The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 387 – On the Eve of Departure

The cadre meeting was dissolved under Yuchen's tyrannical arrogance. This cadre meeting made all the cadres understand Yuchen more deeply.

This cadre meeting is actually a wake-up call for everyone. Don’t think he doesn’t know anything. If he goes too far, he will kill him at any time. Man, however, can only choose them as scapegoats.

It took half a year for the majestic city of dreams to achieve such brilliant results. Every day, thousands of dollars are paid in, and the salary of players at the cadre level exceeds that of white-collar workers, and Yuchen is already a billionaire.

On the eaves of the lord's mansion of the City of Dreams, this is the tallest building. From the roof, you can overlook the panorama of the City of Dreams. On this day, all the powerful cadres of the City of Dreams, including the president Yuchen, they Unexpectedly, he came to the eaves for the first time, looking at the magnificent scene on the ground.

All of this is closely related to everyone's efforts.

"Boss, why did you let them go?" Yan's temper was relatively straightforward, and he still didn't understand why Yuchen chose this way.

"No evidence, no basis." Xingzhu gave Yan a violent blow.

"Also, if it's really that person...Wuchen, it should be very difficult, right? Today's dream has such an achievement, and it has an inseparable relationship with him."

"But, if all this is true, wouldn't we have to sit and wait for death?" Yan then asked.

"That's why I'm going to make a scene today, so that everyone can be more peaceful. It's better...not him?" Yuchen smiled, hoping that this would make those people calm down, at least until the Dragon Vein Treasure is completed .

Yan nodded thoughtfully.

Xiao Ting returned to his hometown, separated from Yu Chen, and smiled sincerely when he saw Yu Chen coming back, but he still didn't understand: "Yu Chen, since this is the case, it seems that there is no need to do anything extra?"

Hehe, Yuchen smiled, Xiao Ting still saw it comprehensively, indeed, if Yuchen had the heart to eradicate dissidents, what he did today would be superfluous.

"It's okay to tell you something. Brother Mo Mo and I have to leave for a while. As for how long, we don't know, that's why we did this." Yuchen said to everyone, everyone present was loyal to him Partner, Yuchen is very relieved about this.

"What? I'm leaving." Wuxin was startled, this kind of critical dream can't be done without Shen Mo and Yuchen.

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate at this time?" Everyone also objected.

"So, the dream will be handed over to you for the next period of time." Yuchen smiled at everyone.

Shen Mo breathed a long sigh of relief: "The matter of Yuchen and I leaving is a secret. Everyone knows what to do, right? It's best to wait and see what happens, and let interested people guess. In the end, you can just spread some rumors. In short, be smart when things happen, and everything is right We'll be back."

"How long will it take?" Wuxin said worriedly, but both Yuchen and Shen Mo chose to leave at this time. Naturally, there was an emergency, but there must be a bottom line.

"I'm afraid it will take half a month." Yuchen mused. There are still more than 20 days before the Chinese New Year. They have to speed up their trip to the dragon veins this time. The dream is also urgent, but it is thought that they are not a union. I feel more at ease with my strength.

"Don't worry, Yanyu Jiangnan, floating life in the last days, and Zhantian will give us full support. If something really happens, you can decide for yourself." Yuchen patted Wuxin's shoulder, showing approval.

"Okay, I understand." Wu Xin nodded heavily, feeling that the burden on her body was a lot heavier.

"Hehe, brothers, it's up to you for the next period of time." The wind blowing their clothes, standing on the eaves of this high sky, what they saw was a vast land.

Everyone nodded firmly, clenched their fists, and vowed in their hearts that they would never let Yuchen down.

After everyone dispersed, only silence, Wuxin, and Yuchen remained on the eaves.

"Yuchen, do you still remember Chen Yong's words?" Standing on the towering eaves, with the wind blowing gently in front of him, he silently asked the doubts in his heart.

Yuchen nodded, and sighed a little: "At the beginning, the dream was built with passion, and it was also for a dream that was invisible and worked hard to pursue. Now the dream has come true, and it has become complicated."

"Let me tell you, when did you become so sentimental? Didn't we build our dreams with enthusiasm? This is a game, a game, and sometimes you have to know how to withdraw." Wuxin shrugged. After all, they all understood This is a game, but I can't help but sink into it.

"Hehe, game... game... No matter what, Wuxin, I'm sorry for you. I hate God, Canglang will stay in the dream to help you with all his strength during this time, so we will leave." Yuchen said again.

"Khan, why have you become such a mother-in-law?"


"Let me go and stay with Yanran." After thinking for a while, Yuchen disappeared on the eaves. Silence and Wuxin looked at each other, and smiled wryly one after another. Although Yuchen tried his best to hide his loss, how could he escape their attack? eyes?

"Alas, a hero is saddened by a beauty pass."

On the eaves, there are endless sighs.

Accompanying Yanran for a whole afternoon, until the sunset, Yuchen took Yanran back to the room, and reluctantly went offline, Yuchen's heart was full of pain, when he disappeared, Yanran couldn't help but turn around.Yuchen knew that she cried again.

Sighing sadly, Yuchen logged off, and the empty room seemed more and more lonely by himself.

"Where is Ruoxue?" Yuchen suddenly remembered the woman who was with her, walked out, and came to Zeng Yihan's room, feeling sad and sad.


A burst of sobbing came into Yuchen's ears, and he ran into the room trembling, only to find Ruoxue crying with her head buried alone.

"Ruoxue, what's wrong with you?" Yuchen asked anxiously.

Ruoxue Lihua raised her head with rain and threw herself into Yuchen's arms after seeing Yuchen. She didn't speak, but kept crying, as if her heart was full of grievances.

"What's wrong? Ruoxue?" Yuchen was heartbroken about the woman.

"My family told me to go back." Ruoxue cried.At that moment, Yuchen trembled all over and couldn't help muttering: "Are you going to leave?"

"Since that's the case, let Ruoxue go home and take a look. It just so happens that I have something to deal with recently, and I don't have time to accompany you in reality." Yuchen thought for a while, it's fine if Ruoxue leaves, because he really doesn't know what to do Facing this love, ever since Yihan left, his heart has followed suit.

Ruoxue kissed her suddenly, but Yuchen shivered and pushed Ruoxue away, and rushed out the door. At that moment, Ruoxue shed crystal tears...

(four more)

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