The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 390 – Big Adventure in the Deep Sea

The deep sea is full of endless adventure at first glance. For the few people who came to this magical sea area for the first time, they seemed extremely excited, especially Yan Ran and another uninvited guest looked at the surrounding magical world happily .

A group of six, with one behind, formed a humorous formation to shuttle through the city. At present, Yuchen and the others are still in the huge Atlantis sea area and are heading for the sea of ​​whirlpools and torrents.

"The woman in the back is very troublesome, do you want to kill him?" Yanying Jianchen's black knife flashed, and he looked at Yuchen with doubtful eyes. Quiet, Misty Rain, and Silent four people, his last gaze fell on on Yuchen.

Jing Jing and the others also looked at Yu Chen with a questioning look on their faces. After all, this girl might really have an affair with Yu Chen in the future, so killing her now would not be troublesome in the future.

Yuchen didn't look back, looked at the front and seemed to think for a while and said: "Forget it, she shouldn't be able to keep up for long with her strength, and I will do it myself if necessary."

Yuchen's words made Yanying Jianchen suppress the killing intent in his heart, and joked: "When the time comes, you will destroy flowers with harsh hands, don't be soft."

"Sure enough, good friend, are you reluctant to part with that chick, don't you?" An Jing looked at Yu Chen with an ambiguous and smirk, which immediately made the others terrified, and Yan Ying Jianchen was even more shocked: "Damn... You guys are really gay!"

"Go and go" Yuchen and Yanran held hands, because Yanran's speed was very slow, Yuchen hugged Yanran directly after running not far away, full of fragrant jade, but this scene was seen by Feng Wu Qingcheng behind him, but it was He kept yelling at Yuchen, of course, Yuchen and the others couldn't hear them.

Yuchen and the others began to speed up, flying across the city like afterimages, trying to get rid of Fengwu Qingcheng, but no matter how fast they were, Fengwu Qingcheng gritted his teeth.

"This chick is not bad"

"Extreme god boots, the movement speed has been increased by 45%. I really don't know where she came from." Shen Mo said enviously, this is what thieves lack. If it weren't for the dignity of a big man, it would be a blast The idea of ​​Fengwu Qingcheng.

"It seems that we still have to kill her." Yanying Jianchen became more certain of his thoughts.

"Keep speeding up!" Yuchen said.

"Brother Yuchen, I..." In Yuchen's arms, although I felt extremely happy, the strong wind pressure made Yanran's physique a little bit unbearable. The group of them didn't care, but Yanran suffered.

"Uh..." Yuchen seemed to understand something, braked decisively and slowed down.

"What's wrong?" The rest of the people asked suspiciously.

Yuchen blushed: "It's too fast, Yanran can't stand it." After saying that, Yuchen immediately felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, as he expected, several people looked at him with ambiguous and sinister smiles.

"Oh, I can't stand it, slow down." Everyone suddenly realized, with rippling expressions on their faces.

Yuchen showed such an expression as expected, but what he said just now was ambiguous, even Yanran could hear the meaning, her little face blushed even more, Yuchen and the others were smirking, but Fengwu Qingcheng behind her was He kept cursing the group in front of him.

"Oh my god, how fast are these bts? This lady can barely keep up with so many blessings." If Feng Wu Qingcheng knew that this was not their complete speed, how would she feel?

"Sure enough, there are no normal people with Yu Wuchen, hum." Feng Wu Qingcheng thought angrily, but just like that, she fell in love with that man hopelessly.


Just when Feng Wu Qingcheng was thinking wildly, a puff of water splashed, suddenly it became difficult to breathe, Feng Wu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes were shocked, but Yuchen and the others continued to rush out without any hindrance. In perception, they have already come outside the sea area.

"Is this girl stupid? How dare you rush in like this?" Quietly swallowed the water-preventing beads, and immediately the surrounding resistance decreased a lot. However, soon everyone still received the system's prompt.

"Ding dong, due to the resistance of sea water, the movement power is slowed down by 5%."

"Is there still resistance?"

"Go ahead!"

"Walk in the sea!"

Even though they were hindered from moving, there was no problem for the five people in front of them. Yanran, who was holding Yuchen, rushed to the front instead, and everyone left Fengwu Qingcheng behind in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, how can I feel so sorry for a beautiful woman." When Feng Wu's figure disappeared, Ye Jingjing said with a guilty look, and talked eloquently: "If such a beautiful woman meets a deep-sea beast, why should she be swollen?" Do it!"

"Shut up!"

"It's only three hours. At our speed, we can reach it in about an hour!" After entering the sea area, Yanying Jianchen's expression became serious, and the group of people continued to go deeper, meeting many murlocs and mermaids along the way. The perfect curve of the mermaid made everyone's hearts flutter.

"Guarding the naga, damn it, it's so ugly that someone can take turns." After running wildly, Ye Quietly looked at the surrounding gray monster with six arms that could not be verified male or female and said contemptuously, where a large group of human players were taking turns. This monster.

And the surrounding murloc players are even more ferocious. They fight fiercely with deep sea monsters in the water, such as magic horse crabs, small sea monsters, etc. Obviously this is a low-level monster area.

The highest is level 35.However, the deeper you go, the more dangerous it is.

"My friend, in the past it was a vortex, it was very dangerous there." When Yuchen and the others stepped into the deep sea, a murloc warrior with a level of 80 stopped Yuchen and the others.

All five of them were shocked, and then Yuchen smiled: "Hehe, thank you."

Then, without looking back, they ran towards the dark sea ahead. The eighty-level murloc warrior shrugged helplessly, "Dare to go up even though you know it? Don't you know it's the real thing? I still don’t know how to live or die, but that’s a restricted area of ​​the sea.”

Regarding the advice of the murloc warrior, Yuchen and the others didn't care about it at all, on the contrary, they had a good impression of the warrior just now, but since it has already been decided, how can they give up?

Not to mention the vortex and torrent, there are still countless difficulties waiting for them after this, how can Yuchen and the others back down?

However, just after Yuchen and the others left, a beautiful figure galloped into the black sea area, which made the [-]th-level murloc warrior stunned: "Strange, why are there so many people today?" Players enter the vortex sea? Do they really believe in that illusory legend?"

"Ding Dong, you have entered the vortex sea area, here is a red danger zone, please leave as soon as possible."

When Yuchen and the others entered the vortex sea area, a notification sound came from the system. After arriving here, there was no end to the black sea, and the surrounding air wave also changed, and some were even spinning like a tornado.

Everywhere is full of vortex rotation, and if you encounter a large vortex, you may be crushed to pieces.

"Huh?" Yanying Jianchen suddenly looked behind him, a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Don't tell us there are monsters." An Jing asked in confusion.

"No, I didn't expect her to follow!" Yanying Jianchen said slightly surprised, everyone looked behind after hearing this, and indeed a white figure galloped towards them.

"Huh, I want to get rid of this girl, dreaming." Feng Wu Qingcheng arrived before the sound, and when Yuchen and the others saw it clearly, Feng Wu looked a little embarrassed, obviously suffering a lot.

"It seems that this is the only way to do it." Yanying Jianchen pulled out the black knife in his hand, the killing intent that flashed in his eyes was definitely not fake, this guy seemed to really want to kill Feng Wu.

"Jian Chen, let her continue to follow, I want to see how long she can follow!" Yu Chen said at this time, he was slightly surprised by Feng Wu's determination.

Yanying Jianchen glanced at Yuchen, put the knife back, and didn't feel the slightest bit of dissatisfaction. Instead, he looked at Yuchen and Fengwu Qingcheng with interest. The relationship between these two people is really complicated.

When they came to the vortex sea area, everyone's pace dropped sharply, because the resistance here was different from the previous sea area, giving people a kind of gloomy coldness, Yan Ran and Feng Wu were pale and shivering, Yuchen quickly surrounded Yan Ran with the power of Yinlong Jue, Immediately eased a lot.

"Brother Yuchen, it's so cold here." Yanran looked around in fear, Yuchen hugged the beauty in her arms tightly: "It's fine with me here."

"Yeah." Yan Ran nodded lightly, this scene made Feng Wu Qingcheng behind her feel sore, imagining how great it would be if she was in Yuchen's arms.

"In this sea area, everyone should try their best to amplify their perception. I have been here once, and sea king-type sea beasts are very dangerous here." Yanying Jianchen reminded.The five of them nodded cautiously and opened their perception.

The power of Yuchen's Hidden Dragon Art was also released slowly, and the water surface fluctuated.

"Huh." Looking at the sweet Yanran dissatisfied, Feng Wu snorted coldly, suddenly, a feeling of just a touch of water came from behind Feng Wu Qingcheng, she felt a little weird?There should be no one behind her, because she was at the end of the line. At that moment, Feng Wu Qingcheng felt a little creepy.

She couldn't help turning her head back. At the same time, Yuchen, Jian Chen, An Jing, Misty Rain, and Mo Mo turned their heads immediately, because they all felt a terrifying force suddenly appearing in front of them. behind!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The moment he turned his head, Fengwu Qingcheng's shouts resounded throughout the dark sea area, and in this sea area, Fengwu Qingcheng's shouts trembled for countless leveling players!

At that moment, the pupils of Yuchen and the five suddenly dilated, and they couldn't help but gasp.

That black shadow stands like a building in this dark sea area. What is this huge black shadow?

(About Ruoxue, that is the game world, and Ruoxue is not the heroine, I admit that I am abusing the protagonist, and I guarantee that such a plot will never happen, please give Xiaoyu a chance)

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