The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 376 – Broken Heart


It was the early morning of the second day. The first moment of waking up, the screams of men and women resounded throughout the room of Room 203.

"You...I..." Yuchen's heart was overwhelmed, and his brain was blank. He looked at the scene of waking up blankly, and couldn't believe that what was in front of him was the truth!

After Ruoxue screamed, she calmed down and lay naked on the bed. There was no grievance in her beautiful eyes, but she didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow. Regarding what happened last night, maybe the victim Ruoxue knew very well, because, here is Yuchen's room, and how did she come here?

"I won't blame you. Last night, we were all drunk..." Ruoxue raised her head and showed a bitter smile. No matter what the result was, it was her own choice.

However, at this moment, Yuchen is more like a victim, looking so helpless, his eyes are full of confusion and horror, his naked body is already dripping with cold sweat, the blood on the bed sheet is red and his mind is constantly flashing. beautiful smile, he confused?

How should he face Ruoxue?How should I face Yihan?When nothing happened?It's a pity that Yuchen couldn't do it. If Xue gave it to him for the first time, how could he discard it irresponsibly?

However, what about Yihan?That's the one you really love!

It was chaotic and blank, until finally Yuchen slapped himself helplessly on the bed: "Damn me, damn me, why do you drink, why do you drink!" The helpless cry, the tone of desolation, self-blame and remorse Let Ruoxue tremble all over.

"Yuchen, don't, don't, it's me who is mean, I ran into your bed, it's me... I can't suppress my love for you, it's all my fault, don't worry, I will leave, I will leave Yes...I won't cause you any trouble, I just want to..." Ruoxue hugged Yuchen tightly, speaking more and more.

"I just want you to remember me and me as a person." Ruoxue said infatuatedly, the softness and heat coming from her chest at this moment not only did not have the slightest irritation, but made Yuchen feel full of guilt.

"'s not fair to you, Ruoxue, no matter what, I will take responsibility." It is undeniable that Yuchen is an infatuated man, but also a very responsible man. something will happen.

Now that something like this happened with Ruoxue, he didn't know what to do, so he could only stick to his principles and not let Ruoxue be confused.

"Yuchen..." Ruoxue Xiaoniao leaned into his arms... Yuchen didn't know how to face this relationship, his eyes were full of guilt and self-blame for Yihan, however, What can he do?

Give up Yihan?He can't do it, let Ruoxue down?He also couldn't do it, and when Yuchen was in a state of confusion, Ruoxue continued: "I hope you are all well, today we will act as if nothing happened, I will leave here, and I will never see you again"

"Ruoxue, you..."

Ruoxue smiled lightly, but it was so bitter and desolate: "I want you to remember me forever!" Ruoxue kissed Yuchen again, this sudden moment made Yuchen not fully react.

At this moment, the weather outside also changed drastically.

Originally, the scorching sun that was still a ray of morning light turned cloudy and cloudy at some point, the blue sky was filled with dark clouds, and the surrounding area began to blow violently. Yihan, who had just parked the car, looked up at the sky and murmured: "The sky has changed again." ...a nasty rainy day."

Saying that, Yihan walked to the place he wanted in his heart, came to the door of room 203, showed a bright smile, took out the key from the LV bag, opened the door gently, walked through the hall on tiptoe, thought for a moment Looking at Yuchen's room: "Well, it's better not to disturb Ruoxue..."

"Hee hee, let me scare you, and see if you dare to treat me badly in the future?" Yihan said with a cute expression, and walked carefully to Yuchen's room, thinking that he must be sleeping now ?

"Crackling..." Sure enough, the door was not locked as Yihan guessed: "What a careless guy, if there are thieves, what will you do? After thinking about it, the door opened, and she revealed bright eyes.

However, at the moment when he was preparing to play a prank, God seemed to give him a huge surprise. What greeted her was a messy room, which made her eyes flash with excitement, shock, and finally the scene of resentment It was the scene on the bed.

However, the people who were really shocked were not only Yihan, but also Yuchen... and Ruoxue. At the moment, the two of them were dressing and tidying up the messy room after tenderness. It was this scene that was clearly reflected. Liao Yihan's eyes.

"Yuchen, Ruoxue, it's so early... are you... are you... tidying up the room?" While talking, Yihan had tears in his eyes, and tears of grievance kept coming Falling, it is so involuntary, it is so disappointing to fall.

"Yi... Han" At this moment, these two words are so heavy and difficult to say, Yuchen's shirt is not put on yet, Ruoxue is wearing underwear, such a scene, no matter what, as long as it is not The imbecile can already imagine what happened here last night.

What's more, Yihan?

"Bang!" A loud sound echoed in the room!

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come." Tears of despair wet her cheeks, Yihan turned around and rushed out the door. Before she closed the door heavily, her eyes were full of despair at that moment. , Yihan's heart shattered like glass falling to the ground.

"Yihan!" Yuchen roared heart-piercingly. When Yihan rushed out the door, his heart was also broken. He hurriedly put on his clothes and glanced at Ruoxue who was full of panic. Resolutely chased after Yihan.

At that moment, Ruoxue burst into tears and squatted at the foot of the bed, crying continuously...

Broken heart...severe pain like a knife, Yihan didn't know how she went out, she didn't know how she should face Yuchen, and he couldn't believe the days without Yuchen, how many years?

They were just beginning... However, what Yihan didn't expect was that it was not her mother who broke them up, but Yuchen personally ruined the happiness that had just begun. What Yihan regretted was why she left ah.

"woo woo woo woo"

Crystal tears dripped in the air, fluttering with the wind, opened the door of the Rolls-Royce, rushed into the cab, the automatic gear was at its maximum, stepped on the accelerator, and Yihan ran out with tears all over his face!

"Yihan, Yihan!" Yuchen chased out, just in time to see the scene of Yihan driving away, he frantically chased behind the car, a chase began, can Yuchen restore this broken love ?

"Yihan, Yihan, listen to me, listen to me!" The Rolls-Royce started at a speed that was not as fast as Yuchen, and Yuchen came to the window in a blink of an eye and kept calling.

With tears all over his face, Yihan looked at Yuchen, but didn't stop, and opened the car window: "What else can I say? We... are over!"


Like an arrow leaving the string, the red flash flew out. At this moment, the car worth tens of millions reflected its true value, and it appeared on the road in a blink of an eye.

Listening to Yihan's words, looking at her desperate and heartbroken eyes, Yuchen, who was stunned in place, suddenly came back to his senses!

"Yihan..." With a loud shout, Yuchen frantically chased after Rolls-Royce. There were more and more people on the street, and more and more cars. Yuchen chased after Rolls-Royce. The figure of Sless made countless people shocked and sighed.

Because his speed was as fast as driving 120 yards, and the speed of the Rolls-Royce was also increasing constantly. Yuchen no longer thought about other things, he just wanted to keep Yihan. I want to keep her, I want to save everything.

I lost it once, will I lose it again four years later?No, Yuchen can't let such a thing happen, he chased crazily, his eyes were bloodshot, and his constant shouts attracted countless crowds of onlookers.

There were even quite a few journalists from newspapers and gossip paparazzi, all of them exclaimed that Yuchen had taken videos and photos for Tianren, which caused an uproar on the Internet, and Superman frantically chased a luxury car worth tens of millions.

Weeping, driving the car, there were bursts of tingling pain in the psychological side, and Yihan's mind went blank as if being stabbed by a knife. Yuchen's figure was reflected in the rearview mirror. She stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the gap was once again Pulled away, Yuchen still did not give up and chased after him.

At an intersection, there was a red light, but Yihan drove past without noticing it. There were a dozen cars and a bus approaching, and in that instant, the horn blared continuously!

"Look, look, it's about to crash!" The sharp-eyed person immediately noticed the terrifying speed at the intersection.

When it was too late to brake suddenly, at least five cars crashed into the Rolls-Royce, but almost tens of thousands of luxury cars did not stop, and still rushed through the red street light like crazy.

"Grass, it's great to drive a Rolls-Royce!"

"Paralysis! Damn, I can't be provoked, and I can't hide!" The car owners in the accident cursed one after another. At that moment, at the stopped intersection, a gust of wind passed by, and people watched in horror a three-second [-]-meter flying Ben's figure rushed towards the Rolls-Royce, and kept shouting.

"Damn..." immediately caused an uproar among the people.

"Yihan, Yihan!" However, when Yuchen turned the corner, there was no shadow of the car. Yuchen shouted frantically and kept calling Yihan's name. People's attention, all pointing.

"God! Why are you doing this to me!" The red eyes crazily shouted at the dark sky.

"Swipe, brush, brush"

There was a torrential rain in the sky, and people tried to avoid it, but Yuchen let the rain wet his whole body, standing in the rainy season, accepting the baptism of God, it seemed that even God felt Yuchen's love desolate.


The sound of sobbing, the desperate and helpless eyes, an inconspicuous garbage dump, a broken Rolls-Royce, and a desolate girl squatting in the corner, letting Yuchen wet her whole body, her face can no longer be distinguished Is it tears, or rain...

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