The room was filled with the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, and the disgusting smell was pungent. Four days had passed, and for four full days, Yuchen had no food, and only cigarettes and spirits accompanied him.

The floor of the entire balcony was full of messy cigarette butts and broken wine bottles. For four days, Yuchen became depressed, his expression was gloomy, and even his hair turned teenage gray. He thought a lot these four days. It was heartbreaking at first, but now it's numb.

Thinking a lot, crying for a long time, but nothing can be redeemed, these days, Ruoxue standing on the balcony is worse than Yuchen, her complexion is pale, she stays here for four whole days, not eating or drinking...

Seeing Yuchen sinking and gloomy day by day, her heart hurts very much. The man who was so energetic and fascinating in the past is now only left with vicissitudes and sadness.

"dong dong dong dong"

"dong dong dong dong"

There were constant knocks on the door of 203, and this knocking method even alarmed the neighbors around. However, even so, there was still no movement inside the door.


"dong dong dong dong"

Xiao Ting directly took out the wolf's head. If this continues, I'm afraid this guy will blow up the door. Xiao Ting is about to go crazy. It's been 5 minutes in a row. No matter how good the sound insulation is, it's impossible not to hear it, right?

Unless there is only one possibility, Xiao Ting quickly dismissed this bad idea: "Impossible, impossible"

Xiao Ting's heart sank: "It seems that we can only smash it!" Xiao Ting picked up the wolf's head, raised the wolf's head and wanted to hit the door lock, suddenly the door opened, and a pale face appeared in front of Xiao Ting's eyes.

"Ruoxue...?" Xiao Ting raised his wolf's head, but was a little stunned.

"Why didn't you answer after I called for so many days? I'm so anxious, do you know?" Xiao Ting raised his voice, and it was obvious that he was already very anxious. However, when the voice fell, Ruoxue suddenly Fainted and shaky.

Seeing this, Xiao Ting turned pale with shock: "Ruoxue, Ruoxue." Hugging Ruoxue, Xiao Ting was horrified, and quickly called to tell Han, and quickly carried Ruoxue into the room, put her on the sofa and shouted: "Yuchen, Yuchen, it's bad, Ruoxue fainted!"


Suddenly there was a sound of the door opening, and Yu Chen rushed out of the room. When he saw Yu Chen's pale face, vicissitudes in his eyes, and white hair, Xiao Ting's heart sank suddenly and he said anxiously: "Yu Chen , Yuchen, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"Ruoxue, what's wrong with Ruoxue?" Yuchen said in a dazed manner, with a stench all over his body. Seeing this, Xiao Ting's heart felt like he was bleeding. What happened?How did Yuchen in the past become what he is today?

"Yihan, where's Yihan? Why didn't they come back!"

"Yihan?" Yuchen's whole body was shocked, and his expression instantly became sad: "Yihan, Yihan, where have you been, forgive me, forgive me! I really don't want to... sorry... sorry!"

But Yuchen started to cry as if he had lost his mind. In this situation, Xiao Ting was silent, and his heart felt cold.

"Xiao Ting, how's it going? Where's Ruoxue??" Han walked over anxiously, followed by a doctor in a white coat.

"Doctor, hurry up, hurry up." Xiao Ting hurriedly dragged the doctor to Ruoxue.

After a long time, the female doctor said calmly: "The patient is just overworked and hungry. She will be fine after a short rest. It is best to cook some porridge before letting her eat..."

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor" Hearing that Ruoxue's fainting was only caused by fatigue and hunger, both Han and Xiao Ting let out a long sigh of relief.

However, a new problem came?

How is it possible to be hungry and tired?

"Yuchen, tell me, what happened? How could this happen?" Xiao Ting pulled Yuchen and replied with concern. Seeing Yuchen so depressed, he was extremely anxious.

"Yihan...gone. Yihan doesn't talk to me anymore. Yihan is gone..." Yuchen murmured, his words were full of sadness and grief.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the room became weird...

"That bastard smashed the door of my house!" Just as everyone fell silent, there was a roar like a pig killing outside the door. Hearing this familiar voice, everyone was stunned, but Yuchen was He rushed out at the fastest speed, "Uncle Sun, Uncle, Yihan, where is Yihan, please, tell me, where is Yihan?" When Xiao Ting and the others went out, Yuchen was already suffering. I begged Uncle Sun bitterly, it turned out that Uncle Sun had returned.

Seeing the sunny boy, he became an old uncle after a few days, and Uncle Sun sighed in his heart: "Xiaoyu, forget it, the opportunity has already been given to you, it's a pity...maybe you It’s really a coincidence.”

"No, uncle, please, tell me where Yihan is, I'll go find him, and I'll explain to him!" Yuchen said heart-piercingly. Now Yuchen can no longer pretend to be strong. Looking at Yuchen who was begging, Xiao Ting and Han were silent, Uncle Sun sighed and mourned: "Go, Beimen Airport, now, you can still see them for the last time."

"thanks, thanks!"

Yuchen rushed away, everyone was still dazed and hadn't recovered yet, Xiao Ting rushed out immediately after reacting.


"Han, drive!"

Both of them followed Yuchen, trying to catch up with Yuchen, but soon they discovered an incredible scene, Han's eyes were full of shock: "How is it possible... Yuchen's speed is 100 meters per second , how can the speed of 180 yards not catch up?"



The sound of brakes kept ringing, and they lost Yuchen's figure. Han refused to admit defeat and continued to catch up with Yuchen. The North Gate Airport, which was originally at a normal speed of 10 minutes, was rushed to by Yuchen in a few minutes. How is this? Terrible speed?

Yuchen smelled of alcohol and tobacco all over his body, and rushed into Beimen Airport like a madman.

"Yihan, Yihan!" After entering the airport, he began to shout, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people, who showed contempt and disdain in their eyes, and cursed one after another.

"Oh, it stinks, it stinks"

"Security, where is the lunatic coming from, hurry up and get out!"

For a while, the airport hall resounded, but Yuchen ignored it and kept shouting Yihan's name, echoing throughout the hall.

"Good girl, don't be sad, mother will find you a man who is a hundred times better than him"

"Ding, passengers on the flight from Sioux City to Beijing, please..."

"Yihan, let's go."

"Yeah." Covering her eyes that were already red from crying with sunglasses, Yihan followed her mother on the flight to the capital. Behind them were rows of bodyguards in black, who were big men with tiger bodies, with a terrifying aura.

"Sir, you are not allowed in."

"Get out of the way!" In the hall, several security guards blocked Yuchen's way.

"Sir, please respect our work!"

"Get out of the way!" Yuchen roared angrily, the murderous intent in his eyes made the security guards at the airport tremble, and they backed off. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Yuchen ran to the boarding platform.

"Yihan, Yihan!"

"Let's go..." Just one step away, there is the security checkpoint for entering the airport, Yihan's mother said dotingly, Yihan nodded obediently, the group passed through the security checkpoint, and walked towards the airport.


At that moment, a loud roar resounded throughout the hall, and at that moment, Na Yihan suddenly turned her head, and she saw a familiar and friendly face, with tears in her eyes wearing sunglasses.

"Yihan!" Finally, Yuchen recognized Yihan's figure in the vast crowd at a glance, and Yuchen ran there excitedly, but was stopped by the security inspector.

"Sir, please..."

"What stinks?" The female security inspector covered her nose and looked at Yuchen with disgust.

"Sir, you can't go in, sir, you can't go in!"

"Guard, guard!"

The sirens sounded.In an instant, a group of guards rushed out of the airport. They came to the security checkpoint and stopped Yuchen.

"Get out of the way!"

"Yihan, don't go, don't go, listen to my explanation!"

"Sir, please calm down, this is the airport, if you don't have a ticket, we can't let you go there."

"I'll buy it, I'll buy it with money, get out of the way!" Yuchen yelled, because Yihan's mother was afraid that something would change, so she pulled Yihan away, but the guards were still unmoved, and Yuchen took out a large bag from his pocket. Stacks of RMB scattered throughout the airport: "Get out of the way!"


Yuchen broke through the line of defense in an instant at a speed invisible to the naked eye: "Yihan, listen to my explanation!"

"Stop him!" At that moment, Yihan's mother said coldly to the group of black-clothed bodyguards behind her, and the 8 black-clothed bodyguards stayed behind, blocking Yuchen with a human wall.

"Get out of the way!" Obstructed again and again, as if the heavens were very dissatisfied with Yuchen.

"Go away, does the toad want to eat swan meat? You are not worthy of our eldest lady!"

"I said... Get out of the way!"

"What if you don't let me?" The big man in black smiled disdainfully, but what he answered was an angry iron fist.


A big man stepped back a few meters on the spot, and the eyes of the other seven were full of shock. You must know that they were professional security guards, but retired special forces, who had killed people and carried cannons, were defeated by a crazy person?

At that moment, even Yihan's mother who turned her head showed a look of shock.


The seven bodyguards shot together, and their fists rained down violently. At this moment, Yuchen returned to the game world again. His nimble body dodged their attacks, and then he shot fiercely like a beast, and immediately knocked them down after the fight.


"Don't come here!" Just when Yuchen broke through the defense line of seven security guards and rushed towards Yihan, Yihan suddenly shouted, holding back tears and saying: "You go's over gone."

The sad and indifferent tone was carved into his heart like a knife. At that moment, Yuchen only saw Yihan's leaving back...

Is everything over between him and Yihan?

(Third update, ask for flowers, please invite guests, please subscribe)

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