The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 368 – Martial arts end

With the sunrise and sunset, the Budokai battle after several days finally ended magnificently with Yuchen's shocked expression, and the rewards for the battle were also sent out one by one, and Yuchen even got 1 million cash rewards for being No.500.

Of course, despite the fact that the 500 million is a lot, the official is not losing money at all. Just the registration fee of ten gold coins per person does not know how many billions of millions they have earned, let alone gambling, so for the official, No. 1 500 million cash rewards, they made a lot of money.

500?If it were Yuchen before, he might be overjoyed and unable to tell the difference between the north and the south, but now, for him who is making money every day, 500 million is just a number, and the city of dreams alone has made him a millionaire. rich man.

It's not that he can't reach hundreds of millions, but that he doesn't have much liquidity, and the development of the City of Dreams requires a lot of money. At this moment, Yuchen feels a little poor.

"Thank you to all the players for your support to the Budokai this time, let us announce the successful conclusion of this Budokai with warm applause!"

"This time, the champion of the World Martial Arts Association is Yu Wuchen of Dream Guild, the runner-up winner of Doomsday Floating Life is very quiet at night, and the runner-up winner of Dream Guild is Xin Wufeng!"

"This Budokai lasted 120 hours and ended successfully with the hard work and struggle of all the players. Let us look forward to the next year's Budokai will be even more exciting, and at this moment, all the top players in the Budokai will become official publicity ambassadors and win A certain amount of income~" The hostess Piaoxiang's sexy figure kept moving around, and her seductive voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Now, the first Budokai is officially closed!" The male host's high-pitched voice came into the arena again. However, what made the male host look serious was that at first he appeared with countless beauties screaming and shouting, but now, except Except for a few hardcore, countless beauties only have strong figures in their hearts.

"bang bang bang bang"

"Boom boom boom boom"

As the sun went down, brilliant fireworks resounded across the sky of the imperial city. I don't know when the stars have appeared, and the moonlight has gradually diffused the earth. This game is remembered by everyone. The heroes of the show ended, and countless rookies emerged!

When Yuchen finally returned to the stage where he had been missing for a long time, a beautiful figure flew towards him with tears of excitement, and she threw herself heavily into his arms, hugging Yuchen tightly, with tears of joy Said: "Successful, Yuchen, you finally succeeded."

Looking at Yihan in his arms who was crying because of happiness and success, Yuchen no longer had to worry about other people's eyes, he also hugged Yihan tightly, and said dotingly: "Yihan... ..”

"Huh?" There was tenderness in Yuchen's words, and there was still a trace of unfinished words, Yihan raised his head and responded softly?

Looking at the tearful beauty, looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, feeling the softness from his chest, Yuchen gently raised his hand and put it on her fair and flawless cheeks to wipe the crystal tears, He said affectionately, "Yihan, can you be my girlfriend?"

"What?" At that moment, Yuchen clearly felt the beautiful girl's delicate body trembling, her eyes were filled with inconceivable gazes, and then the tears that had been wiped away once again wet Yihan's eye sockets...

"Yeah" nodded heavily, Yihan cried with joy again, finally the wait came, the Huaichun girl secretly expressed her heart, and finally waited for the result five years later, Yuchen finally said that sentence, and finally faced it bravely Yihan also confessed her inner feelings.

There was a bright smile on his face. At this moment, all his paths seemed to be cleared up. The betrayal of love four years ago seemed to disappear without a trace. He hugged Yihan tightly and raised his head slightly. , suddenly a beautiful figure appeared in his line of sight.

Not far ahead, the beautiful girl's delicate body trembled, her eyes were sad, she clearly wanted to smile, but she didn't know when the corners of her eyes were wet with tears, she clearly knew that this would be the result sooner or later, but she still couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

Knowing that it was impossible for her to be with that man, she still chose to jump into the fire with moths. All of this was her own choice, and she could only bear these pains silently...

Ruoxue, this sometimes sad but gentle and beautiful woman, how much pain is she enduring?When he saw and heard Yuchen's affectionate confession, she knew it was over...

Turning around, leaving sadly, at that moment, Yuchen who was holding Yihan tightly let go of his hand, Yihan was startled, eyes full of tears looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Looking at Ruoxue who left, Yuchen smiled faintly: "It's nothing."

"Hey, Yuchen, shall we go out for dinner tonight? What about the 500 million bonus~ Everyone can have a party again~" Yihan blinked her watery eyes and showed a playful look to Yuchen.

"Well, okay~ Let's get drunk tonight~" Yuchen looked at Yihan with a smirk on his face.

Yihan blushed a little: "I hate it, you bastard, you can just think about it"

"Obviously it's you, okay? I said drinking, but I didn't say why I was drunk..."

"Go wet." Although the tone is still the same, but Yihan's beautiful face has turned red like an apple, and the shy appearance makes people unable to help but feel affectionate.

"Oh, Erdima... dare you not be so sensational, no, no, you are harming a girl from a good family, you are in your 20s, and you are not ashamed." Jing Jing finally couldn't help it The envy and jealousy in my heart...

"Uncle, you're envious~" Before Yuchen could speak, Yihan spoke first, looking at Ye Jingjing with a smirk.

Immediately, the powerful master shut up obediently like a little sheep in front of the beautiful woman. For some reason, looking at Yihan's bright eyes, Jing Jing felt scalp numb and shivering.

"How about the party tomorrow? Are you interested? You shouldn't be far from Suzhou City, right?" Yuchen said jokingly.

"Why? I have 500 million and want to entertain the Quartet? Okay, I don't want to kill you, I feel uncomfortable, I'm upset, what time?" Hearing Yuchen's proposal, An Jing also thought it was okay, and found a high-sounding place for herself. Good reason to drink and eat meat.

"Hehe, let's play at noon tomorrow. It's okay to play all night. I'll take care of it all." Yuchen said boldly. Anyway, the 500 million is a windfall, and it's nothing to him. Moreover, he knows Jing Jing too well. up.

"Okay, no problem, brother must be on time, and I will kill you hard!"

"It doesn't matter if you bring another person, of course, don't tell me you are a bl." Yuchen looked at An Jing with contempt, thinking it was very possible.

"Get wet!" An Jing left with a large group of people, waving goodbye and other nonsense nonsense~ "Brothers, come to Suzhou City at noon tomorrow, I treat you! If you can't come, I will send it out in person. Gift!" Yuchen boldly sent out a notice on the trade union channel. The core cadres who can come are naturally the core cadres of the dream. After all, there are already several 10 people in the dream. If you are arrested on xx charges, it will not be worth the loss.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

"I really want to go!"

"I really want to join the core"

"Sao Nian, work hard, brother will go to Suzhou tomorrow to see beautiful women, hahahaha~"

"envy, jealousy, hate!"

After Yuchen finished speaking, various voices rang out in the trade union channel. Of course, the most envious and jealous ones were. After all, there are only a few hundred people who can go to Suzhou City. Even so, it is still a large scale.

Moreover, these are the elite members of the trade union, so Yuchen naturally covers all the transportation expenses. As for the special services, Yuchen can't control it, and he really doesn't understand this.

"Brother Mo Mo, Wu Xin brothers should arrive on time~" Yu Chen smiled, then walked towards Xing Zhu and Yan, and asked suspiciously: "Where is Xin Wu Feng?"

"I ran away, I don't know where I hooked up with my sister, and I disappeared." Xing Zhu shook his head helplessly, while Yan showed a wry smile.

"Have you not seen each other for many years?" Yuchen and Xingzhu walked together.

"Ah, it's been several years," Xing Zhu said with a look of reminiscence.

"See you tomorrow"


"...You two big men, dare you not be so nasty?" Yan Yan shuddered, and quickly moved away from these two gay guys. Xingzhu and Yuchen both smiled lightly at this, without explaining!

Yihan followed behind the crowd, looking around for something. "Where is Ruo Xueman? It's strange..." Yihan was puzzled, thinking solemnly.

The Martial Arts Conference finally came to an end, and the players who had gathered in the imperial city also dispersed, going back to their homes to find their mothers. However, a new problem came up. Naturally gone.

When countless players from the light camp surrounded the players from the dark camp headed by Duanhun Wushang, a big battle seemed to be spreading quietly?

Yuchen, Jingjing and others came out and became the focus of attention in an instant. The players of the light camp followed suit and stepped aside with admiration.

Yuchen was slightly startled. The person being besieged had no soul at all. He didn't like this person, but he didn't hate him either. There was no real good or evil, only his own personal goals and interests.

"Hehe, there are only tens of thousands of people in the dark camp, and I have millions in the light camp. Even if we win like this, it will be a shame. If we want to win, we must be honorable. Why don't you all give me a face and let them go, and wait for the dark and bright battlefield to open up?" , let's kill together!" Yuchen said with a faint smile to countless masters.

After hearing this, everyone nodded in praise of Yuchen's point of view.

"Since Brother Wuchen has spoken, we are not ignorant people, let them go!" The besieged several feelings stepped aside one after another.

"Thank you!" Duan Hun Wushang said, leading a group of dark camps to leave the imperial city, and after Yu Chen also said thank you to everyone, he left with the dreaming players full of aura.

Among the crowd, the setting sun was setting and looking at Yuchen with a flickering expression on his face, a turbulent wave had already been set off in his heart, and Yuchen's coercion had reached the point where millions of people were intimidated by his words.

Can't let him continue to grow!

At this moment, such an idea appeared in the mind of the setting sun!

(For the first update, VIPs are requested, one update will be added for five hundred VIPs, and ten updates will be added for ten thousand VIPs!)

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