"Hurt the door!"

"The third pulse door!"

"Open! (Open!)"

As Yuchen and An Jing shouted at the same time on the ring, the players outside the arena were already shocked, and everyone already thought that the battle between the two had used all their strength.

Some even thought it was a fluke that Yuchen was able to defeat Longxiang Jiutian, but in the battle with Quiet, people saw Yuchen's strength, and the strength of the man who can shatter the myth is beyond doubt.

But now, the battle between Yuchen and An Jing once again caught the attention of countless people. When people thought they were the strongest in the fight, the performance of the two made everyone speechless. They even hid their powerful power!

"Whether it's quiet or clean, no matter who wins this battle, they will resound throughout Xuanyuan Continent!" The horrifying scene in front of him made Shen Mo tremble and mutter to himself...

No one refuted the words of silence, because they were equally astonished in their hearts, staring at the ring where everyone was eager to stand, because that was the passage leading to the championship, where the two figures fought for the final championship.


Three shocks sounded, and there was another pulse gate behind Yuchen again. At this moment, there were two veins behind him and one in front of his chest already had the power of three veins.The current appearance can't help but remind people of Yichen's state when he opened the pulse gate for the first time, which is exactly the same as Yuchen's in front of him.

The three veins mean that all attributes of Yuchen will be raised to an appalling level, and only he himself can feel the powerful force gushing out of his body.

"Is this the third pulse gate?" Feeling the changes in his body, Yuchen's hair rushed to his crown, his black clothes danced with the wind, light blue light enveloped his whole body, and the veins on his chest behind him fluctuated continuously. Shrinking and expanding..

"The third door, the injury door, is really extraordinary. However, I don't seem to be able to hold on for much time. Do I have to decide the winner within these 5 minutes?" Blood red skin, crowned black hair, the night is very quiet Staring at Yuchen thought calmly.

"Is there only 5 minutes? It looks like it's time for a showdown." Although the power of the third pulse gate is extremely powerful, Yuchen can't hold on for too long due to his own oppression. According to his own estimation, They have less than 5 minutes to fight to the death!

Yuchen stared at An Jing, and couldn't help but smiled: "What? Are you learning monkey ass? The red is so bright..."

"Isn't it better than you playing tricks?" Jing Jing fought back without hesitation, with a smile on his mouth, but his eyes were full of extremely strong fighting spirit!

"Does a broken fortune teller dare to say me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, one move will determine the outcome!" An Jing's expression froze, holding his sword in front of him, he was very aware of his own strength, and at the same time, he also understood Yuchen's strength even more. If they really wanted to fight seriously, the two of them might It is difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time.

"Hmph, are you still afraid that you won't succeed?" Yuchen looked awe-inspiring, holding the black knife on his shoulder, but the solemnity revealed in those relaxed words could not be concealed.

The two held their breath, staring at each other, suddenly they made the same movement, took a few steps back, and came to the edge of the ring three or four meters away, took a deep breath, and the surrounding atmosphere fluctuated again.

Facing Jing Jing and Yuchen's actions, the players outside the field were very puzzled. What are they going to do?

Silence, Misty Rain, Hate the Sky, Shiqinghaozhan, the top masters in Xuanyuan Continent, looked at the ring with solemn faces. Yuchen's actions made them frown for a week, and then they suddenly realized.

"That's how it is." Silence murmured.

"Brother Silence, what are they doing?" Babao and the others asked with a puzzled expression and stopped being silent.

No longer silent, he took a breath and said, "They plan to decide the outcome with one strike!"

"What? One blow?" Hearing, Mengmeng, Doomsday Floating Life and other major guild members were also shocked. They were planning to watch an earth-shattering duel, but the two on the field decided to decide the winner with one blow?

If this is a little careless, it means defeat!

"Among masters, one blow is enough." Hentian still had a dead face and a cold tone, as if everyone owed him 500 million, but what is surprising is that none of the dream players rejected him. , Of course, there is no enthusiasm for him.

Looking at the quiet night on the opposite side, Yuchen fell into deep thought. Although it was a fatal blow, the third pulse gate would not last long. However, Yuchen did not guarantee that one blow could accurately hit the opponent.

Taking a deep breath, he sighed again: "Sure enough, do you still want to use it?" Looking at the black knife in his hand, Yuchen murmured, since it was a duel between monsters, he didn't want to use the power of original sin, But since it is a battle, accidents are inevitable.

Believe me, the night is quiet as well!

Sure enough, when Yuchen was about to use the power of original sin, the sharp sword in Jing Jing's hand was already a blood red, it was not the eight-door shield armor, his shield armor technique was reflected on the body, not on the weapon, This means that Ye Quiet is also using the power of the spiritual weapon!

"Puff puff puff"

"Puff puff puff"

Almost at the moment when they looked at each other, different lights emerged from their bodies at the same time. Yuchen was surrounded by a sea of ​​black flames, and behind him were still the terrifying black fireworks and the terrifying skull flames.



After a buzzing sound and a sound like flapping wings resounded through the ring, the red flames behind Quiet turned into a giant flaming bird. Looking closely, it turned out to be the legendary Fire Phoenix.

A huge fire phoenix appeared behind Ye Quiet, constantly instigating his fiery red wings, surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, so far, the entire arena has changed drastically, half of it is dark, and usually it is flames.

Just like the two equal worlds of darkness and light, it is amazing.

"original sin."


Staring at each other, there was a final determination in the eyes. The black flame on the black knife covered the blade, and the light of the raging fire was also on the sword of the sharp sword. Ripples fluctuate.

It was the moment when the strong wind blew, An Jing and Yuchen in the field started at the same time!



The black knife and the red sword fell to the ground, An Jing and Yuchen ran towards each other, the weapons splashed fiercely on the ground, two flame-like rays of light began to spread to the entire arena, and the sound of creaking and creaking continued to resound through the arena !

"Burn it, Lie Yan Huo Feng!"

"Wake up! The anger of original sin!"

Accompanied by the place names of Yuchen and Anjing, the two weapons seem to be full of spirituality, a huge flaming skull, and a flaming fire bird facing each other above the arena, and under the arena, Yuchen and Anjing are also on the same platform Clash of places!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

As the shouts of the two resounded throughout the arena, Yuchen and An Jing raised their weapons at the same time, and with the blessing of the pulse gate and shield armor, the strongest of the two monster professions, which were already extremely powerful, launched A stunning blow!

Who is the number one Xuanyuan?

"Indignation Purgatory Slash" Yuchen shouted loudly, and the black sword suddenly confronted the red sword!Make a fierce collision sound!

"Blazing Flame Demon Attack!" An Jing didn't show any weakness, and met the huge black slash head-on.

The moment they met, a burst of intense light erupted from the weapon. When the two huge slashes faced each other, there was a bang, and there was a huge tremor in the atmosphere, as if the air had been cut by the slash. Just like driving, the sky of the entire arena was filled with muddy black and red rays of light.

At that moment, the arena was instantly submerged by the slash, but Yuchen and Jing Jing's shouts continued to come, and the energy of the slash was scattered away, making the powerful protective layer tremble.

Upon seeing this, some terrified players had already fled in all directions.

"crack crackle"

Sure enough, the two powerful forces faced each other, causing the three layers of defense in the arena to instantly rupture one layer, impacting the second layer, and impacting the third layer!

"bang bang bang bang bang"

The moment it hit the third floor, the brilliance of the system illuminated the entire venue again, and a layer of golden enchantment enveloped the arena covered in black and red light, and the powerful impact stopped quietly.

"Boom boom boom boom"

At the moment when people were exclaiming, a huge explosion resounded through the audience, people's attention was once again concentrated on the field, a cloud of gunpowder smoke rose, dust was flying all over the sky, and red and black rays of light flowed in the sky like a cyclone Scurry around until it disappears into the sky.

"What a powerful aftermath..." People were not surprised and sighed.

Mo Mo stared at the ring deeply, what was the result?The eyes of the players all looked at the four big screens in the sky, and some looked at the ring, not wanting to let go of any trouble.


"bang bang bang bang"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang"

Just at the moment when people thought the battle was over, a huge slashing light and ripples flew out from the smoky arena again.


An afterimage suddenly flew into the sky, and people saw a pair of fiery red wings appearing in front of their eyes. When Ye Quiet appeared in the sky in a mess, his armor was broken, his hair was disheveled, and he looked in a mess. .


Another figure flew out, with a cyan halo under his feet, and Yuchen's situation was the same, with smudges all over his body, conspicuous, and they all suffered huge injuries.


The two men shouted, and once again slashed at each other, the collision of sword and fire, completely ignoring all skills, the battle of swordsmanship, constantly slashing at each other's bodies, blood light scattered the sky.



"Puff puff puff puff..." Yuchen's last strength was condensed on the black knife, and the pulse gate aperture behind him was almost disappearing. The quiet situation was also not optimistic, and the skin was returning to its original color.

"Not good." An Jing with one eye closed looked at Yu Chen with difficulty. When he waved out his anger again, that powerful black aura spread throughout the air, and the domineering slash was merciless. Killing towards Quiet!

"Instant block!"


In the nick of time, An Jing used an instant block to defend, and he succeeded. Such a move undoubtedly made everyone terrified.

People just breathed a sigh of relief, but Quiet in the sky flew down because of resisting the powerful slashing power, and there was a burst of dust on the ground, Quiet's body continued to be attacked by Yuchen's anger unabated. !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Yuchen continued to release the only power he had, quietly gritting his teeth to block, refusing to let anyone else. However, at this moment, the players outside the field were constantly Shout out.

However, the silence in the arena could no longer be heard, he could only feel people's expressions of excitement and anxiety.

Just when he retreated again and again, feeling the ground suddenly felt like stepping into the air, he turned his head suddenly, his expression trembled, and he froze in place, his eyes flashed with incomparable surprise... ...

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