The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 369 – Leaving Angrily

Time passed quietly, about five hours after the end of the Budokai...

This is a desolate forest, where there is almost no trace of a human being, and it is full of terrifying ancient beasts. This forest is called "Life Boundary" in the game world.

The reason why it is called the boundary of life is that as long as you pass through here, you will reach the red continent connecting Xuanyuan and Huaxia. However, this area is extremely dangerous and terrifying.


In a jungle, the wild beasts in the sky flew around in fear, as if they had encountered something terrible, at a glance, there was a layer of darkness pervading there.

"Eating the Sky"

The black aura spread across the forest within a hundred meters like a wave, and all life covered by the black smoke withered and died in an instant, including flowers, plants, and trees.

In this dark gas, a vaguely visible black figure showed terrifying eyes. He looked forward and murmured: "Will it take a few more days to reach Phoenix City in Xuanyuan Continent? Get something, otherwise, my trip will be in vain..."

In the forest, the screams of countless beasts echoed. This man is clearly a man in black who climbed the Crimson Continent with his bare hands!

Turn back time to the present.

Headquarters of the City of Dreams!

"Oh? Xiyang, it's hard for you to come here like this? But, you really don't need to use it?" Yuchen said with some regret, the scale of Dream City is inseparable from the credit of Xiyang.

"Ah, the City of Dreams can't be distracted at this time. You are all gone, so there must be someone guarding it, right? You just have to have fun." Xiyang grinned, showing her white teeth.

"Xiyang, I'm so sorry for you." Mo Mo and the others also said with emotion.

"It's okay, it should be. In other words, if you can pack me a beautiful woman, I will have no regrets..." Xi Yang showed a wretched smile.

"Hahahahaha, ask the president to give the vice president an inflatable doll..."

"Hahahaha" suddenly, a large group of people burst into laughter.

"Hmph." Only Chen Yong in the corner snorted coldly, looking at the setting sun with hostility.

"There are no beauties, but I have a gift for you, Xiyang." Yuchen suddenly looked serious, and the hall that was full of laughter suddenly became silent.

"Huh?" Sunset looked at Yuchen in confusion.

"From today onwards, I announce that at sunset, I will be the vice-lord of my dream!" Yuchen shouted loudly, and many core members exclaimed, but the cadre members looked calm, as if they knew it long ago.

In fact, this decision was proposed by Mo Mo and others, otherwise Yuchen would not have made such a decision alone.

"This, I'm afraid...I'm not competent, am I?" Xi Yang was flattered, and then looked at Shen Mo and Wu Xin modestly. What he knew was that the two of them had a majesty no less than Yuchen's, and the two of them Both are one of the true leaders of the dream.

"It's okay, we all believe in you." Shen Mo and Wu Xin both smiled lightly.

"Since you can't do it, then don't do it. I object!" Before the sun went down, Chen Yong came out from the corner with a serious expression on his face. People looked at Chen Yong with puzzled eyes. Knowing that he only entered the core not long ago because of his outstanding grades, to put it bluntly, no one takes him seriously!

Yuchen, silent, unintentional, everyone present looked at Chen Yong in surprise, and many people showed contempt, thinking that Chen Yong envied and envied the sunset because of his lack of ambition, but the truth was not It's not like this.

Chen Yong ignored everyone's contemptuous eyes, and looked at Yuchen with a stern face: "President, let's not talk about the credit for the setting sun, let me just ask, are you so relieved to let him become the deputy lord? You know , the deputy lord has the power to control the life and death of the dream, if it falls into the hands of someone with a heart, I'm afraid..."

"It's impossible!" Chen Yong didn't finish his sentence, but many cadres who supported the setting sun started to drink loudly, pointing at Chen Yong and cursing: "Don't think we don't know, you wanted to destroy us back then. Dreams, if you want to say someone with a heart, I am afraid that it is you!"

"Nonsense!" Chen Yong roared excitedly, blushing.

"Nonsense? Huh, who doesn't know that you like Miss Lianyu? And Miss Lianyu is the president's girlfriend. You join the dream, dare you say that you have no selfish intentions? You are now sowing discord, what is your intention?" The cadres blushed and shouted that the sentences were true.

"that is!"

"Instigate discord!" Immediately, discussions arose in the meeting room!

"Enough! What place do you think this is!" Yuchen shouted loudly, and the Yinlong Jue was domineering, and everyone felt a chill all over for a moment, and the creepy feeling spread all over their bodies. He looked squarely at the usually hippie smiling president in their eyes.

Don't make him angry, otherwise they won't even know how they died, this is what they are thinking at this time!

"Chen Yong, I know you are prejudiced against me, but that's how it is in dreams. If you have the ability to speak, you have proved your ability by standing here. If you want to be the deputy lord, wait until you have enough ability. I will recommend you without even frowning!" Yuchen said coldly.

He looked at the people who were arguing with Chen Yong and said in a cold voice: "Don't slander others casually! Today's meeting is over, and no one will mention this matter!" Yuchen showed his domineering arrogance, deterring all the players present. They didn't dare to take a breath, so far, the major cadres such as Silence, Wuxin, Wufeng, Xiao Ting, Xingzhu, Yan, etc. have not said a word.

"So? Is he determined to be the deputy lord?" However, Chen Yong looked stern and looked at Yuchen with eyes full of resentment. Deputy Lord!

"Of course, what I have decided will be carried out, and this is a decision after discussion among our chief executives. You can do it if you have the ability." Yuchen said in a calm tone, unable to tell what his inner thoughts were.

"I'll tell you today, he's the deputy lord, and I'm the first to quit my dream!" Chen Yong looked at Yuchen fiercely, and then watched the setting sun coldly. Murderous.

"Male Gobi, labor and management have long seen you unhappy, president, if the invincible brave is still dreaming, I will be the first to quit!"

"I quit too!"

"I will retreat too!"

"You guys, are you finished?" At this moment, Yuchen's tone became icy cold, and together, silence, Wuxin, Xiaotian, Wulei, Xingzhu, Yan, Wufeng, Xiao Ting, Han, Years, Fengran When the others had already shown their weapons, the atmosphere in the dream meeting room became extremely strange.

There was a hint of killing intent in Yuchen's icy words, which made everyone's hearts tremble, their complexions turned pale instantly, and they dared not speak any more.

"Huh, don't tell me, I'm leaving today too, Yu Wuchen, you can do it yourself!" Chen Yong left the medal of the dream core member still on the ground, and looked at the setting sun with a cold snort, angrily without looking back leave!

At that moment, the expression on Yuchen's face finally changed slightly. He squinted at the setting sun, and stared deeply at Chen Yong's leaving back, no matter how disrespectful Chen Yong's tone was.However, he could see the trace of care the other party had for his dreams?

"But why did Chen Yong target the sunset so much?" Yuchen looked at the sunset very puzzled, but the other party also looked at him, and the two smiled faintly without saying a word.

Yihan, who was waiting outside the door, suddenly saw Chen Yong coming out angrily, and was anxious: "Yong Jie, Yong Jie, what's wrong with you?"

When Chen Yong saw Yihan, although he was full of anger, he still showed a kind smile: "Yihan, I'm sorry, I still can't hold back, I quit my dream."

"What? You...I'll tell Yuchen, are they bullying you again?" Yihan pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, as if he was very dissatisfied with Yuchen.

"Hehe, no need, it has nothing to do with that boyfriend of yours, I'm leaving by myself." Chen Yong smiled lightly.

Yihan blushed: " know?"

"Hehe, let's go, by the way, Yihan." Chen Yong opened his bones and looked at Yihan with a serious face. Yihan was stunned and looked at Chen Yong in shock. Yong has such a dignified expression.

"Let Yuchen be careful of the setting sun!" After finishing speaking, his body disappeared on the ground and flew into the dark night sky. Before he left, Yihan didn't notice that the sadness in Chen Yong's eyes...

Dream or the first internal conflict!

When the meeting ended, it was already nightfall.

After the sun went down and the people left, the real core members of Dream looked at Yuchen solemnly.

"Yuchen, did you find out?" Shen Mo said coldly.

"Ah, I found it. But that doesn't prove anything."

"It's better to believe what you have than to believe what you don't have!"

Everyone nodded approvingly, and Yuchen also looked towards the setting sun with a serious face.

"Well, being reconciled by Chen Yong in such a way, even if they don't take it seriously, but they have some grudges in their hearts, it seems that they can't drag it on any longer!" After walking not far, Sunset said coldly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes Haze shines.

Yuchen and the others also cleared up their moods, hoping that they were too worried. In order not to affect the mood of the party tomorrow, Yuchen asked everyone to rest early and come to Suzhou City earlier. Everyone also said goodbye to the offline, Yuchen and Yihan also went offline.

Chen Yong's angrily leaving this time actually accelerated some kind of shocking change unintentionally. This kind of change caught Yuchen and everyone by surprise!

Under the night sky full of stars, the city of dreams is so beautiful and dazzling under the moonlight. Dream, this powerful union, can he continue to be brilliant?

(Second update, ask for flowers, ask for pk)

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