The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 850 – Suit or Not

"I don't agree!"

The swan's cries echoed in people's ears, and the decadent appearance and defeated body were reflected in front of people's eyes. Even the powerhouses of the God Realm, such as Yanying Sword Soul and Yuxi, gave a hug to the swan. Khan, this is the first time they have seen a swan like this, and it is also the first time they have seen a swan say such unyielding words.

"Huh?" Yuchen, who was confronting Longxiang Jiutian, suddenly stopped attacking, looked at the pure black swan, and let out a sound of surprise. He didn't expect that the pure black swan was still alive?

"Your life is really tough." Long Xiang Jiutian also said in amazement, as if he did not expect that he could survive Yuchen's attack. In fact, the reason why the pure black swan did not die was precisely because This guy has a monster top suit.

The starry sky battle armor, this is the starry sky, one of the heaven and earth black and yellow monster suits, which is the same as Yuchen's Tianchen, and his battle armor also has the ability to offset the opponent's damage.

Yuchen withdrew the knife, and walked up to the pure black swan step by step under the gaze of the people. Seeing his defeated figure, Yuchen actually grinned, and suddenly pulled out the black knife and hung it on his forehead , This action stunned everyone, and also made the powerful members of the God's Domain Union pull out their weapons in an instant.

"噗噫咙咙" But the brothers of Mengmeng are not jealous, Chen Yong, Shen Mo, Wuxin, Mo Lishang, Xingzhu, Fengwu Scar, Ruthless and other strong men all drew their weapons, and the two sides confronted each other. Although people are strong, they dare not act rashly.


The wind blew up, and there was a burst of dust, and the whole venue was silent now. Everyone held their breath, watching Yuchen's actions, as if their heartbeats were speeding up a lot.

"You say you are dissatisfied?" Yuchen asked with a grin.

Although Yuchen's aura was too domineering, the pure black swan still gritted his teeth. Although he didn't want to admit it, facing Yuchen head-on did give him an invisible sense of oppression, and the swan roared awe-inspiringly: " You were a sneak attack just now, and you won't win by force, I will never give in to you!"

The pure black swan roared out, and many people had foreseen that something was wrong, and sure enough, Yuchen spoke again.

"So, how can you be convinced?" Yuchen was not angry, but had a wicked smile on his face, but the more he smiled, the more dangerous he seemed.

"Fair with me!" The pure black swan thought for a while, although Yuchen was strong, but if he was at his peak, he might not necessarily lose to Yuchen, the pure black swan thought in his heart.

"A fair fight?" Yuchen was taken aback, not surprised, as if he had thought of the idea of ​​a pure black swan, but he was taken aback because the knife he just had almost severely damaged the pure black swan, this guy should have already Exhausted right?

"Okay! I will have a fair fight with you!" When Yuchen said this, he won the approval of countless people, because Yuchen killed the swan twice with a sneak attack. In comparison, Longxiang Jiutian showed His own strength, and Yuchen, to be honest, although many people know that he is strong, they don't know how strong he is!

"President Wuchen, since it's a fair fight, our president has already been severely injured by your sneak attack. I want to find a date for a fight, so we can compete?" Yanying Sword Soul said immediately.

Naturally, no one in the room had any objections, and they all looked at Yuchen, but Yuchen shook his head unexpectedly. Everyone's heart sank, and they felt that Yuchen was a bit despicable. They knew that the swan's condition was not good, but they still shook their heads and refused. , isn't this a clear way of taking advantage of others?

However, they naturally didn't understand Yuchen's thoughts. When he turned around, the nerves of the Shenyu trade union seemed to be robbing people. Regarding this, Yuchen smiled helplessly: "Wuxin, Xiaocao, come here."

Yuchen's words immediately puzzled the people around him. Among the dream members, Xiaocao, who was dressed in white and a black windbreaker, came out inadvertently. After the two exchanged in front of Yuchen, Xiaocao and Xiaocao Wuxin walked to the side of the pure black swan.

"Xiaocao...don't act recklessly..." Before going on, Yuchen thought for a while and said, he was afraid that Xiaocao would shake his hands and give the swan some kind of thousand-year-old poison, so he would play big.

"Er... Boss, don't worry, I understand." Seeing Xiaocao's wretched smile, Yuchen could only shake his head...

"Brother Sword Soul!" All the players in God's Domain looked at Sword Soul, as if they were waiting for his order.

Sword Soul frowned, but waved his hands: "It should be fine..."

"The power of the holy light revives all things!" Wuxin came to the swan, a white holy light evaporated from the staff, and immediately the holy light enveloped the whole body of the swan, and soon the swan was horrified to find that his injury Well, and under the influence of the power of the stars, the power of the two made his damage disappear instantly.

"Here, here are stamina potion and resurrection potion, drink it and you'll be fine." Throwing two bottles of potion to the swan, the pure black swan drank it without the slightest hesitation!

Seeing this, Xiaocao was startled: "Aren't you afraid that this is poison?"

"Dream to do such a thing?" The pure black swan grinned.

"Good boy, you have guts!" Xiaocao gave a thumbs up. In fact, he really didn't play tricks this time. After all, he still knows the seriousness of such an occasion.

"What a miraculous potion!" The physical strength has all recovered to its peak, but soon, the pure black swan understands how the dream can become the overlord, because the dream is not only Yuchen, but also countless talents who have established the overlord. Bit of the road!

"How is it? Have you recovered? Then the battle will begin." Yuchen saw that the swan had recovered, so he didn't say any more, and then added, "If you lose this time, don't say there is something wrong with my medicine."

"Eh? Forget it, let's do this, in order not to make them suspicious, I don't use a weapon in this competition!" The black knife disappeared from Yuchen's hand, and his words were heard by everyone, immediately arousing countless people. The uproar.

"Yu Wuchen, that's too crazy!" The people from God's Realm said dissatisfiedly, but they didn't know that their postures had been reversed now, and the arrogant person before was the pure black swan!

Giving up their weapons, this move naturally touched people's hearts, and even the brothers of Mengmeng were a little moved, but they still chose to believe in Yuchen unconditionally, and did not suspect anything!

Without a weapon, Yuchen didn't have the slightest worry, but instead grinned: "Come on, if you're ready, start quickly, and don't worry about it, just do what you want, I don't need a weapon things..."

Yuchen's provocative words were already obvious, and when Swan thought of Yu Wuchen's sneak attack before, it was natural that he didn't have the slightest psychological burden. Looking at Yuchen who was unarmed, the pure black Swan's confidence swelled extremely.

"I hope you don't regret your decision, Yushen Yuwuchen!" The words of the pure black swan are almost a question in everyone's mind, but they naturally don't understand Yuchen's thoughts!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Star Body, open!"

"Star pupils open!"

"Star field, open!!"

"Yu Wuchen, come on, I want to defeat you and become number one in China!" The pure black swan roared, but the moment he raised his head, his expression froze in place!

"You talk too much nonsense!" Yuchen's voice seemed to come from all directions, seemed to be right in front of the swan, and seemed to disappear into the sky. People couldn't find it with their voices, they could only look with their eyes and hearts.

When they found Yuchen's figure, all the players couldn't help but exclaimed, some even covered their mouths, widened their eyes, trembling and speechless!


No one was given a chance to think, and no one was given a chance to think about it. Yuchen disappeared until he appeared, and he couldn't calculate the minutes and seconds. All he knew was that when Yuchen's voice sounded, in their When it echoed in his ears, there was already a dull rumble in his mind...

Then when people looked at the rumbling sound, they saw the pure black swan that had been knocked to the ground by Yuchen's blow on the head. With one blow, the swan was defeated with just fists. Soon, Yuchen's figure Disappeared again.

And the pure black swan got up in shock, and found that Yuchen in front of him had disappeared strangely again!


There was a sound of piercing from behind, and the back of the swan, which had no warning, once again endured the terrifying force. The damage on the top of the head kept floating, and the back was hit, and the body of the swan was in a backward state. Was knocked out!

"Pulsating, vibrating strings!"


This time the attack came from the sky. When Yuchen's fists came one after another, the pure black swan was only beaten. Everyone couldn't believe the scene in front of them. The pure black swan was blown into the sky by Yuchen After hitting the ground, he never landed again, punch after punch, kick after kick, no one saw Yuchen's weirdness clearly, no one even saw his figure, only saw the pure black swan on top of his head. The blood-red numbers that keep floating up are so shocking!

"Can't see clearly, can't see, can't see at all, what the hell is going on!!" There was an exclamation and an uproar from the audience, people couldn't see Yuchen's figure at all, let alone see the attack clearly!

The strong men present were dumbfounded, and no one could explain the strange scene in front of them!

Long Xiang Jiutian was the closest to the battle, he remained silent, but when he looked carefully, he could faintly see his trembling body, could it be?Long Xiangjiutian saw Yuchen's trajectory?


As the final explosion reached people's ears, the body of the pure black swan finally fell heavily from midair to the ground, accompanied by a heart-shattering sentence!

"Are you convinced or not!!" After a short 30-second battle, people saw Yuchen's condescending attitude for the first time, standing in mid-air like a king out of thin air.

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