"Ding dong, the player Xin Wufeng has drawn the artifact 【Shenming】"

When the golden notice resounded throughout the audience, the entire martial arts venue was in an uproar, and in an instant, there were countless voices of envy, envy and hatred, divine weapon, how many people yearn for the dream equipment?

Now that it appeared in front of their eyes so abruptly, it was simply a flaw, which made them feel a twinge of pain in their hearts. Countless eyes looked at Xin Wufeng, their eyes were full of greed and envy...

"Damn, is it a real artifact?" This time, Yuchen and Jingjing couldn't hold back any longer. They didn't care about it at first, but when the artifact actually appeared in Xin Wufeng's package, the system's announcement would never be false. The guy really got the artifact, and he's still a mage!

Sensing the malicious stares of the people around him, Wufeng cursed secretly: "I'm so excited, I forgot to choose to hide it!" When the system prompted whether to notify, this guy actually made the information public due to his brain crashing.

Everyone knows that wealth should not be exposed, so he gritted his teeth, and Wufeng simply took out the divine weapon, Shenming, and let everyone see the brilliance of the divine weapon.

The bright golden brilliance illuminated the entire arena. This is a gorgeous and domineering staff. The body of the staff is golden, and the head of the staff is shiny and gorgeous. It is inlaid with a huge golden gemstone. If it is in reality, it is probably a priceless treasure. Of course, This artifact is also so precious in the game world.

Just when people were very puzzled by Xin Wufeng's move?This guy suddenly took out a small dagger to prevent close use, cut his finger, and immediately a drop of blood dripped on the staff.

"Recognize the master with blood!" At that moment, the mages who were so attached to the staff in Xin Wufeng's hand were heartbroken for a while. Recognizing the master with blood means that the staff will be engraved with his name Xin Wufeng forever, and it cannot be traded , cannot be dropped, unless he himself is willing to untie it, no one can get this god-level staff!

"In this way, I can feel at ease..." When the colorful light of the artifact appeared and disappeared in an instant, Wufeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and retracted the artifact at a speed invisible to the naked eye. I stared at him for a long time before I finally moved away reluctantly...

The affectionate looks of countless men and women are really creepy.

"This guy did it on purpose..." Looking at Xin Wufeng's stinky face, Yuchen gave him a blank look. This guy is just to attract girls' attention. Look at the countless girls around. I'm afraid they all secretly agreed..

"Hey, it's my turn!" Jing Jing looked eager to try, his eyes flashed with excitement, before the system's prompt sounded, he had already walked a few steps forward, and soon the system's prompt sounded, Wu Feng Only then did he reluctantly walk down from under the eye-catching arena..

"Damn, let you be arrogant, curse you for picking the whiteboard." Wufeng said to An Jing bitterly, and did not forget to raise his middle finger.

Quiet walked onto the stage, which immediately caused the screams of countless beauties. The entire arena was filled with the cries of beauties, as if they were in spring. With such popularity, Wufeng could only secretly hate him, and stepped off the stage in despair..

"As the runner-up, you will receive a reward of 300 million RMB, and you will have three lucky draw chances, 80.00% for golden weapons, 50.00% for legendary ghost weapons, and [-]% for epic artifacts. At the same time, if you give up the first three options, you will get one hidden lucky draw chance. "

"Hidden lottery draw?" An Jing's expression changed in an instant. His chance of winning the artifact will be 50.00%. After three?

Life is always full of challenges and temptations, should you choose an artifact?Or collect three lottery draws together?Or give up and choose the last hidden draw?Quiet is not stupid. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Hidden lottery draw? What's the lowest and highest?"

The conversation with the system was very simple, and the system quickly responded: "The hidden recommendation is a random reward. You can get the most treasures in the world, or you may get worthless things."

"Of course, if you give up the first three options, the chance of obtaining the supreme treasure will increase to a certain degree." The system explained again.

However, Jing Jing sneered for a moment: "In other words, is this completely gambling? What is the probability?"

"The probability of hiding the lottery is 5.00%, and the probability of giving up the first three options increases to 20.00%."

"Why don't you draw a lottery?"

"What's the matter with being quiet?"

While Jing Jing was talking to the system, the players outside the arena were very anxious. Seeing Ye Quiet standing motionless in front of the turntable, everyone's eyes were full of puzzlement and doubt.

"It seems that I have encountered a painful multiple-choice question." Seeing An Jing's thoughtful expression, Yuchen murmured, and he also had a serious face, because next he will probably encounter the same or even more questions like An Jing. Multiple choice questions that are tempting*.

Indeed, An Jing is like doing a multiple-choice question at this moment. There is a piece of cake in front of him waiting for him to choose. However, behind the cake is an invisible but very attractive huge pie.

How to choose?Ye Jingjing looked at the turntable very troubled, and he could easily get the gold level, ghost weapon level, and even the magic weapon with just a few clicks. However, if he gave up the top three, he would gamble his fate. Shanks.

"Please enter the selection countdown."

"No need, I'll choose the last one! Hide it!" An Jing's expression froze, fate is always so wonderful and indescribable, how many times can you encounter such an opportunity in this life?Why not take a gamble!

"Kang Dang"

An explosion broke the tranquility of the arena. At that moment, the turntable on the podium suddenly changed from red to gold, and it was twice as big as before. What happened?

Everyone looked at the ring in shock, but Yuchen still had a serious expression on his face.

When Ye was very quiet and held his breath and turned the huge roulette, this scene reminded Yuchen of meeting Shanks, this is the wheel of fate!Yes, the huge golden turntable in front of you turned out to be twice the size of Shanks' turntable!

"This guy, how about gambling with the artifact?" Yuchen thought in horror.

Looking at the golden turntable, people became nervous, not only them, but even An Jing who chose this reward at this moment showed a nervous look for the first time, and cold sweat was already oozing from the palms and backs of his hands.

When the turntable of fate stopped and the pointer pointed to a picture that looked like a black hole, An Jing received a system prompt. Almost at that moment, he quickly chose: "No!"

At this time, all the players on the scene held back their breath and put their expressions on their faces, because Quiet chose to hide rather than announce the information. This feeling made countless players feel as if they were cut into pieces. They really wanted to know, but they couldn't find out.

They could only look at Jing Jing's expression, hoping to see a clue.

However, everyone was disappointed, An Jing had no expression on his face, and even walked off the ring calmly and without any waves, people couldn't help but think, failed?It must have failed!

"It's your turn~" Before he stepped forward, he glanced at Yuchen, quietly showing a faint smile, that smile made Yuchen tremble all over: "You guy, you are really sinister."

"Each each other..." An Jing stepped off the stage, letting the players guess, they couldn't figure out An Jing's true thoughts at the moment, only Yuchen, the moment he looked at him and smiled, he seemed to understand something, After Quiet left, Yuchen also walked towards the awarding platform!

"Ding dong, please enter the podium to receive the award!"

"It's finally here!" The dream players held their breath and looked towards the ring, and the dream members who couldn't wait for a long time shouted, and the roar resounded through the venue!

"Sacred Artifact, Artifact, Artifact!"

"The president is mighty, divine weapon, divine weapon!"

Amidst the shouts of everyone, Yuchen calmed down and walked onto the ring calmly and slowly. The beautiful host Piaoxiang gave Yuchen a charming smile and kept sending winks, but this was directly captured by Yuchen. Ignore it, of course the male host saw this scene, but he glared at Yuchen angrily.

Yuchen walked towards the awards platform, took a deep breath and waited for the system's prompt.

"Ding Dong, as the champion, you will have 500 million RMB rewards, and you will get three lucky draw chances, with a 80.00% chance of a legendary ghost weapon, an 30.00% chance of an epic artifact, and a [-]% chance of a super holy weapon"

"If you give up the first three choices, you will get a chance to win two hidden draws, please choose"

At this moment, Yuchen's expression was as good as the tranquility at the beginning. He took a breath, and Yuchen was making a quick decision in his mind. Yuchen's quiet eyes and smile made Yuchen very sure that this guy won He bought items that surpassed the artifacts, but once he gave up, he would give up the priceless super artifacts.

As long as he chooses the top three, he can get the divine weapon that countless people are fighting for, and even the super holy weapon that he has never heard of. Weapons of this level sound appalling, let alone the world?

So, how should you choose?

"Is it time for fate again?" Yuchen couldn't help laughing at himself. At this time, it is up to God to control the fate again. To bet or not to bet?

"Enter the countdown to choose!"

"No need, I choose to hide." Yuchen said plainly, life is full of challenges, every step has countless challenges, and he didn't know when he fell in love with challenges!

Sure enough, under the anticipation of all eyes, the red roulette on the ring turned golden. When Yuchen stretched out his hands and spun the golden roulette, fate started to turn again miraculously...

What will Yuchen get?With the stop of the roulette, destiny finally arrives!

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