win, win!"

"Boss wins, boss wins, host, host!"

Deafening shouts came from the entire martial arts venue. Yuchen defeated Long Xiang. This shocking event in Asia was quickly spread in the major media. After all, it was broadcast live nationwide, and Yuchen's figure was covered in an instant. Asia.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, but there is no close-up of Yuchen's front.

The hostess and hostess came out from that place, their faces were pale, and they seemed to still have lingering fears about what happened before. They were stunned for a long time, and then looked at each other, took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the ring.

Amidst the cheers of everyone, Yuchen couldn't help showing a knowing smile. He swept his eyes across everyone, and finally looked at the happy women in the distance. Both Yihan and Ruoxue were cheering and waving to him. He smiled slightly and nodded, his originally serious mood finally grinned and showed his white teeth.

"cough cough"

Seeing the screams of countless beauties, the male host couldn't help coughing twice, straightened his colorful armor and straightened his hair, and his terrified expression suddenly became joyful.

"Next I announce..."

Under the gaze of everyone, the male host intentionally put on a handsome pose. He looked at the countless wide-eyed eyes with a flat face, but the host deliberately dragged out his voice without any fear. : "Next I declare..."

"The winner of this game is..."

"Huh? What's your name?" The host glanced at Yuchen contemptuously. As a big star, he naturally cares more about his popularity. He came here to host because of the influence of the game world. He Asked Yuchen with a puzzled face.

At that moment, including Yuchen, everyone's complexion sank, the venue that was cheering just now slowly became silent, the silent venue looked weird, and everyone's eyes were all on the handsome male host .

The big star still didn't know what to say, but the face of the popular beauty anchor on the side sank, because he sensed that the atmosphere around him was not right, so he quickly took the words: "The winner is Yu Wuchen, the president of Xuanyuan Continental Dream Union!"

"Let's welcome our dream conference leader Yu Wuchen with warm applause, congratulations on his successful promotion!" The beautiful host's sweet smile and kind words finally let the players in the audience breathe a sigh of relief.

"Papa, papa..." In an instant, Lei Ben's applause and blessing sounded in the silent martial arts venue, and the strong applause spread throughout the sky.

The male host still looked at Yu Chen puzzled, and made a look of sudden realization: "So his name is Yu Wuchen."

The hostess was shocked, and quickly tugged at the corner of the male host's clothes and booed, "Do you know how dangerous you were just now?"

"What? Dangerous? Piaoxiang Meimei, do you have a cold?" the male host said with a meaningless expression.

The hostess gave this guy a blank look, and she simply stopped talking. Instead, she looked at Yuchen with a smile. In this world, the man in front of her is not much different from the big stars in the real world, or even surpassed!

"Okay, let's leave!" Yuchen shouted loudly, which surprised the four major trade unions around and the nearest players, and the applause and cheers gradually became smaller.

Yuchen smiled and said to everyone: "It's just that we won Longxiang Jiutian, have you forgotten that the game is not over yet?" Yuchen looked at Ye very quiet, Yanyu and others not far ahead.

Yes, the game is not over yet!

His words made everyone suddenly realize like a bolt from the blue, yes, the competition is not over, Yuchen just defeated Long Xiang Jiutian, he is not yet the champion of the Budo Association!

For a split second, the eyes of the audience turned to the arena where Ye Jingjing and the others were. There was still an unfinished match. For a split second, Quiet, Misty Rain, Xingzhu, Yan, Wufeng, Xiaotian and others became the focus of attention.

Ye Jingjing met Yuchen's eyes, and each other's eyes were filled with the flames of fighting. Yuchen walked to the front of the ring under everyone's gaze, and grinned: "Have I said so? I will wait for you!" "

Facing the fighting spirit in Yuchen's eyes, Ye Jingjing grinned without fear at all: "You boy, it seems that you didn't try your best in the battle with Longxiang Jiutian."

"What?" Misty Rain and the others on the side paled in shock and exclaimed, such a fierce battle, such a level of battle, Yuchen didn't go all out?

Wufeng, Yan, Xingzhu.Xiaotian and the others all looked at Yuchen, their eyes were full of seeking solutions, facing everyone's doubtful eyes, Yuchen smiled lightly: "I don't know if Longxiang Jiutian is doing his best or not. , but you did try your best.”

"Of course, otherwise we wouldn't have to spend such a price to block your attack. However, that's not what I'm talking about, you know." Ye Anjing smiled lightly, Yuchen certainly tried his best in the last attack, but, What An Jing was referring to was not whether he tried his best in the final blow, but that Yuchen seemed to have many ways to defeat Long Xiang Jiutian, but he just chose the most direct method.

"Host, let's announce the continuation of the game, the battle here is not over yet~" Yu Chen said to the beautiful host on the other side.

Yuchen's smile made the hostess Piaoxiang, a beautiful woman, blushed, revealing a hint of coquettishness. This change was caught by the male host and said angrily: "We are the ones who are in charge of the competition, so it seems that there is no need for you to talk nonsense, right?"

"Male Gobi, are you the one? Don't think that you are the most popular in Asia and think that you are terrible. You are looking for death!" The dream members shouted loudly, each showing their killing intent.

Yu Chen waved his hand with a frightened expression: "Hehe, I just want to remind you." Without looking at the male host, Yu Chen walked off the stage, and turned around before he said, "Um, Brother Yanyu, if you don't give it your best effort If you don’t, you won’t be able to win against An Jing, Ah Xing, Yan, Xiao Tian. Wu Feng, don’t think about other things, it’s best to make this guy suffer a bit.”

"Huh?" Wufeng and the others showed a hint of doubt, and looked at Yuchen's immediate back thoughtfully.

"All contestants, please prepare for the next knockout match!" The male host eased his tone, but he was still full of hostility towards Yuchen.

Yuchen walked back to the special seat, and Yihan Xiaoniao leaned against him. Ruoxue saw all this in her heart, and Xuan'er was naturally free and easy, but she couldn't tell the feeling in her heart, so she went offline with an excuse.

"Aren't you going to watch the final match?" Yuchen asked suspiciously.

Xuan'er showed a charming smile: "Hehe, I believe in you, you will definitely win the championship~"

"You know me well~"


This is a private chat between Yuchen and Xuan'er. Yuchen just hung up the communication, and within a minute, Fengwu Qingcheng appeared in front of his eyes. At this time, the competition in the field had already begun!


A few strands of hair floated in the air, and the quiet figure spun a few somersaults on the ground, showing a trace of injury on his forehead. He grinned: "Hey, hey, don't be so impatient, right? A sneak attack is considered a hero?"

"If you don't sneak attack, I guess the game is over, and it will be difficult for me to hurt you. After all, after a fight, at least there must be a bragging in the future." Yan smiled lightly, and the game continued. This guy doesn't follow the card Li directly attacked An Jing, if the other party's reaction was 0.1 second slower, it is estimated that the head fell to the ground, which can be described as vicious.

"That's right! Violent Seven Slashes!" Just as Quiet's figure fell, there was a loud shout from behind him, and I saw that Xingzhu had circled behind him at some point, and swung the most powerful No one can take this powerful blow!

"Damn it." An Jing finally understood that this group of people seemed to be sincerely united and wanted to kill him.

"I'll dodge!" An Jing thought, I can't afford to offend, can I hide?

"Want to leave? Leave your life alone, and my brother will spare you!"

"Dragon Binding!"


A dragon chant, followed by Misty Rain's teasing sound, An Jing suddenly felt bad, and his heart sank. Sure enough, the dragon shadow surrounded his body, and he was restrained for five seconds.

"Swordsman Profound Truth!"

"Sword Dance World!"

In that flash, Xiaotian launched the powerful swordsman's profound art that had already been prepared, and swung an incomparably powerful slash at An Jing.

"Not good!" An Jing exclaimed, this time a strong sense of crisis finally flashed in his eyes!


In the cloud of smoke and dust, as Xiaotian's slash ended, Jingjing was also covered on the dusty ring. At that moment, the players in the audience finally walked away from the shock of Yuchen vs. Longxiang Jiutian Come out and watch this disparate game quietly!

The night is very quiet vs. Misty Rain, Long Xiaotian, Yan, Xingzhu, Wufeng!


"Well, you go." Yihan showed a faint smile, Yuchen stroked the beautiful girl's hair and said softly: "Well, I'll be back soon."

Yuchen got up, walked to Fengwu Qingcheng who was less than ten meters away, and said straight to the point: "What do you want me to do??"

Feng Wu Qingcheng blushed and lowered her head, and nodded softly, Yuchen was not used to this little girl's delicate attitude.

"What do you want to say?" Yuchen didn't realize that they had already become the focus of some attention, but Feng Wu Qingcheng was careful: "There are too many people here."

Yuchen seemed a little impatient, and the two of them came to a remote corner: "Let's talk about it now."

Feng Wu Qingcheng was silent, Yuchen was very impatient, finally Feng Wu Qingcheng raised his head after a long time, and said to him with twinkling eyes: "Thank you."

Yuchen was taken aback for a moment, and then returned to normal: "There is nothing to thank, I'm not helping you, I'm just fulfilling the oath I made to myself..."

Before Yuchen could finish his words, the next second there was a fragrance from his lips, and a warm mouth met his lips, leaving instantly like a dragonfly on water. All that was left of him was a beautiful but sad back....

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