The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 362 – Vein Gate VS Eight Gate

"Is it finally going to be a showdown?"

"Look carefully at this battle, it will spread in the online game world."

"come on! Come on!"

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The arena filled with flames of war, the enthusiasm of the players below the arena was as high as a scorching sun. They kept cheering and shouting, encouraging the final duel on the arena. Since the war, the two will finally use their strongest strength to confront each other. !

Monster!What kind of terrifying power does this legendary profession possess?

"Second Pulse Gate!"


There are two rippling apertures on the chest and back that oscillate non-stop. This is Yuchen's second meridian technique. Even in the face of Long Xiang Jiutian, he did not fully exert the power of the meridian gate, but used the original sin Power beats it.

However, this competition is different. What Yuchen wants is a duel of the power of monsters. Every monster has magical power, and his is the most special. At the same time, he also wants to know what kind of power the quiet human monster has the power of!

Two veins were opened, and the gorgeous halo on the chest behind him was displayed in front of people's eyes at close range this time, and it was continuous. Yuchen used such a skill before and it was interrupted instantly!

"what is that?"

"Wow, so beautiful, so beautiful,"

All kinds of voices rang out in the venue. Yuchen's veins at the moment, the texture of the aperture circle kept oscillating and shrinking wave after wave. The bright blue light was as beautiful as the stars in the night sky, which attracted countless beauties to exclaim .


There was a strong wind in the arena, and Yuchen's expression became serious. He could persist for half an hour in the second pulse gate. This is the result of a month's training. The night was very quiet, Yuchen smiled coldly: "Let me see your strength!"


A blue halo suddenly appeared under Yuchen's feet, his body turned into an afterimage and appeared in the sky above An Jing, and the black knife pointed at An Jing's head as if cutting through the air!

Seeing this, An Jing's expression froze, and he hurriedly set up his sharp sword to defend. A crisp weapon sound resounded throughout the audience, and there was a bang on the ground where An Jing was, and the entire arena sank.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

Yuchen waved the black knife in the air, and the knife collided with Quiet's weapon several times in a row. The powerful force directly caused Quiet's body to retreat continuously until Yuchen knocked him away more than ten meters away!


An Jing pierced the weapon in his hand into the ground, leaving a sword mark and stopped his pace. A burst of flying sand was scattered on the ground, and his body stopped slowly. Just as he raised his head, an afterimage appeared behind him in the next second.

Jing Jing hurriedly turned around, but it was too late, a burst of blue light rippling, accompanied by a sword cry, Jing Jing was sent flying to the other side of the ring by Yuchen again.


Quietly and sternly, he raised his head, stared at Yuchen in front of him, and finally smiled!

"So impatient? Let me show you, my strength!" Ye Youjing's defensive posture suddenly relaxed, and he stood loosely in place, but his gaze became extremely fierce.


The surrounding air began to fluctuate, the stone chips on the ground rose and suspended in the air, the quiet black hair flew with the wind, and the clothes inside the plate armor also fluttered, and the surrounding aura changed dramatically in an instant!

Feeling the changes in the field, Yuchen looked at Jing Jing with excitement and solemnity. What is the ability of the human monster?Soon he will find out.

The players outside the arena also quietly felt that a super-powerful battle was about to erupt in the arena. They held their breath and quietly looked at the two figures on the ring. All the masters knew that the real battle was about to begin up.

Gathering up his momentum, An Jing crossed his hands in front of his chest and stepped out of the horse stance. His expression was awe-inspiring and his eyes were extremely sharp. Gradually, a layer of reddish luster appeared on his body. As this luster became more and more obvious, his next step In a second, his body was enveloped by the entire red light.

Originally, people thought that the red light would be released, but then all the red light disappeared as if absorbed by Ye Quietly...

Even Yuchen showed a hint of surprise at this weird change, what's going on?

Jing Jing grinned, drew out the weapon behind him and pointed at Yu Chen: "Get ready, I'm going!"

"Eight Gates Dunjia!"

"The first door!"

"Open! Open!"

Accompanied by Jing Jing's loud shout, Yuchen trembled all over, his pupils closed suddenly, and the next second Quiet's body disappeared in place, and a swirling dust rose from the original position!


When the quiet figure appeared in front of Yuchen, people couldn't help exclaiming, the speed was so fast that people couldn't see it at all!

"So fast!" When seeing An Jing appearing in front of him, Yuchen couldn't help but think in horror that even he didn't see how An Jing moved just now. At that time, Yuchen was shocked again!

Angrily rushing off, An Jing's skin has turned light red. This red light makes people shudder. It is just this moment of loss of consciousness, but the blood-red sword blade in An Jing's hand has come to Yuchen in an instant.

And cut it down without hesitation...

At that critical moment, the black knife in Yuchen's right hand moved involuntarily. When the red blade touched Yuchen's body, the black knife wiped out a burst of intense fire on the ground and swung upwards!


When the two god-level weapons collided, the dull collision sound resounded throughout the arena, and the reverberating sound of the confrontation was exciting, soul-stirring, and frightening.


There was a quiet shout, and powerful force was continuously poured into the sharp sword. Yuchen, who blocked the blow, showed a look of shock.


Suddenly, a huge broken mark appeared on the ground where Yuchen was. With An Jing's continuous force, cracks spread under his feet like an earthquake in an instant, and there was a bang, and the entire arena where they were duel was shaken. Sink!

"crackling bang"

The cracks in the arena continued to spread, and half of the position was destroyed by Quiet's blow. On the dusty arena, the black knife in Yuchen's hand was falling slowly, and the sharp sword had already killed up to his neck.

"Such..amazing.power..." Even Yuchen couldn't help saying in admiration, such a strong sense of oppression and strength actually made Yuchen a little struggling.

The same An Jing was also shocked. The reason why he was unwilling to use the power of the eight-door shield armor was actually that it would cause too much damage to himself. This month he had undergone brutal training before he could use it. However, he Yuchen blocked the full blow when opening the door. How much power does this guy hide?

The fluctuating frequency of the two pulse gates behind Yuchen became violent, and the veins on Jing Jing's skin were also exposed, unable to attack for a long time, Jing Jing gritted her teeth and shouted: "Shut the door! Open!"

Another burst of blood-red light spread from under the body to the head, until finally all the powerful force was poured into the sharp sword, and the blade and the blade touched the extremely fierce flames, splashing all over the ring.

"Dunjia. Lotus Blossom Blade!"

"Puff puff puff"

A layer of intense fiery red light instantly spread over Quiet's weapon, and the sword body was covered with flames. As soon as his eyes changed, Quiet shouted in midair, and the originally cracked ground sank deep again. Yuchen The whole person disappeared on the ground!


"Boom boom boom boom"

A huge bang resounded through the entire arena. Such a large-scale lethality has already caused countless players to exclaim. They stared at the arena intently, and a burst of gunpowder smoke spread across the entire arena.

And the male and female hosts have long been dumbfounded, hiding far away, not even daring to set foot on the ring.


The quiet figure retreated, took a few breaths, and looked solemnly at the attack site, where a huge pothole had already appeared, and the surrounding area was full of fracture marks.

"Is it over?" People couldn't help guessing.

However, there was only An Jing with a dignified face, and looked at the direction of the deeply sunken ring indifferently and sneered: "Come out, if you can't stop an attack of this level, you won't be God-killing Rain Wuchen!"

"Crack, snap!"


Sure enough, as Quiet's voice fell, a black shadow flew out of the pothole, two blue lights flickered in the sky, and Yuchen's figure appeared in front of people's eyes in the next second.

Yuchen was covered in smudges, even his black clothes were completely destroyed, his black hair was disheveled, moving with the wind, the black knife in his hand was shining coldly, looking at the quiet night, Yuchen bared his teeth and smiled full of excitement The tone said: "You don't only have this ability, do you? If it's just like this, then I will end the battle!"

"Hey, you don't think I only have this little strength, do you? In order to defeat you, I tried my best!"

"The third door!" An Jing yelled loudly, and the breath on the ground flowed more violently. Not only that, but countless smoke and dust were blown up by the powerful airflow around her, and An Jing's body also experienced strange changes again.

"Third door, hurt door...!"

"Boom boom boom boom"

A beam of fiery red light surrounded his body, and his angry hair rose with the wind, and a huge sense of oppression spread across the venue. At that moment, the hostesses and hostess who were closest to him fainted for a moment, and even the weak players outside the venue fainted. Can't resist this ferocious momentum.

The strong wind blew Yuchen's black clothes, and his black hair fluttered with the wind. Looking at the tranquility surrounded by blood-red beams of light, Yuchen's expression suddenly changed and he said in a low voice: "The third pulse gate... ..”

"Open! (Open!)"

At the same time, there was a loud shout in the field, and Yuchen and Anjing once again showed the power that horrified countless people!

Looking at Yuchen on the ring with twinkling eyes in the setting sun, he shuddered and couldn't help but muttered: "I still underestimate you, but I have to advance the plan, you are too strong..."

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