The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 389 – Desperation

The deep blue sea, the legendary lost city, Atlantis.

A group of uninvited guests ushered in today. Even in the dark night, there are still many players who are leveling and fighting monsters. Murlocs, the magical creatures that live on the seabed, many players other than the first batch chose the Murlocs.

Because, not only can they breathe freely on the bottom of the sea, their power growth is five times that of humans, and the giant race is even more terrifying, ten times. Of course, players who can reach this number are still rare, and the earth wolf is one.

However, in terms of race, human talent will always be unsurpassed by all races.

"Why did you come here now?" An Jing frowned, expressing dissatisfaction with Yu Chen, no matter what, when these two guys met, it was like who owed someone in the previous life, and they would always quarrel.

"Your sister, it's you who arrived early, okay?" An Jing and Misty Rain were the ones who had agreed to go together before.

"Another one who misses my sister." An Jing sighed endlessly, and Yuchen despised it.

"Cough cough." Yan Ying coughed dryly twice, feeling very helpless towards Yu Chen and Jing Jing, these two creatures, as an outsider, it was hard for him to say anything.

"Wuchen, are you sure you want to take... together on the road?" Yanying Jianchen looked at Yanran, then asked Yuchen, and said it directly without any taboo.

"Well, yes." Yuchen replied firmly.

Yanying Jianchen thought for a moment and raised his head and said: "There is no other way, but there are many difficulties along the way, and there will naturally be many dangers, so it is best to be careful."

Everyone nodded cautiously, and Yuchen also said softly to Yanran: "Don't worry, I'm here, I'm fine."

Yan Ran replied and nodded.

Seeing that it was almost done, Yanying Jianchen began to say: "This is a water-avoiding bead. It can breathe in water for three hours. It cannot be reused. It has a cooling time of 30 minutes, and we have to rush through the vortex torrent. In other words, the time is very short." Urgent, of course, I have tried it in advance, and there is no problem with our strength, this water-avoiding bead is prepared to prevent accidents."

"Accident?" Everyone looked at Yanying Jianchen with a serious expression.

"Ah, accident, because the sea area we are going to is full of dangerous Neptune-like beasts, we must use water-repelling beads in the battle to function normally, but even so will have a certain impact." Yanying Jianchen took out ten pieces of water per person. Group, a hundred pills the size of cold medicine were traded to everyone.

"After the torrent and vortex, there is the Dead Sea. There is a lost ancient map. Be prepared, young people." Yanying Jianchen rarely said a cold joke.


"It's really exciting."

"Then if there is no problem, we will set off!" Yanying Jianchen said, and everyone nodded sternly.

At the moment when they were walking, there was a wave of fluctuation, and at that moment, Yanying Jianchen disappeared immediately, and then there was a loud shout: "I have been sneaking around for a long time, Your Excellency should come out."

Yuchen, Misty Rain, Shen Mo, Jing Jing and others also drew their weapons. Everyone had already felt something strange. At the moment they were walking, someone was following them, revealing traces of fluctuations.

The five of them are all super masters, how could they not know.

"Obviously it was Yuchen who attracted it."

In the dark corner, the man hadn't come out yet, but An Jing had already sprayed Yuchen first.

"Qushi, why don't you talk about you, you'll be unhappy if you don't explode your chrysanthemums, right?" Yuchen said contemptuously.

"Damn, I won't be happy if I don't explode your ass."

"Go, do you want to fight!"

"Come on, who's afraid of who?"

Seeing the two people's infighting, Misty Rain, Silence immediately pulled down the black line at one end, Nima, do you dare not to quarrel every time they meet? The sharp black sword slashed across in an instant.


There was a wave of anger, and sure enough, the figure of the man could no longer be hidden, so he had no choice but to walk out.

This figure slowly came into everyone's eyes, and Yuchen and the others wanted to see what happened. However, when the black shadow appeared in front of them, except for Yanying Jianchen who was slightly shocked, Yuchen and the others also wanted to see what happened. Suddenly his eyes trembled, his pupils suddenly dilated, and his eyes were full of shock and doubt!

"Why are you!" The four of Yuchen exclaimed, enough to see their shock, even if they wanted to break their heads, they didn't expect that the person following them would be her, that legendary woman.

"What? Can't it be me?" The pleasant and slightly angry female voice came to Yuchen and others' ears.

"Acquaintance?" Yanying Jianchen was startled, with a dazed look on his face, it was obvious that the woman in front of him and Yuchen and the others should be acquaintances.

"She is Fengwu Qingcheng, I believe this name is familiar to you, right?" After the shock, they soon returned to normal, Ye Jingjing said to Yanying Jianchen.

Sure enough, Yanying Jianchen looked at the well-proportioned, sexy and masked beautiful woman in front of her in surprise. She did not expect that she was the second generation president of Fengwu, Fengwu Qingcheng. As for her matter, as an online game Naturally, it is impossible not to know about fans.

"What are you doing here?" Compared to the shock of the few people, Yuchen looked puzzled and bewildered. There is no reason for Fengwu Qingcheng to appear here?Unless, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Yuchen's mind, he looked at Feng Wu Qingcheng coldly and said, "Are you the one following me these few days?"

Yuchen regretted that he didn't use the hidden dragon technique to check, but he was followed by Fengwu Qingcheng to Atlantis. What does this woman want to do?

When her identity was exposed, Feng Wu Qingcheng naturally didn't think about hiding it. Looking at Yuchen's shocked expression, she looked at him with a little anger and jealousy: "What? Phoenix City is so big, you can follow it if you say it, and I said Where did I pass by?"

Feng Wu's beautiful eyes froze, and she looked at Yu Chen with complicated eyes.

Yuchen is now one head and two older, adding a Fengwu Qingcheng wouldn't it be worse, so Yuchen chose the most decisive way: "Let's go, leave her alone!" Yuchen turned around and left.

A few people looked puzzled, and Yanying Jianchen looked at Yuchen's back in a more complicated manner. After looking at the angry Fengwu Qingcheng, a flash of inspiration suddenly dawned and said: "Oh, you guys have jq!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yanying Jianchen realized his gaffe, seeing Yuchen and Fengwu Qingcheng looked at him with cannibalistic faces, and said guiltyly: "What, slip of the tongue, I didn't say you guys Oh, don't admit it."


"Yu Wuchen, you are still not a man!" After seeing a few people, she really didn't care about her and left. The beautiful woman Fengwu Qingcheng finally became anxious, and ran to Yuchen's body quickly, and opened her arms to block their way. The plump Xuefeng couldn't help but tremble, and Uncle Yanyu's heart fluttered as he watched.

"You guessed it right, I'm not a man, so I'm not interested in you, you say yes, Jing Jing." Yuchen looked at Jing Jing.

"..." Quiet and speechless, but smiled helplessly and cooperated with Yuchen to play a romantic relationship: "Friends, when did you get involved with women?"

"Um, she came by herself."

"Okay, you don't have to pretend anymore, Yu Wuchen, you can take her with you, why can't you take me? I've heard about you!" Feng Wu Qingcheng looked awe-inspiring, and exposed Yuchen and An Jing's little trick at once. And looked at Yuchen with a slightly positive tone.

"You know what happened to me?" Yuchen's expression changed.

"Hmph, what is it, of course it's real." Feng Wu Qingcheng said sourly.

However, what Feng Wu Qingcheng didn't expect was that Yuchen's face changed at that moment, and his whole person was extremely cold: "So what." The cold words hurt Feng Wu Qingcheng's heart.

"Let's go, leave her alone." Yuchen said to several people, so far Yanran did not speak, looking at Fengwu Qingcheng thoughtfully with watery eyes.

"If you don't take me with you, I won't leave. I will follow you!" Feng Wu Qingcheng said in a firm tone, and she really didn't let Yuchen and the others pass.

Yuchen's expression trembled, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the black knife suddenly appeared on Fengwu Qingcheng's neck: "Get out! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing without mercy!" The atmosphere became dull.

As for the private affairs between Yuchen and Feng Wu, everyone was not interested in knowing, so they watched obediently from the sidelines.

"This kid, why is he so attractive to women? I'm no worse than him." An Jing said enviously and jealously. Even Uncle Yanyu took a photo with the reflection of his weapon. When he looked at Yuchen, he always felt that he was more handsome. Yes, there is no reason to be single now.

"Get out of the way!" Yuchen drank coldly again, the sharpness of the black knife was revealed, and no one would doubt the sharpness of this knife.

"Don't let it! Absolutely don't let it go!" Feng Wu Qingcheng said cruelly, looking at Yuchen, her beautiful eyes were full of grievances, she couldn't figure out why, the relationship between Yuchen and that woman was over, and he didn't give it up. How about a chance for yourself?

"If you don't let me, I'll kill you!" Yuchen's black knife moved, and his eyes were full of anger. However, facing Fengwu Qingcheng's firm eyes, Yuchen didn't know why he didn't dare to look directly. He saw the light called emotion flickering.

"Don't let, don't let, don't let, just don't let, I want you to take me away!" Fengwu Qingcheng may have never thought that she would say such a thing to a man in her life, but the fact is that she has already done it. .

Lifting the black knife, Yuchen slashed hard: "Ahhhhhhh!"


The black knife fell, but stopped in front of Feng Wu Qingcheng's beautiful face. The strong wind of the blade blew the beautiful Feng Wu Qingcheng's hair. Yuchen took a look angrily: "You can do whatever you want, you can follow if you have the ability!"

"let's go!"

Everyone glanced at each other, and had no choice but to follow Yuchen. There, Feng Wu Qingcheng, who had closed her eyes, opened her big eyes, revealing a hint of joy: "Hmph, did you think that you, a bad guy, can really do something?"

Feng Wu Qingcheng excitedly followed Yuchen and the others, and the beautiful Feng Wu Qingcheng unexpectedly joined this adventurous team...

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