The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 367 – Fate Control

This world is always full of opportunities, and this world is always played by the so-called fate between applause. When Yuchen chose the reward of the wheel of fate, all the players held their breath and looked at the field without moving.

Especially the night is very quiet, at this moment only he can feel the feeling of uneasiness, but looking at Yuchen's figure, he smiled, sure enough, they belong to the same kind of people, if it were other people, I'm afraid it would definitely not be like this Take a risk and choose another illusory reward method.

However, fate is often so wonderful, at least what he has obtained by himself exceeds the value of the artifact. Of course, Jingjing doesn't know that Yuchen gave up the so-called super holy artifact and chose the latter.

"Super artifact, super artifact!"

Although I don't know what the golden roulette represents, but in the hearts of dream players, it must be better than the red artifact roulette. Since the equipment given by the game world is an epic artifact, they can only shout super artifacts. I hope in my heart that Yuchen can become stronger, lead them to dream of becoming the number one guild, and realize everyone's wishes.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the golden wheel of fate finally stopped. In an instant, the players stood up excitedly and stared at the golden wheel intently.

Yuchen raised his head slightly and looked at the direction pointed by the pointer. He frowned and thought deeply. He chose to hide at the first time, not to reveal his wealth. At this time, his arrogance is exposed, and he is looking for death. People stare.

Without system prompts, people were once again disappointed. They couldn't see what they couldn't get, but they really wanted to know what it was. This kind of entangled psychology made players feel like ants on a hot pot, not knowing what to say.

Although you are in a hurry, you can't rush to the ring and ask people confidently, right?Besides, can he beat this already veritable Xuanyuan No. 1 Yu Wuchen?So, silence, everyone is silent.

But at this moment, Yuchen in the field has quietly chosen to hide the reward of the roulette for the second time. There is no expression on his face, no waves, calm, and even a little scary.

When Yuchen stretched out his hand to pull the turntable for the second time, the most unbearable person present was Ye Youjing. He knew very well that once an item was successfully extracted, it would be a powerful existence. However, Yuchen actually There are two chances.

"Damn it.. I knew I should have tried my best." An Jing was regretful, and had two chances to hide the reward. Ye Jing, who was still normal, looked around, stretched out her cursed hands and murmured Said: "Can't draw, can't draw..."

"dong dong dong dong"

The golden turntable started to turn again. At this moment, Yuchen also took a deep breath to ease his inner turmoil. Although his face remained unchanged, his heart was indeed turbulent, and his whole body was a little dizzy.

But he warned himself to be calm, calm!

Taking advantage of the turning point of fate, Yuchen took a deep breath and opened his package. In fact, he didn't know what he got, but he knew it just by hearing the name, and he bet right!

[Tianchen Battle Armor] This is the item he has drawn. Just by the name, he knows that it is an extremely powerful thing. However, after a while, Yuchen frowned deeply. There is a reason.

That is, after crossing level 60, the items that Yuchen can equip now are only exclusive to monsters!

So, painful and happy, he didn't open it immediately to check it, but he couldn't avoid facing it, so he directly observed the system information of the Tianchen armor in the package.

[Tianchen Battle Armor] (spiritual weapon set) category: armor defense +10000 (unidentified attribute, ability seal) requirement level: 100 requirement occupation: monster requirement brilliance: million (sun, moon, star suit, Chen character series, legendary The world-destructive suit owned by the strongest four heroes, the collection suit is said to have super powerful power, the Chen character series suit parts: armor, boots, wrists, belt five-piece suit.) "It turned out to be the monster suit series ??" After seeing the attributes clearly, Yuchen took a deep breath, he had heard of it before, he had seen it in the library pavilion in the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars, the top monsters, no, the entire Huaxia Continent The most powerful four-piece suit, each suit has incomparable strength.

From the Tianchen armor in front of you, it can be seen that a Tianchen armor that is in a sealed state, has not been identified, and does not even have some attributes actually has a defense of [-]+?What kind of scary number is this?

Yuchen was already trembling in shock. However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yuchen didn't dare to be too shocked. He suppressed the horror in his heart, and then took a deep look at the quiet night in the distance.

When Yu Chen's eyes met, An Jing's heart sank, both of them were guessing what the other got. Judging from Yu Chen's eyes, An Jing knew that what this guy got was not simple!

Just when Yuchen lost his mind, a system notification sound pulled him back instantly!

"Ding Dong, congratulations on gaining control of your destiny, would you like to announce the information?"

"Fate control? No!"

Yuchen was shocked, what is this?Even if he chose to hide his sharpness, he quickly returned his mind to the package, and the golden turntable had stopped turning at this moment. This time, Yuchen's expression was very horrifying, which made countless players guess.

The previous time, people could think that Yuchen had failed, but this time they had to believe that Yuchen had obtained an extraordinary item!

"Look at his expression...Is this guy..." It has been confirmed before that Yuchen's psychological endurance is very strong, but this time he showed such a horrified expression. disturbed.

Yuchen opened the package in horror. Among the messy items, he found the so-called control of fate. Faintly exudes a chilling luster.

Yuchen took a deep breath and opened the attribute of destiny control. However, under the eyes of everyone, he froze in place without moving, his eyes kept flashing with strange light!

Yuchen took a breath, the shock in his heart was beyond words. Compared with the previous Tianchen battle armor, this time, he couldn't suppress the joy and excitement in his heart. Destiny is in control. This is simply the legendary heaven-defying equipment!

What exactly is this destiny control?To make Yuchen so terrified?

(From today to next Thursday, there will be [-] VIPs every day, and Xiaoyu will offer it four times a day. If there are [-] VIPs, then [-] times! [-] VIPs, ten times directly! If you dare to give, I will dare to change!)

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