The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 347 – The Name of the Valkyrie

"Yuchen, what's the matter with you?"

When Yuchen returned to the auditorium, he was still in a daze, and the cheers around him seemed to have nothing to do with him. Until now, he still recalled the scene that happened at the previous moment in his mind, and the fragrance of fragrant lips still seemed to remain on his lips. .

It wasn't until Yihan's voice sounded in his ears that Yuchen suddenly came back to his senses, and he grinned: "It's nothing~"

"It's really nothing?" Yihan showed a bright smile like a little devil. This smile made Yuchen feel a little guilty, but after thinking about it, he was the victim, so he straightened his chest: "It's really nothing."

"Oh~" Yihan didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and returned to his seat, chatting and laughing with Ruoxue as they watched the competition ring.

"What?" Mo Shen walked to Yu Chen's side quietly, even if Yu Chen kept the secret from a few women, it was impossible to escape Mo Mo's eyes, seeing Yu Chen's eyes flickering, and a silly smile on his face, he knew that there was a relationship between Feng Wu Qingcheng and Feng Wu just now. Something must have happened.

"It's nothing." Yuchen shrugged his shoulders to indicate that it's okay, and silently looked at Yuchen with a smirk on his face. That smile was what made Yuchen really guilty. He simply turned his eyes and looked at the ring.

"If there is no miracle in this match, An Jing will definitely win, and then it will be the duel between the two of you." Shen Mo murmured next to him.

Yuchen's eyes were also looking at the ring at this time, and after a while, he showed a look of shock.

"Uncle Yanyu died?" Yuchen was shocked, how long has he been away?In the blink of an eye, Misty Rain, the most powerful attacker in the field, had disappeared from the stage, which was really surprising.

"Kill the strongest one, Ye is very quiet and not stupid, how could it leave hidden dangers." Shen Mo nodded.

"Oh." Yuchen didn't answer, because as Shen Mo said, this game night is very quiet and won, there is no one in the field who can suppress him, the strongest Yan Yu is dead, Yan, Xingzhu, Xiaotian , although the Wufeng four are strong, they can't suppress the quietness that is easy to do.

On the other hand, the four of them were out of breath. Although their expressions were determined, it was only a matter of time before they lost.


The four people in the arena kept panting, and they still recalled the previous scene in their minds. With such a powerful teamwork, Ye Quiet not only successfully broke through their encirclement, but even killed Misty Rain.

However, what shocked the four of them even more was that Ye Jingjing's complexion did not change at this moment, and even his breathing was as steady as before. It seemed that this fierce battle had no effect on him.

"What the hell, is this guy a human? There's no tendency for his stamina to decline at all?" As free mode fighters, they all know that a lot of stamina will be lost after a long battle or the consumption of powerful skills.

Xingzhu, Yan, Wufeng, and Xiaotian lined up in a line, and no one made a rash move. They looked at Ye Jingjing in front of them vigilantly, but Jing Jing didn't move. He stared at the four of them with an intriguing smile. .

"If this continues, even if he doesn't fight, he will consume us to death. We must find a breakthrough." The four of Xingzhu said in a low voice. No matter what the result is, they have already become famous in this game, because they are already The top eight players in China.

Although it doesn't really deserve its name, because many masters such as Shi Qing Hao Zhan, He Tian, ​​Mo Mo and others have encountered strong enemies in the knockout rounds, and Shi Qing Hao Zhan has also been killed by Jing Jing in the competition.

"My physical strength is already exhausted. With the final blow, I need to cover!" Wufeng looked dignified, panting heavily, and his complexion was a little pale. Idol.

The other three nodded heavily. They didn't expect to win the championship. If they can successfully kill An Jing, it will save Yuchen the next battle. Whoever wins among them just needs to admit defeat.

However, how could An Jing not understand their thoughts?Even so, he didn't panic, facing the four strong opponents, he still smiled relaxedly.


"Walk in the wind!"

"whoosh whoosh"

"Flying Wings!" Xiaotian and Yan, as the fastest melee fighters, rushed out immediately, and at this moment, Xingzhu ran to the other side with very obvious intentions. The three of them formed a triangle shape to try to stop or Kill night is quiet.

Only Xin Wufeng stood motionless on the stage, letting the strong wind around him blow away his mage robe. He looked solemnly at Ye Jingjing, when Xingzhu, Yan and Xiaotian attacked At that moment, his expression froze, and he put his hands on the ground.


Exhale and take a deep breath: "The truth of Dharma God, the testimony of heaven and earth, darkness and light, wind and thunder, water, fire, earth and wood, in the name of the Five Elements Master, I ask Dharma God to give me strength..."

When Xin Wufeng chanted a long incantation in the arena, the players watching the battle held their breath again and stared at the battlefield on the ring, especially those mage players who were all excited.

"This guy..." An Jing is very clear about the threat of the mage in front of him. Even the magic without chanting is enough to make people feel frightened. At this moment, he actually chanted a super long magic, which means that the level and attack will be higher. It has been improved several times.

"No, we have to stop him!" People still remember the scene where Thunder God lost to Xin Wufeng, it was completely bruised, very cruel and domineering, and Xin Wufeng at that time was in exactly the same posture as now, however, at that time he There was no singing, but this time they were singing magic. They all knew very well what it meant!

This is the real super magic power!

"The blade spins!"

"Sword flashes and thunder!"

Yan and Xiaotian attacked An Jing from left to right, and behind An Jing was Xing Zhu who was ready to strike. The sword in his hand was condensing a dark gray light at this moment, which was the ultimate meaning of a violent blow.

Jing Jing's eyes were stern, and when two powerful slashes flew towards him, under the gaze of the people, Jing Jing's purple sword swung out, immediately blocked the blade from spinning, facing the coming sword flash and thunder, he let out a cry He drank loudly, stepped hard, and actually rose into the air!

"It's now!" Xingzhu behind him shouted loudly. The moment Jing Jing flew to the sky, his saber fell to the ground and galloped away, leaving long sword marks and fierce flames on the ground.

"Rage Mysteries!"

"Slash and destroy the sky!"

"It's now!" However, they didn't know that the three of them said quietly. He deliberately exposed this loophole and sought a chance to kill him. Red wings.

A burst of flames boiled, and quietly shouted: "The flames burn the sky!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"


Accompanied by an ear-piercing roar, all the players looked at the fiery red wings behind An Jing in disbelief, the flames spread across the three of them in an instant, and An Jing flew into the sky, his goal was Xin Wu Feng!

"It's not good!" The chanting cannot be interrupted, otherwise it will start all over again, and the time to finish is only ten seconds away. Wufeng warned himself not to be nervous, but to be calm and calm. He continued to sing magic, but Quiet In just a second, he had already arrived in front of him.

"This game is over..." Quiet raised the purple sword, unless Wufeng gave up magic to dodge, then it would also be the moment of their defeat, so Wufeng did not give up, trying to make a final struggle.

However, at the moment when the quiet purple sword stabbed at his heart, at the moment when Wufeng closed his eyes and was thinking whether to dodge, a loud shout came from the sea of ​​flames!

"Frenzy Armor!"

"Boom boom boom boom~"

The figure running out of the sea of ​​flames blocked the purple sword at the last moment. When the purple sword pierced through Xingzhu's chest, a huge figure floated above his head!

"Absolute defense? But it's over!" The violent armor resisted the sea of ​​flames. When Xingzhu successfully blocked the attack with the only speed-boosting skill, his absolute defense also failed..

"Hey, it's not over yet~" When An Jing was about to pull out the purple sword, she was horrified to find that Xing Zhu was holding the sword with her bare hands, blood was flowing from her hands, and a trace of surprise flashed in Jing Jing's eyes. color.

"Wufeng, go!" Xingzhu yelled, the body finally glowed white, at that moment An Jing's expression trembled: "Not good! It's terrible!"

"In my name, awaken the power of the Fashen!"

"Five Elements Profound Truth Forbidden Technique!"

"Smelting fire, freezing sky, thunder calamity, wind death, land collapse!" The power of the five elements of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth immediately spread across the entire arena, and when An Jing found out, everyone including Wufeng was covered by these five elements In the light!

"Hey hey hey hey, we won this game!" In a sea of ​​flames, Wu Feng grinned and said to Jing Jing that the body was harvested by wind blades in the ice and snow, and covered by divine thunder. are the targets of attack.

There was a trace of horror in Jing Jing's eyes, and in the next second amidst Wufeng's laughter, the whole venue seemed to be overturned, flames, ice and snow, sky thunder, landslides, and wind blades spread across the entire arena.

In an instant, a huge cloud of dust kicked up the entire arena, drowning and swallowing everything, and the powerful roar made everyone tremble with fear and shock!

"It seems that we overestimated An Jing, so how do we count?" With such a powerful force, Mo Mo concluded that An Jing could no longer survive, could he survive the forbidden technique?Unless that guy is no longer human!

"Win or lose is still unknown." However, Yuchen looked at the ring sternly, even though Wufeng's forbidden technique was so powerful, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, if An Jing lost like this?Then he should consider taking off his title of Valkyrie!

When the dust all over the sky scattered away in the anticipation of everyone, people held their breath and stared at the ring with their eyes wide open.

"It seems that the outcome has been decided." Under the Yinlong Jue, Yuchen closed his eyes and opened them.

Silently, he looked at the ring, and his eyes became startled in an instant, "That's..."

On the arena, Jing Jing's armor was broken, and even the weapon in his hand was wiped out. However, just like that, he did not die. Behind him was a purple-black warrior whose arms and feet had been destroyed by forbidden techniques, but Even so, it still surrounded his whole body!

Facing everyone, Ye Jingjing raised her head and grinned at Yuchen with an excited smile!

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