Walking with heavy steps, with a bewildered face and a trace of tears flickering in his lifeless eyes, he walked to the familiar neighborhood and returned to the familiar room, but suddenly found that the feeling was different.

In the past, the room was full of laughter and laughter, but now it looks bleak and deserted.

"Yuchen...Yihan her..." The room has been neatly tidied up, even the quilts and sheets are brand new, Ruoxue's expression flickers, she whispers like a frightened bird, she doesn't even dare to breathe a trace.

"She...gone...will not come back." Yuchen replied with dull eyes, sat on the sofa in the room, and hadn't looked at Ruoxue so far, his heartbroken appearance made people watch Distressed, smelling tears.

"Yuchen, don't give up, okay? Yihan loves you very much, loves you very much. Let's explain everything to her. It's all my fault... It's all my fault..." As she spoke, Ruoxue stayed behind again. She shed tears, had just experienced the first time in her life, and now she is having a hard time even walking.

A girl lost her first time, and the man she gave to is feeling sad for other women at the moment, is it right for her to do this?Yuchen asked himself like this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth..

"She won't be back...I want to be alone." Yuchen walked to the balcony and locked the doors and windows on the balcony. Mobile phone, trying to call Yihan's number, but found that the other party has turned off.

Good sisters in the past, sisters who talked about everything, but now they are strangers because of a man, Ruoxue doesn't regret what she did, what she regrets is falling in love with someone she shouldn't love.

Staring at Yuchen's back, Ruoxue exited the room...

Looking at the gray sky, the drizzle started to fall, just like his mood at the moment, it was gloomy, thinking about the past four years, thinking about the past, Yuchen couldn't help crying.


"Win the world, isn't it just to protect the one you love? My god, tell me, what should I do!" Yuchen cried heartbreakingly. He was so old that he was the first Crying for the first time, all the unwillingness and grievance and helplessness in my heart finally broke out at this moment!

Lighting up the cigarette, he smoked violently the smell of smoke that he didn't usually like, but it was so delicious at the moment, he smoked the cigarette greedily, standing in the cold wind, he couldn't feel the slightest chill, because his heart was even colder , cooler.

one day...two days...three days....

Repeatedly drinking and smoking, in order to eat, every time Ruoxue came in, he would leave sadly, every time he talked with Yuchen, he would drink it out, Yuchen only wanted wine, Ruoxue would silently accompany him, give him a drink...

The three days when Yuchen was gone, the three days when Yuchen disappeared caused an uproar in the game world.

Everyone didn't know what was wrong with him. For three days, he didn't go online for three full days. This weird behavior made Mengmeng and even the players in Xuanyuan Continent feel that something was wrong.

Headquarters of the City of Dreams!

"Xiao Ting, what's the matter with Yuchen? Hasn't been online for three days?" Silence, Wuxin, Wufeng, Wulei and other cadres looked at Xiao Ting who was close to Yuchen in reality in puzzlement.

"This... I really don't know. Since the party that day, I thought something happened between Yuchen and Yihan, and I thought that something good was coming. However, just yesterday, I felt something was wrong, because Uncle Sun was late Before returning, I went to Qiao Yuchen's room, but the other party didn't respond, and I wanted to break in several times." Xiao Ting said shocked and worried.

"What happened?" The sun set with a frowning face, Yuchen's absence made him guess, because Ruoxue hadn't been online for three days, what happened?

"I'll go and have a look right away," Xiao Ting suggested.

"Yeah..." Everyone nodded solemnly. Both Yuchen and Yuchen were in Dream City, but there was a huge relationship. Just the day before, there was a huge turmoil in the game world.

There was a conflict between Dream and Myth guilds. Although they are all peripheral members, the incidents of conflicts between Dream and major guilds have continued to escalate in the past two days. Also inexplicably involved in this battle.

Xiao Ting logged off, and the meeting room was solemn.

"Okay, let's not mention Yuchen's matter, do you have any opinions on what happened recently?" Silence swept everyone present, he always felt that something was wrong, and the quarrel escalated to a big fight.

At first, it didn't attract much attention, but there were many rumors that Dream wanted to fight for world hegemony, one family would dominate and unify Xuanyuan, recently occupied major leveling centers, and even competed with other unions for territory, which aroused great attention from the outside world.

"Well, according to me, those bastards are envious of our dream's rapid development, so they want to frame us, and want the major guilds to join forces to destroy our dream. I think it is the ghost of the mythical blood wolf!" A cadre came out and said angrily.

"Yes, now that we are bigger, they can't understand us anymore!"

For a while, everyone in the conference hall was talking. Xiyang glanced at Shen Mo from the corner of his eye and found that he was solemn and silent. Obviously, this was not the answer he wanted.

Sure enough, Shen Mo said: "I didn't ask you this, what I asked was, is what they said true?"

At this moment, many cadres stopped talking, and silently shouted: "It seems that you don't know the rules anymore?" The cold voice spread into the entire hall, making the atmosphere weird.

"Brother Silence, don't be angry. I think there must be a misunderstanding. The members of our dream have always been disciplined and will not do such things as scrambling for territory for their own. Maybe the other party exaggerated and spread rumors. Things have become more complicated, so why not wait for the president to come back? Let’s make a decision. During this time, everyone should try to keep a low profile and avoid conflicts with other unions. Although the dream is big, the foundation is not stable.” Seeing Silence showed killing intent , Sunset quickly opened his mouth and said.

Shen Mo looked back at the setting sun, at that moment, the setting sun felt trembling all over, it was quite unnatural to be looked at by Shen Mo's eyes, and he could only show a forced smile.

Silence sighed: "Okay, when Yuchen comes back, everyone should keep a low profile recently. Let's end the meeting..." He said in a somewhat heavy tone, and the cadres in the meeting room also breathed a sigh of relief after walking out of the hall.

In the conference room, a group of players who joined the dream at the beginning were left behind.

"What do I think, why do you think there is something wrong with the internal situation of your dream?" The earth wolf, who had defeated all the heroes three days ago, joined the dream and became one of the core members. It only belongs to Yuchen and does not belong to any jurisdiction.

Silence, Wuxin and others showed a helpless smile, even a newcomer could see it, but they only found out now.

"Let's wait for Yuchen to come back and make a decision. I always feel that this matter is not easy. Moreover, Yuchen makes me feel uneasy..." Shen Mo said with a heavy heart. When he said this, everyone felt To a trace of uneasiness.

"The dream is big.. It's no longer a simple trade union. Yuchen, what should we do?" Shen Mo thought with his mind full of worries, and he had no intention of leveling, but kept reverberating in the city of dreams.

"Brother Silent"

"Huh? Little sister Yanran, what's the matter with you?" Just when Shen Mo was in a daze, Yan Ran's voice came into his ears, and Mo Mo looked at Yan Ran with a concerned expression.

"That...Brother Yuchen said he would come after the game, but..." Yan Ran said aggrievedly.

"Hehe, Yanran, Yuchen has something to do, don't worry, he will come to you immediately as soon as he is online." Mo Mo didn't know how to answer Yanran, seeing the worried and wronged expression on the girl's face, his heart also burst pain.

"Don't worry, don't worry, why don't you? I'll take you out for a walk?" Seeing the lonely Yan Ran, there was a sense of love and affection in his silent heart. Of course, it was just the elder brother's care for the younger sister.

"Hmm..." Yan Ran nodded, the days without Yuchen in the past month had suffocated her.

The two walked out of their dreams, but a group of people came towards them angrily.

"Quiet? Why are you here?"

Shen Mo was startled, An Jing actually came to dream in person?Behind him are the cadres and members of the floating life of the end of the world?How is this going?

"Brother Mo Mo, it's even better if you're here." An Jing walked over with a solemn expression.

"What?" asked silently, puzzled.

"Still pretending to be confused? Just now, the cadres of your dream killed our cadres of Doomsday Fusheng. You deceived people too much, thinking that we have no one in Doomsday Fusheng?" A cadre of Doomsday Fusheng shouted at Dream angrily!


"who is it?"

"Xin Wufeng! That's him!" the man said angrily.

"Impossible!" Silently vetoed.

"The fact has already happened, brother Mo Mo, I don't want to say too much, let Yuchen speak." An Jing looked at Mo Mo with a calm face.

Mo Mo smiled wryly: "Yuchen, I haven't been online for three days."

"What?" An Jing turned pale with shock, and her face sank: "Yuchen is not online? Judging from Shen Mo's expression on what happened in the past few days, it is obvious that the other party is not aware of it." Suddenly, Jing Jing realized that this matter is not as simple as it seems.

His pupils turned blue, and he couldn't help looking at Shen Mo, if something really happened, he must be able to see something, An Jing raised his head, and a beautiful figure appeared in the blue pupils...

"That's... Yanran's...future?" Ye Jingjing said in horror, what exactly did he see in his blue pupils?How could he show such a shocked expression, and what's more, it's Yanran's future?

What does what happened in the game world these days indicate?Things seem to be getting weirder.

(Second update, brothers, the fourth update broke out, do you dare to give VIP pk?)

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