The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 822 – Determination of Doppelganger

Yuchen vs. Xiangtianwen, this battle once again ignited people's attention. Although not long ago, Xiangtianwen lost to Yu Wuchen in the battle of the abyss, but no one can guarantee that Yuchen will still win this time. Ask the sky whether you can defeat the Devil Emperor!

The battle between God Killing and the Demon Emperor started again in the dark night, and the furious attack brought the battle to its climax from the very beginning. Looking at Mo Lishang's slowly falling body, Yuchen fell into a rampage. middle!

"Li Shang!"

"Old Mo!"

"Ask the sky, you bloody bastard!" Cang Mumu threw the Yuanneng antimatter bomb recklessly, but in Yuchen's view, this was undoubtedly a dangerous action. The strongest, but only a few people know that Yuchen is just a clone now!

"Are you going to stop me?"

"Heavenly Demon Overlord Body!" A red light burst out from Xiang Tianwen's body, Yuchen's angry Tian Chong actually failed immediately, and the most hateful thing was that Xiang Tian Wen ignored Yu Chen and killed Mo Lishang!

"Ask the sky, aren't you going to fight me? What do you mean now!" Seeing this, Yuchen was anxious, and hurriedly used Yaoxia Blink to stop it. However, in the process of stopping, Yuchen suddenly panicked. It turned out that he couldn't keep up with Xiang Tianwen's speed!

When Xiang Tianwen came to Cang Mumu's side, the attack had already fallen quietly, and Yuchen fell behind Xiang Tianwen!

Before he had time to think about it, Yuchen immediately drew his sword: "Anger..."

"Hahahaha, Yu Wuchen, if you are really the main body, then you are too weak now!" Xiang Tianwen suddenly turned around and kicked, and the terrifying force actually knocked Yuchen into the air.

Xiang Tianwen once again condensed the demon god in the palm of his hand to attack Mo Lishang and killed Mo Lishang. At that moment, there was a sudden loud shout: "Space confinement!"

Xiang Tianwen's body stayed in front of Cang Mumu's cheek, and the bright red energy body was right in front of Cang Mumu's eyeballs. It was intact, but his face was a little pale. Obviously, he used the space countercurrent skill to bring himself back to before Xiang Tianwen attacked him. This kind of power is indeed powerful!

"Xiao Cang, get out of the way!" Mo Lishang felt that his power was colliding with Xiang Tian Wen's power, and his power was obviously weaker than Xiang Tian Wen's!

Cang Mumu came back to her senses: "If you dare to attack the holy Xiao Cangcang, you are going to die!" Saying this, Cang Mumu threw the antimatter bomb in Xiang Tianwen's face recklessly!


The sound of an explosion came from the city wall, and Xiang Tianwen's body was also blown back at that moment. Although he was in a domineering body, Cang Mumu's antimatter bomb had a huge aftermath of explosion!

Xiang Tianwen tossed in the air, and then slowly landed on the ground after 360 degrees. Although he was not injured, Cang Mumu's move enraged him, and he yelled furiously, "Go to hell!"

"The magic blade spins!"



The black slash exploded, and Yuchen stood in front of Cang Mumu and the others. Even though he was just a clone, everyone here was his companion, and the will of the main body was his own!

"Ask to the sky, that's it." The black knife pointed straight at Tianwen, the black flames all over his body were like a black skull roaring under the bright night sky, which made people terrified.

Seeing that Yuchen was using the power of black fire, although Xiang Tianwen didn't know it, he seemed to know that there is only one kind of huge power that the clone can use in several confrontations, and that is the golden light...

"Unexpectedly, you are really the main body!" Feeling Yuchen's aura, this is one of the same forces as when he was fighting with him at the beginning. After confirming that Yuchen is the main body, Xiang Tianwen grinned: "Yu Wuchen , do you think you can defeat me with this state?"

"Use your monster-like power, you can't defeat me now, use your strongest power, use your strongest power!" Xiang Tianwen still broods over the loss to Yuchen , Xiang Tianwen, who has gained more powerful power in the Demon Realm, is looking forward to a battle with Yuchen when he was at his peak.

Surrounded by anger, Yuchen didn't answer in a hurry, but was calmly thinking about his strength so far...

"I don't know why, but I feel that my strength has been increasing recently? Is it because of the main body? No matter, try it. If you can stop Xiang Tianwen, it won't be so troublesome. My deity, I can only try my best." Fight!" After thinking about it, the avatar Yuchen made up his mind, the black flame disappeared in an instant, and immediately, under the gaze of people, Yuchen's body changed!

"The Heart of the Demon Devourer!" With Yuchen's loud shout, his body instantly became taller, his arms, feet, and head all changed shape. The same Yuchen appeared in front of them.

This is the heart of the demon that has absorbed the power of the dragon soul. However, the clone cannot exert the powerful power of Yuchen.

"Hahahahaha, that's it, that's it, Yu Wuchen, I'm going to defeat you today, just watch, watch my perfect demon body be liberated!"


Thick black and purple smoke billowed from Xiang Tianwen's body, and his body suddenly became even bigger, with two ferocious horns extending ten centimeters, and his body was a full five meters high. There is actually a layer of black battle armor condensed on the bare body, it is the demon god suit!

"Can you still use the Demon God suit after the demon body is released? I asked the sky, what kind of adventure did I get, and the power has increased so much!" The clone of the Demon Devouring Heart glanced at the time he could hold on, Only 3 minutes, too little, too little to defeat the opponent in front of him!

"It seems that we have to fight it out." The avatar seemed to have made a difficult decision, and his expression became extremely awe-inspiring. In fact, the avatar Yuchen was not sure, so that's why he had such an expression.

"You seem very unwilling to fight with me? Is it because you are afraid of failure?" Xiang Tianwen suddenly appeared in front of Yuchen's eyes. When Wen's huge palm completely covered Yuchen's head, there was a bang, and even taking the lead, Yuchen was defeated by Xiangtian Wen's face-to-face, and the whole person fell into the ground!


Traces of cracks on the ground spread across the land, and the terrifying power is simply shocking. However, the scene of Yuchen being killed by Xiang Tianwen's face-to-face made the players of Dream and Demon God dumbfounded!

(seven more)

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