The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 388 – Ready to Go

On the balcony blown by the cool breeze, Yuchen was smoking and drinking. He didn’t know when he fell in love with smoking and drinking. He exhaled a layer of faint smoke rings and looked at the charming night sky and the city with twinkling lights. .

"Is it another year, time flies so fast..." Yuchen said with emotion, too many things happened in this year, happiness, sadness, despair, loneliness, joy, all experiences once.

"Yihan, can we still see each other?" When he was lonely, Yuchen's heart was full of that beautiful girl's happy smile. At this moment, his heart ached, and he missed that playful girl so much. Why, God would treat him like this?

Finally got true love, but was torn apart like this, explain?Yuchen smiled helplessly, the facts all happened in front of Yihan, is it still useful to explain?In the desolation of the night, only Yuchen sighed endlessly.

Similarly, in a certain villa far away in the capital, a beautiful girl looked at the bright moon in the sky, the longing in her heart, the longing in her heart, turned into tears and wet her beautiful cheeks.

"Yuchen...." Tightening her fair little hands, Yihan's heart was so painful, so painful.

The two separated by fate, will they still meet the day?And in the same way, what will happen between the sad Ruoxue and Yuchen?

This night was peaceful and unremarkable, but it caused a wave of chaos in each of their hearts.

At dawn, Yuchen got up in a daze and went to the living room. Breakfast had been prepared early, and there was a note on the table. Yuchen walked over in surprise, and then there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry... Ruoxue." After reading the note, Yuchen could only mutter to himself. He didn't know how to respond to Ruoxue's love, and he couldn't deceive himself. The person he loved was Yihan, not Ruoxue. Snow.

Ruoxue is gone...Yihan is gone, Xiao Ting is back home, even Xuan'er brought Hui Yu back to his hometown to prepare for the New Year, people leave for tea, Yuchen's face is full of sadness and sadness .

"Almost, it's time to go home." At this time, Yuchen thought of home, his parents, his lovely and beautiful sister, his former playmates, and everything in his hometown...

"Well, let's go home after this dragon vein thing is over." Yuchen cheered up. He may have suffered too many setbacks in his life, and he recovered quickly. After washing up, he went online.

With a flash of white light, it was still Yanran's room.

Looking at that beautiful delicate body, Yuchen couldn't help but smiled, the game is false?Is reality really true?In the end, the only one who accompanied him was Yanran, a beautiful, gentle and kind girl.

However, Yuchen had to face what would happen next, his heart was full of reluctance, and he really wanted to stay by Yanran's side forever.

"Yanran..." Hugging Yanran from behind, the beautiful girl trembled slightly, and then a beautiful and happy smile appeared on her face: "Here you are?"

"Well, are you packing up?" Yuchen said softly.

"Well, yes, I have to bring a lot of things, hee hee." Yan Ran said cheerfully, as if she was not at all unhappy about what happened next, but Yuchen knew how strong this weak girl was. He understands very well.

Hugging Yanran tightly, Yuchen greedily smelled the fragrance in the air: "Yanran, after this matter is over, I will always be with you."

Yanran turned around: "Well, actually, brother Wuchen, as long as you remember Yanran, Yanran is already very happy. Moreover, Crystal Love is just like you, and I will cherish it forever." Pointing to her chest That sparkling crystal necklace, Yan Ran's face is filled with a happy smile.

"Hehe, silly boy, of course it can't be me." Yuchen smiled.

"Why can't you pull?" Yan Ran asked innocently.

"I can do a lot, this thing is useless." Yuchen looked at Yanran with a smirk.

Yan Ran blushed, "What can Brother Wu Chen do?"

"For example like this." Yuchen's hand moved restlessly, and Yan Ran lowered her head shyly for a while: "Bad guys, perverts, hooligans, just like those people, with lecherous eyes."


"Yan Ran"


"Let's go, let's go for a walk." Yuchen held Yanran's hand and said softly.

At that moment, the beautiful girl's eyes were full of hope: "Really... is it really possible?"

"Of course." Yuchen caressed Yanran's soft hair and said dotingly. Now he has achieved his dream of dominance, but he feels the sadness of the world. He finds that he doesn't cherish the people around him well. Maybe, Maybe four years ago.

Regret is useless, what Yuchen can do now is to cherish the people he should cherish.

Walking out of the city of dreams with Yanran, it naturally attracted everyone's speculations and envious eyes. The members of the dream even looked at their legendary president and the goddess Yanran in the hearts of countless nerds with smirks on their faces. .

The two walked together all the way, from the capital of dreams to Phoenix City, and then came to a place with beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery, with beautiful mountains and rivers, singing birds and fragrant flowers, and there were couples like them around.

Sitting down, Yuchen and Yanran didn't talk much that day, they sat quietly, enjoying the only time they had, because there were still two days before Yuchen was leaving, and Yanran would also go with her.

When the sun set and dusk scattered the sky, Yuchen and Yanran returned to the dream capital. Maybe the cadre meeting played a role. Everything was calm and nothing happened this day.

On the second day, it was the same. Yuchen accompanied Yanran in the beautiful places around the major cities. What surprised Yuchen was that Yanran could teleport. The general limitation of the system, that is to say, Yan Ran has evolved, this is what players in the game world call "free npc!"

Of course, it can only be teleportation between cities, and still cannot deviate from the normal track of the system, but this also makes Yuchen ecstatic, at least he can travel with Yanran in the future.

However, Ruoxue has not been online these days. Although Yuchen was worried, he didn't ask, because he really couldn't face that beautiful woman, but what surprised Yuchen was that the sunset also disappeared, and he didn't go online for two days. This feeling made him uneasy.

In the same way, Yuchen always felt like he was being followed these days, but the other party didn't seem to be malicious. In order not to affect the good time between him and Yanran, Yuchen didn't do anything unnecessary.

In a blink of an eye, it is the third day, and the departure is imminent!

The night of the third day.

Because the matter of the dragon veins is extremely secretive, Wuxin and the others wanted to send it away but were rejected by Yuchen and Shen Mo. After all, the less people know about this matter, the better. Let others guess slowly.

"Yuchen, how's it going? Are you ready?" Mo Mo sent a message.

"Okay, no problem." Yuchen returned.

"Okay, let's go." Yuchen and the others deliberately chose a secluded place, taking advantage of the dark night and high wind, swish swish swish, two figures kept flying in the city of dreams, and in a blink of an eye they had already appeared in Phoenix City .

Under the silent night, Yuchen hugged Yanran, and went straight to the teleportation point with Shen Mo, without attracting the attention of others along the way. Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid people's eyes and ears. Even in the middle of the night, Phoenix City is still brightly lit. The enthusiasm of the players cannot be stopped.


"15 gold coins," said the teleporter without changing his face. It is obvious that these people have entered the free program.

In a burst of gorgeous light, the figures of Yuchen, Shen Mo, and Yan Ran disappeared in the silent Phoenix City. A gust of wind blew by without attracting anyone's attention, and they finally set off.

Atlantis, the Azure Sea, is a lost city that was opened to the public after a system update. The npcs and players living here are not pure humans, but murlocs, mermaids, and various underwater creatures.

Of course, since the opening of Atlantis, it has aroused praise from countless players. Of course, those mermaids are really naked, and the players watching are so excited.

Yuchen has been very busy and hasn't had time to come to this beautiful city, but this time it's just by chance, but they can't stay here for too long, because there is a long road ahead.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." After coming to this underwater city in the blue sea, Yan Ran's beautiful eyes shone with a strange brilliance as if she had discovered a new continent, and she couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the surrounding pictures.

Yuchen also showed a surprised face. They are in the square of Atlantis at the moment, and they can't help but marvel at the surrounding pictures. A light blue barrier protects the entire city, and outside this is the deep sea. In the beautiful coral sea, and a variety of fish.

The bottom of the sea is even brighter than the land.

The silence seemed indifferent, it was not the first time he had been here.

"Coordinate 234, 093." This was the message Yanying Jianchen had sent before. Misty Rain and An Jing had already gone one step ahead, and they followed the map to this coordinate, and soon found a group of three people waiting here.

"Here we come." An Jing withdrew her demon pupils, and before Yuchen and the others appeared, he had already spotted them one step ahead.

"They are already here." Yu Chen said the same.

"Oh?" Yanying Jianchen, Yanyu and the others stood up, looking into the distance, and sure enough, the three figures of Yuchen appeared in their line of sight.

"It's already here, let's go." Yanying Jianchen seemed to be waiting for a long time, and he couldn't wait, with an unconcealable excitement on his face.

"Ah, let's go!" Misty Rain also said excitedly, they were full of expectations for this adventure!

Six people are about to embark on an adventurous journey.

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