The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 379 - The Mysterious Man

When Xiao Ting, Ruoxue, Han, Xiaotian, Yudie, and Uncle Sun saw Yuchen again, it was the afternoon when Zhantian brought him back from the Public Security Bureau, and they fought in public at the airport. , if the airport doesn't pursue it, Yuchen will really be in trouble this time.

When people blamed Yuchen for being impulsive, they saw his heartbroken look but didn't know how to speak, especially Uncle Sun, who was originally optimistic about Yuchen and Yihan, but now that something like this happened, they didn't know what to say. Who can be blamed?

It's all fate...

After another week, Yuchen has not been online, and Ruoxue has been silently by his side, and it has continued like this without any change. On the first day, there is nothing to say. Ting returned to his hometown and left Suzhou.

Yuchen went to send it off once, and it was still the same after returning home...

On the fourth day, Xuan'er brought Hui Yu to see him, and left after only a minute of leaving a word. On the fifth day, all the cadres of Silence, Misty Rain, Quiet, Unintentional, and Dream called one after another..

Yuchen replied numbly, without saying a word.

In the end, everyone stopped talking, and stopped trying to persuade Yuchen, and let him sink down. On the sixth day, Chen Yong suddenly rushed into Yuchen's room. Everyone pulled away.

On the seventh day, Ruoxue came to his room.

"Yuchen... No matter what, I love you."

At that moment, the ashen Yuchen finally reacted, he hugged Ruoxue and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry for making you wronged, but... I always love Yihan, and I will be responsible for you. "

"I don't want you to be responsible, I don't want it, I just want you to remember me, remember me forever, you and Yihan are just a couple, no one can separate you, trust me, Yuchen, you will definitely meet again." Snow cried and said.

"No matter what happens later, Yuchen, please believe me, I love you!" Ruoxue's tone was full of sadness, but the disheartened Yuchen didn't notice it. comfort her.

"I'm sorry... please give me time..." Holding Ruoxue, Yuchen said that he would be responsible. It's not that Ruoxue is not in his heart. However, when Yihan left, he realized that it turned out that He can't live without Yihan.

Without Yihan, Yuchen's world is gray.He was already heartbroken.

Article [-], Yuchen cheered up a lot, took a shower, hung up his beard, went to the barber shop to dye his white hair black, and took Ruoxue to the shopping mall for a day, Article [-], he still took Ruoxue snow out..

In this way, it lasted for half a month, and there were less than 20 days left before the Chinese New Year.

And during Yuchen's leisurely days, the internal contradictions in Dream became more and more intense, especially because Yuchen was not online, and the decisions among the high-level leaders were inconsistent, causing a lot of turmoil!

On this day, because of the upcoming refresh of the territory, the dream cadre level collapsed again.

Because Yuchen once said that the refreshed resident this time will assist Floating Life or Misty Rain in the fight for the end of the world. However, under the control of the thoughtful people inside Dream, more than half of the cadres in Dream think that Dream should expand its strength and seize the resident.

Of course, this was strongly opposed by Shen Mo and others!

But what Shen Mo and others didn't expect was that someone actually raised dissatisfaction, and even quarreled with Shen Mo. Xiao Ting killed the other party without saying a word, and kicked him out of the union, which caused an uproar in Dream.

Which one is not born and died for a dream?However, because the dream was kicked out with one sentence, countless players were terrified. The dream is no longer the small union it was in the past. Now it has a scale of tens of 10 people, and it has reached the point where it is becoming more and more complicated and difficult to manage.

Until the end of the meeting, Sunset didn't say a word. However, the ambition and something wrong he showed made Shen Mo and others feel that the dream was not good, and even the dream had made more and more enemies.

It caused a huge reaction and dissatisfaction from the outside world.

Even, not long ago, I dreamed of a team to wipe out Bai Xiaosheng's paparazzi union. The method was cruel and despicable, but Shen Mo and the others didn't know about it beforehand. Zhu, Yan and others were very dissatisfied.

However, Xixia Xixia is also the deputy lord, controlling the life and death power of dreams, but what shocked them even more was that the people who supported Xixia Xixia among the cadres actually accounted for the majority. This bad feeling made Silence them Feeling a strong uneasiness.

"Hehe, maybe Chen Yong was right at the beginning." Shen Mo laughed at himself.

Dream's internal conflicts are getting more and more intense, and the external conflicts are even more unstoppable. The situation continues to develop. The peripheral members don't know what's going on and start to compete with other union members for territory. It's too late for Silence to kick them!

Moreover, they didn't know how these people joined the dream union. Suddenly, including Silence, they realized that they knew too little about their dream union!

With a sudden shudder, they suddenly realized that this dream union has always been managed by Xixiaxixia!

On the same day, Shen Mo found Misty Rain, An Jing, and had a secret meeting. However, when they were worried about this matter, another thing happened that they didn't expect.

"Phoenix City..has it finally arrived? According to Xuanyuan Continent's information, the No.1 of the Martial Arts Association is the president of Phoenix City Dream Wuchen, right?" Black clothes, black Suddenly, a man covered in pitch black appeared outside the gate of Phoenix City, glanced at the crowd passing by inside, and walked in slowly.

Passing through the crowd, he didn't know whether it was intentional or deliberate, he was very careful, avoiding the surrounding crowd and rushing towards the teleportation point: "Dream City"


next second.The man in black appeared in front of the so-called Dream City, staring at it and couldn't help sighing: "The number one master, Dream Union, maybe this way you can get the information faster... It's really nerve-wracking, I hope this Yu Wuchen is not an idiot... Otherwise, I will really be in trouble."

The man in black walked in, but was intercepted by a dream player outside the door: "Sorry, you don't have permission to enter the city of dreams?"

"Uh..." The man in black pulled several black lines from the top of his head, and thought for a while: "I want to see your president, so I can't comment?"

"Hahahaha, what a joke, do you think our president is a cat or a dog? See you soon?" The dream player laughed.

Immediately, the man in black's evaluation of the dream dropped a lot: "The members are like this, and the president is probably not much better. It seems that I came to the wrong place."

"What are you talking about paralyzed?" The words of the man in black came to the ears of the goalkeeper in Mengmeng, and the man suddenly shouted, drew his sword and shouted at the woman in black!

"What?" the man in black turned his head, revealing a pair of blood-red pupils and said coldly.

At that moment, the two dream members who were guarding the gate trembled!

"Malaby, pretend to be aggressive!" the guard at the gate yelled, his sword on the verge of breaking out. Although the red pupils of the man in black made the two of them feel terrified, but after thinking about it, is this the base camp of dreams?

Are they still afraid that he will fail alone?

"Sure enough... I came to the wrong place." The men in black looked very disappointed together, and left without looking back. This made the two players who were complacent because they joined the dream suddenly resentful!

"Paralyzed, courting death!" One of the gatekeepers shouted, and immediately slashed with a weapon in his hand. The sword edge flickered, and a half-moon-shaped slash flew towards the man in black.

Feeling the slash spreading from behind, the indifferent expression of the man in black suddenly turned serious, he turned his face, and looked coldly at the light blue slash, just when it was about to hit him.. .



The moment Slash touched the body of the man in black, a trace of black gas appeared on his body, and the Slash that touched the black gas disappeared in an instant, which surprised the attacking warriors so strangely.

"Are you... looking for death?" The man in black didn't come to find fault, but he would never be soft when someone bullied him.

"Paralysis, brothers, there is a man in black who came to our dream to cause trouble, right at the gate, he is a master!" The man shouted in the trade union channel unconvinced, and soon, he ran out of the city of dreams. A large group of people, including several elite members whose core members have already made a large film.

"Hey..." The man in black glanced at the players around him in a strange tone.

"Brother Feng, this is the guy!"

"May I ask your Excellency, what are you doing in the city of my dreams?" Fengyue Liuhua's expression turned serious, and there was a feeling of uneasiness emanating from the man in black, and she asked politely.

The man in black said flatly: "It's just that I went to the wrong place. I didn't expect to be bitten by two dogs."

"Grass mud horse, who are you scolding!" The dream member who had done it before shouted loudly.

"Speaking disrespectfully, die!" The red pupils of the man in black froze, and the black gas appeared out of nowhere on the member who was yelling. In just a moment, he cried out in pain, and the black light like a flame enveloped his whole body !

The people around exclaimed and moved away one after another, Fengyue Liuhua's expression turned furious: "It seems that you don't take our dreams seriously!"

"Get rid of him!" Fengyue shouted loudly, and dozens of people flocked to him!

"It's not my fault!"

"Devour it..."

When the black gas enveloped everyone in it like a burning flame, within the black flame, Fengyue Liuhua and dozens of people showed pain and screams. In a moment, they were covered by black fireworks, lying on the ground. The ground was motionless... Huge damage kept floating above the head.

"What? Is the dream of the first guild only capable of this?" At this moment, the eyes of the man in black were full of confidence and contempt!

A mysterious person appears here?The purpose is to?

(Fourth update! Please flowers, 0 flowers this morning, how can you embarrass me?)

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