"Are you convinced now or not!!"

The condescending figure, with black hair fluttering in the wind, Yuchen's back standing in the mid-air with his arms in his arms, combined with that trembling words, Yuchen at this moment is like an emperor!

All the players in the audience, no one spoke, were all shocked by Yuchen's domineering words and powerful coercion. Many people had cold sweat on their foreheads when they looked closely. How powerful and terrifying it is pressure.

"President, why do I feel like I've changed into a different person in an instant..." Babao said in shock.

Feng Chuexue swallowed his saliva and nodded involuntarily, while the other dream members showed gratified smiles after being shocked. Yuchen has never let them down.

"You can always surprise people..." Looking at Yuchen's emperor-like appearance, the corners of his silent mouth curled up, revealing a very gratifying smile. It is precisely because of Yuchen's potential that countless The strong are willing to pave the way and become the king.

"President Swan..."

Compared with the joy of dreams, other guilds are a bit depressing. Yu Wuchen's strength has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and at this moment it gives people a feeling of invincibility, and the players of the Shenyu guild, apart from worrying, are worried. The mighty swan was attacked by Yuchen with his bare hands, and he was still powerless to fight back!

Thinking of this, people couldn't help looking at the place where the pure black swan landed, where there was still a thick smoke billowing... People didn't speak, but were waiting, as if they were waiting for the appearance of the pure black swan!

"Swan, stand up for me, do you want to lose like this??" Sword Soul was a little excited, if they were defeated by Yuchen like this, wouldn't their previous efforts be in vain?

Everyone in God's Domain did not want to see such a result happen. Sword Soul took the lead in shouting, and everyone followed suit.The constant calling and the firm belief moved many people.

"President, stand up, stand up!!"

The calls continued to spread to the audience, and people believed that they would reach the ears of the swans.

Drowsy, falling to the ground, the pure black swan seemed to have only darkness left in his spirit, but just when he lost himself, he heard someone shouting his name, so there seemed to be light in front of him .

He stretched out his hand, and then countless hands grabbed him, saving the swan from the darkness!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Amidst the thick smoke, there was the sound of a swan roaring, a burst of gas shock, countless smoke and dust disappeared instantly, and the bright starry sky filled his body at this moment, he walked into the air step by step, and finally came to the place standing shoulder to shoulder with Yuchen. distance.

The swan's face was ferocious, and it roared word by word: "I...don't..concede!!!"

The three words came into people's minds deafeningly. At this moment, many people began to admire the pure black swan. However, facing such a powerful Yuchen, people knew that maybe the swan really couldn't win!

"What? Do you still want to be brave? The attack just now, I used pulsating energy, don't you even have trouble standing now?" Yuchen admired that the pure black swan could stand in front of him. Power Yuchen is very clear.

"I didn't try to be brave, Yu Wuchen, I will let you see what real power is, and I will let you see it, the power that all of you have never seen before!!" It was so simple to put on a show, but it was a battle of dignity. The pure black swan roared, and his words shocked everyone present!

Power never seen before?This sentence alone is enough to attract people's attention.

"A power that has never been seen before?" At this moment, Yuchen couldn't help but frowned, as if he was a little puzzled, a power that he had never seen before?Suddenly, Yuchen grinned: "Really? That's really looking forward to it..."

"If you can survive after experiencing this power, and you can still laugh like this, I, the swan, will be convinced to you. In a word, I am obliged to do something in the future!" The pure black swan is also a man of temperament, and it also shows that confidence in his own strength.

"Oh? Leaving aside the previous point, your last sentence is the most suitable for me. I promise you, whether you win or lose, your God's Domain can develop in Xuanyuan Continent or even China!" Yuchen said domineeringly.

"This bastard." Long Xiang Jiutian cursed in a low voice, but did not refute Yuchen. After all, at this time, it is still necessary to give Yuchen, who is the hegemon of Huaxia, a little face. In fact, they will not refute Yuchen or anything. .

"it is good!"

Seeing Yuchen so forthright, Swan was also very fond of him. Putting the sword of the stars in front of his hands, pointing the blade directly at Yuchen, Swan reminded: "This is the first time I use this power in front of people, and it will definitely not be This is the last time, but you are the first to force me to use such power, I don't think I will fail!"

"Really? I don't think I will lose either?"

"You'd better draw your weapon!" Swan said solemnly.

"As you wish!" Yuchen took out the black knife. At least in this way, even if the swan was defeated, Yuchen drew out the weapon, and it was nothing. After all, Yuchen's strength has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Myriad phenomena, sun, moon and stars, map of the vast galaxy, star sword, liberation!!!" The fluctuation of the atmosphere, the change of the stars, and the sudden appearance of visions between the sky and the earth made everyone present change their colors.

In the clear sky that did not know when it was dawn, the white clouds suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding bright space became dim. It was all covered in black.

"What's wrong? What happened?

"It's changed!"

"What the hell is going on!!"

Countless exclamations and uproars came to people's ears. When everyone looked at the sky involuntarily, everything changed. The bright sky became dark, just like the night had fallen.

"Star Emperor Star, the map of the vast galaxy, open!!"

Hearing the sound, there was the roar of a swan in the air. Just after he shouted, shining stars suddenly appeared in the entire dark sky. The strange sights around Xingyu made many beauties crazy, and also shocked many men.

To be able to use skills to create such a shocking scene is simply jaw-dropping. While people exclaimed, many people frowned, because this is an enlarged version of the star field, and now they are completely in the In the world of stars, that is, in the world of swans, everything about them will be decided by the swans.

"The liberation of the star sword?" Yuchen was a little stunned at the first moment. It's not that he didn't think about the power in the mouth of the swan, but he didn't expect it to be true. This guy, the swan, can actually release the spirit!

"Old ghost, what should we do?" Yuchen hesitated, of course it's not that he can't fight, but on the one hand, Swan is a monster, that is to say, it is likely to be a front in the future, even if he is the guardian monster of the Son of Light .

"You can do whatever you want? My strength has recovered 70.00% in the temple, and I may have another chance in other continents in the future." Guiche also showed an indifferent expression as if he knew that Yuchen didn't want to plunder other people's weapon spirits.

"How much do you think the degree of liberation and integration of the swan has reached?"

"It's 30.00%, immature, but at present, it has surpassed the strength of your companions. The only one who can fight against it is you, and the other one is Longxiang Jiutian." Guiche analyzed.

"Oh? Thirty percent is not bad." Yuchen murmured for a moment, "Why? Have an idea?" Guiche said with a smile.

"No, you can stop him with other forces, but in order to convince him, you still have to use overwhelming force!" Yuchen grinned, looked at the swan, "Do you want to use liberation?" Gui Che also had some expectations Said.

Yuchen thought for a while and returned: "It's not worth the loss to expose your liberating power so easily. I still have other powers. Don't worry, it's okay!"

"This is my last blow. If you still win, I have no complaints!" After the power of the stars enveloped the dream, the swan held up the sword of the stars, and all the surrounding stars were strangely condensed on the sword.

The surrounding players looked at the disappearing stars in shock. He actually used his own power to create stars, and then condensed the power of these terrifying stars into his sword.What a crazy move, if this blow continues, the entire Dream City will be destroyed!

"This guy is really capable of tossing around, but everything is over!"

"Pure black swan, I will also let you see what is the real absolute power!!"

"The Heart of the Demon Devourer!"

"Activation of the bloodline, the domain of the monster!"

At the moment when the Star Slash was about to condense, Yuchen suddenly exploded on the spot. He turned into a demon, and a terrifying monster appeared in front of people's eyes. When people saw the surrounding space turned into darkness, They can no longer see anything clearly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after about one minute, the entire dark world returned to its original state. People looked anxiously and saw the swan half-kneeling in front of Yuchen while the sword of the stars could not support it. Chen also returned to his original appearance, both of them remained motionless...

The audience was silent, and a gust of wind blew past. After a few seconds, the unwilling expression of the swan was relieved.

"Thank you for your mercy, I'm convinced! You Shenshenyu Wuchen is the strongest man in China, no, maybe it's the world." Standing up, the swan turned his head and said a word to the union of God's Realm, and the people of God's Realm immediately out of here.

"Hi, swan."

"What?" The pure black swan was still somewhat decadent. If Yuchen killed him, he would already be dead. He could not forget what happened in that short minute, and he would never forget it.

"At the World Martial Arts Conference, if you still refuse to accept it, we will meet again!!"

"I think I'll go!" Saying that, Swan led the people away. The battle caused by the demon god finally came to an end under Yuchen's overwhelming power. start....

(Third shifts, the timing was wrong last night, and I found out that there was no update when I went online. The World Martial Arts Association chapter is about to start!)

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