(Eighth update, since the tenth update is not available tonight, the light rain will continue tomorrow) "Bang"

The shocking sound of the ground cracking echoed in people's ears. Under the evening wind, a gust of wind blew up, making the entire audience silent. It was a deathly silence, so quiet that one could hear each other's heartbeat and breathing...

Yuchen was knocked down face-to-face, if it was in a normal state, it would be fine, but now Yuchen is being attacked head-on in the most terrifying state. Such a fact is unacceptable to the dream brothers...

Therefore, there was a sound of silence in front of the entire dream city, but everyone still had hope, they didn't think Yuchen would be killed like this!

"Yu Wuchen, if you are killed like this, you are not worthy of the name of killing gods? Come on, use your terrifying power that night, let me see how strong you are!" Xiang Tianwen said with a ferocious face , The power Yuchen used that night is still vivid in his mind. If you want to defeat Yuchen, you must defeat the power Yuchen used that night.


Sure enough, from the cracked ground, Yuchen slowly raised his head, moved his neck and shoulders, and made the sound of bone crackling. Yuchen was hardly hurt, although it was just a clone...

"Sure enough, the power has become stronger, and the fluctuation of the heart of the monster is also extended. What happened to the main body?" In the past, Yuchen's avatar could only use the unskilled dragon power, but now it can The heart of the monster, and the heart of the monster, which was originally only 3 minutes, suddenly extended to 5 minutes. This weird phenomenon can only be attributed to the main body. In other words, there is only one explanation for this, and that is the main body The power has become stronger!

As guessed by the avatar, in the sanctuary, the cultivation of the body has reached a hundred times the gravity, and has gradually adapted to the exercise under the hundred times the gravity.

Seeing that Yuchen didn't suffer too much damage, everyone in the dream breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Yuchen was intact, Xiang Tianwen smiled instead of anger: "Hahaha, that's it, that's it!"


Xiang Tianwen was moving at super high speed, and Yuchen's reaction was not slow when he saw the situation. The two disappeared almost at the same time, and Xiang Tianwen roared ferociously: "I will pay you back a hundredfold for the shame that night!"

"bang bang bang"

"dong dong dong dong"

The collision between fists and legs did not use weapons, but fierce hand-to-hand combat, because that night Yuchen defeated the invincible Xiang Tianwen with both hands in contempt, and he was greatly insulted. Today Xiang Tianwen didn't use weapons against Yuchen, and wanted to return all the shame Yuchen brought him back, so that he could completely get out of the shadow of being defeated by Yuchen.

"If you want to give it back, you can try it. In this life, you will never be able to defeat me. Yes, you have indeed become stronger, but ask the sky, you are destined to be a loser, and your heart has been blinded by hatred If you want to go to the next level, you have to give up all of this!" Yuchen came out of this process impressively. At the beginning, he gave up his hatred for the setting sun and allowed his cultivation to enter another level. world...

"Fart! I am the strongest, and so is the Demon Sect, Yu Wuchen, go to hell!"


Xiang Tianwen's angry punch directly knocked Yuchen away. Seeing this, Yuchen immediately blocked it with both hands, but it was too late. Under the terrifying force, he was still knocked back more than ten meters away.

"Are you angry? Because of fear, you are afraid, because you have no courage! Ask the heavens, you have a prominent family background, you have martial arts, why should you be obsessed with hatred? What did my father do wrong? What did our Yu family do? What went wrong? If your father hadn't conspired against you, how could you have ended up like this? Speaking of which, my father missed you and was ignorant and let you go. Now you are repaying your kindness with revenge!" Yuchen glanced at Tiantian and asked, He glanced at the state of his Demon Devouring Heart in horror. The more he was beaten, the stronger the fluctuating time. It has reached 10 minutes. You must know that the original Yuchen body could only last half an hour under the fierce battle. It's just a demon's heart.

Of course, the 10 minutes of the avatar also refers to the situation when there is no large-scale battle, so the avatar did not launch a counterattack immediately, because he was afraid that it would not be enough, and he had to accumulate some time!

"You fart, if it wasn't for your father, how could my father die tragically? Can you understand the life of an orphan who is alone and helpless? Can you understand the pain of bearing blood and deep hatred? Your father kept me alive, that is You are taking revenge on my dead father, you are taking revenge on me, and you are trying to make me live in pain for the rest of your life!" Xiang Tianwen became more and more excited as he spoke, and he was on the verge of going berserk.

However, what he said made Wuqing and many others fall into silence. Orphans...without fathers and mothers, what they often long for is a home, a home where they can happily have a reunion dinner!

"You are hopeless!"

"Ahhh! Yu Family, Yu Wuchen, you must die!"

"Boom!" A terrifying loud noise suddenly resounded through the sky. Under the silver moon, a sliver of moonlight suddenly fell from the sky and shone on Xiang Tianwen's body. A thick black smoke billowed continuously!


"You should be sober and ask the sky! If not, I will make you completely sober!"

"The demon devours the world!"

"Magic eye, open!"

Between the two of them shouting, the starry sky at night unexpectedly changed color, and the clouds and mist under the night were churning like sea waves. When the third eye appeared on Xiang Tianwen's forehead, the light he radiated destroyed everything , lifeless!

And above Yuchen's head also appeared a terrifying sea of ​​energy, constantly absorbing everything around him, that is Yuchen's power in the heart of the demon devourer, just like a black hole, which is irresistible!

"Rain without dust!"

"Ask God!"

"go to hell!"

"You wake up!"


The sound of a huge explosion spread across the entire earth at this moment, and the echo of that explosion lingered in the capital of dreams for a long time...


Inside the Shattered Void, in a valley with beautiful mountains and rivers, a man in white suddenly opened his eyes, and the pupils of his eyes shrank for a moment. There seemed to be many half-dream pictures in his mind. Immediately stood up, looked at the vast mountains and rivers and murmured: "Did the avatar come back?...So that's the case, ask the sky, you...still haven't given up yet?"

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