The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 365 – The Artifact

"Wahahahaha, golden weapons, developed..."

"Fuck me, why didn't I—"

"envy, jealousy, hate!"

When the top [-] players drew their own weapons, the scene was gorgeous, and all kinds of bitter expressions appeared in front of people's eyes, yes, the gold equipment, Nima made the top [-] players hurt heart...

"Nimma level [-] gold equipment, how embarrassing is it!" A top [-] contestant raised his head to the sky and shouted, holding a level [-] golden warhammer in pain.

"Your sister! Labor-management level [-] golden sword, dare you not be so cheating!" Another player immediately complained.

"Get wet for me, isn't it miserable? Look at Laozi's golden crotch pants and you will know that it is hard work!" When Babao took out a golden boxer and appeared in front of people, then For a moment, the players in the audience were silent...


"Ha ha ha ha"

After staring wide-eyed and small-eyed, the entire venue burst into laughter, but Babao was already squatting in the corner, drawing circles, and kept muttering: "Lao-management has added three layers of defense, take-out The super open crotch pants with absolutely invincible skills, wearing them is superman, what a joke..."

Of course, people didn't hear this sentence...otherwise they would have dismantled the eight treasures.

"Ding Dong, the top 32 players are invited to draw a lottery. The rules of the lottery are: randomly draw a gold equipment with a probability of 70.00%, and randomly draw a legendary ghost weapon with a probability of 30.00%. The rules for redeeming rewards are: professional green suits"

The rewards for the top 32 are obviously more generous. Not only do they have two chances to draw, but they can also get a green set of their own profession if they give up the chance to draw the lottery.

Gold, everyone has seen it, it hurts to take it seriously, there is a 70.00% chance that all the top 10 players will be drawn, of course, ranging from level [-] to level [-], this is like gambling, and the psychological endurance is poor Maybe he died suddenly in the game.

And the 30.00% chance of ghost equipment is naturally carefully prepared for the top 32 players, but the 30.00% chance of playing is just a heartbeat. Sure enough, the official is shameless and obscene.

Although the green suit is good, if you draw a ghost weapon, you will be developed. Of course, if it is a red suit, they don't have to worry about it. They take the red suit home and have fun secretly, and there will still be here Tangled?

The top ten players are already drooling gorgeously, but Yuchen, An Jing, and Wufeng are naturally caught in a long wait. The finale is the finale, and their gifts are said to be at the end!

Soon, the top 32 contestants took their gifts and happily stepped off the stage. The expressions on their faces were no less exciting than those of the top [-] contestants. If there was a mental hospital, they might send a few of them to it.

"Next, let's invite the top ten contestants to choose gifts!"

In an instant, seven people, Heantian, Xiaotian, Wulei, Wuxin, Xingzhu, Yan, and Shenwei Tianxia walked into the awarding platform. At a glance, except for Shenwei, the president of the pantheon, everyone else was unexpectedly Dream player!

Not only that, in all these top [-] battles, dream players have become the focus of attention. After all, more than half of the players are dreams!

"Damn, if the people on my side hadn't met you as a BT, it wouldn't have made your dreams come out in the limelight." Quiet pouted dissatisfiedly and said that all the masters under him had met BT-level players. Player, the journey is smooth sailing, especially the one beside him.

"You're smiling, it's you, shit, I knew I'd be the first to end you, and let you stand here in a rag." Quiet and contemptuously glanced at Xin Wufeng, who kept blowing kisses to the beauties. , Maybe this guy has been secretly chatting with countless beauties, and after the preparation is over, he will chat with that beauty about life and the like.

Wufeng glanced at An Jing shamelessly, and continued to blow kisses to the beauties in the venue. I have to say, this guy has good eyesight, and there are always one or two beauties in the direction he takes his fancy.

"Envy, envy, hate..." Yuchen said nonchalantly..

"Damn, believe it or not, I'll cut you off now, so that you will be shocked!" An Jing glared at Yu Chen angrily.

"Do it, come here, whoever is afraid of being a son of a bitch!" Yu Chen and Jing Jing started to fight again, from swearing to fighting, fist to fist, black lines were drawn on the heads of countless people watching.

"Who is this guy? I don't know..." Shen Mo pulled the black line on his head, looked at Yu Chen helplessly, and said that he didn't know him, and the dream cadres also shook their heads collectively when they saw this, saying that they were all with Yu Chen No relationship.

"I don't know that guy either..." Lei Shen and the others expressed that they didn't know An Jing. Facing such two troublesome presidents, as partners, they really felt that Ya Li was very big.

"Next, we invite our third runner-up, Xin Wufeng, to come on stage to accept the award!" A charming girl's voice sounded, and the hostess Piaoxiang said with a smile.

"Huh?" At that moment, Wufeng, who was originally playing cool, thought to himself when he heard the award: "Oh, mine, it's finally mine." This guy came onto the stage with a flash, stopped his chest and looked forward.

"First of all, I would like to thank the party, thank CCTV, thank my parents, thank everyone I love and everyone who loves me. I feel extremely honored and happy to stand on this podium. I feel that I am Like being enveloped by countless beauties, oh, not countless lights, to be able to achieve what I am today, I must first thank my mother, if it weren't for the great mother, there would be no..." Omitted Ten thousand words.

"Ahem, thank you Wufeng for your wonderful speech. Next, please go to the podium to receive your prize." Finally, even Piaoxiang Meimei couldn't bear the shameless bastard Xin Wufeng interrupted him endless speeches...

"This person has nothing to do with me." Yuchen quickly separated the relationship to show his innocence.

"Hey, beauty, how do you know my name is Xie Wufeng? Could it be that you are my tablemate who has been secretly in love with me for many years?" Wufeng looked at Piaoxiang beauty with surprise.Immediately, countless black lines pulled down from the top of the beautiful host's head.

"I'm mowing the grass!" Finally, Yuchen couldn't bear it any longer. Shunbu came to his side, kicked his chrysanthemum fiercely, and kicked it to the podium. He finally knew The god horse is called invincible in the world, the tree without skin will surely die, and the man without skin is invincible in the world, this Xin Wufeng is definitely the best among them!

"President, I still have this hobby. Did you tell me earlier, how embarrassing it is for so many people, can we have it in private..." Wufeng looked at Yuchen with a smirk.


At that moment, Yuchen felt as if he was placed in a ten thousand year ice cave, one word, cold! !

As the third runner-up of the top three, Wufeng has three chances to draw a lottery, one golden equipment with a 100% chance, one legendary ghost weapon with a 50.00% chance, and one heart-pounding epic artifact!The probability is only ten percent!

At this moment, Wufeng withdrew his mind and couldn't help trembling. He could give up the opportunity in front of him and leave gorgeously with a set of red mage legend suit and a bonus of 100 million. However, 100 million is considered to him What?What is the red suit?

An artifact, what he wants is an exclusive artifact weapon!

As far as he knows.There are already many people in the meeting who have their own exclusive weapons, even if they are not magical weapons, they are so powerful that it makes people feel frightened!

"I choose the artifact!" Wufeng said loudly and continued: "Give up the first two choices, I want the artifact!"

"Give up the two options, and the probability of the artifact will increase by 20.00%!" The system prompts, so the probability of Wufeng becomes [-]%.

The audience was in an uproar, and everyone looked at Xin Wufeng's choice in shock. After all, exchanging the illusory artifact with only a 20.00% chance of winning in the previous draw meant that failure would result in nothing.Of course, the system bonus will still be issued..

"Boldness, your guild is full of talents, and you are usually like loose sand, but when it comes to major events, both courage and combat power are top-notch. Sometimes I really envy you. Your kid's partners are all talented. A master of personality." An Jing said approvingly.

"Ah, I'm really lucky." Yuchen had to admit that it was only with these partners, dreams, and him that he could achieve what he is today.

A roulette like a turntable of fate appeared in front of Wufeng's eyes. He stretched out his hands, can he spin a future?Can I get artifacts?

Taking a deep breath, Wufeng turned the huge turntable vigorously, and shouted: "Give me an exclusive magic tool for mages, it will make all the beauties fall in love with me!"

"Pfft!" At that moment, everyone fell down.

"I take back what I said before, only this guy is a bastard!" Jing Jing said viciously.

"clap clap"

The gears finally started to turn, and Xin Wufeng's expression turned serious. After one second, five seconds, and ten seconds, the turntable finally started to stop slowly. On the huge hello, the pointer kept flashing..


Finally, three seconds later, the pointer stopped on a huge hello, and at that moment, everyone stood up excitedly, as if they were the one who drew the lottery!

"Ding dong, congratulations to player Xin Wufeng for winning the epic artifact 【Shenming】"

When the system's golden announcement reached everyone's ears, at that moment, the entire martial arts venue remembered an uproar. At that moment, countless masters looked at Wufeng's position at that moment, their eyes flickering Greedy, envious, jealous and hateful!

"Unexpectedly, it's really an artifact?" When the system automatically put it in the package, Wufeng was shocked for a long time and didn't recover.

With the artifact in hand, it means that the dream will add another god-level player, and the name of Xin Wufeng, the violent law god, may resound throughout the Chinese mainland in the near future!

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