The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 875 – Teamwork Blocked

The domestic selection competition of the World Martial Arts Association opened as scheduled. However, team formation has become a difficult problem for the strong. Almost all players in China have such an expectation in their hearts, that is, the ten strongest players in China will gather in the Together, become the most powerful team...

For this reason, Jian Chen, Yu Chen, An Jing, they got together...

Inside the guild tribunal, Bailong Wuji and Qingcheng Mingyue who came from Yanhuang Continent also came to the guild tribunal in Xuanyuan Continent. Besides, they are the only ones in the entire game world...

In the silent conference room, there was a silent wait, because not all the people notified showed up.

At present, the dream is no longer silent, the heart has no front, no heart.Mo Lishang, Hen Tian, ​​Feng Wu Scar, Yu Chen and the others have already occupied 7 places, and the rest, Demon God Guild, Xiang Tian Wen, Hermit Sui Feng, God's Nirvana three people, and God's Domain, Sword Soul, and Swan two. People, then the dragon soars in the nine days, the phoenix dances in the city, the moon in the city, the white dragon, quiet, misty rain, the most unique before, a total of 20 people.

The list of the 20 strongest is the pre-determined strong in the game world. At the same time, they are also the well-deserved top 20 in China. Of course, if Chen Yongjie has already changed his job to become a monster, I am afraid that he still has a place in it. .

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Knocking on the table, Yuchen, Jian Chen, Quiet, Silent, Wu Xin, Ru Qing, Mo Li Shang, Feng Wu Scar, Xin Wu Feng and others were all present, Jun Moli, Qin Xia, Xing Tian, ​​Li Ge Xiao and others were also present. wait here...

"Keep everyone waiting for a long time..." Just as everyone was waiting, the beautiful figure of Feng Wu Qingcheng appeared in front of everyone. Seeing this, everyone smiled kindly and motioned Feng Wu to sit down...

Feng Wu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes swept everyone away, and finally this girl actually came to Jian Chen's side, as if feeling a murderous aura, Jian Chen trembled, and this guy suddenly realized: "By the way, be quiet, last time I had something Something to tell you."

With that said, Jian Chen got up and walked to An Jing's side.

Jing Jing deliberately pretended to be tender: "Ah? What's the matter, what can I do with you...."

Jian Chen almost killed An Jing with a sword, walked up to his ear and hissed: "There is murderous intent." So, he got to the side of An Jing, and Qing Cheng smiled indifferently, nodded and walked to Yu Chen's side, suddenly A charming aroma hits the nostrils.

Yuchen shuddered all over, Qingcheng's move was really obvious to him...

"Yuchen..." Qingcheng sent Yuchen a message.

Yuchen was a little strange. This girl just said it would be fine, and sent herself a message. This feeling is quite weird, but in front of him, Yuchen dared not not reply. With a thought, the message returned to the past...

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Isn't it fun for you to go to the Sucheng party?" Feng Wu Qingcheng said something, but Yuchen was already in a cold sweat, he almost forgot that Qingcheng was paying attention to himself, and his whereabouts definitely did not escape Qingcheng's investigation , that is to say, the matter of my stay at Xuan'er's house is probably over...

Even Yihan can't hide it, let alone Qingcheng who is extremely smart?

Thinking of this, Yuchen trembled all over, and things got serious...

"Well, it's okay." Yuchen replied hurriedly, already a little guilty.

Seeing Yuchen's calm expression, Qingcheng couldn't help being a little angry: "Could it be that you really don't have feelings for me? Xuan'er, you can accept it, why, I...why..." said Saying that, Qingcheng's beautiful eyes showed a look of grievance, seeing this, Yuchen turned pale with shock.

If this girl were here, the consequences would be disastrous, so she hurriedly said: "No, Qingcheng, can you give me a little more time?"

It is normal for a big man to have three wives and four concubines. Of course, this was in ancient times. After all, Yuchen is a modern person, and monogamy is still deeply rooted in his heart.

"You are a man, can't you be a little bit like a man?" Qingcheng returned to the message dissatisfied, Yuchen felt ashamed, just when he didn't know how to explain, a figure suddenly appeared in the virtual meeting room.

Qingcheng Mingyue and Bailong Wuji, Asking the Sky, God's Nirvana, Recluse with the Wind, Pure Black Swan, Flaming Shadow Sword Soul, the most unique ones are all present, and up to now, only Longxiang Jiutian is left alone!


"It seems that the personnel are all here?" The last one reached was Long Xiang Jiutian, still with such an expression that everyone owed him millions, sweeping away everyone, only when he looked at Feng Wu, There is a touch of tenderness.

"Do you dare to be late?" Yuchen said angrily. He and Jian Chen, Jing Jing, and Meng Meng brothers had been waiting for half an hour.

"I almost know the content of the meeting. If it's a team formation, I'm not interested. Besides, Xiang Tianwen, you won't agree to form a team, right?" Long Xiang Jiutian grinned and looked at Xiang Tianwen.

Xiang Tianwen crossed his legs on the spot, looked up at the crowd slowly and said: "Team formation? Hehe, Yu Wuchen? You, him, her? Do you think it's interesting? I don't believe it, we have to form a team to win ?”

Sure enough, Xiang Tianwen didn't have the desire to form a team...

"Hehe, I don't have any opinion on forming a team..." The most unique, this man who conquered all the strong men in the entire Floating Void City in just three days, Yuchen had a relationship with him once, and he was there at the beginning. I think this person is not simple, but I didn't expect to be able to do such a thing.

"I have no objection to forming a team." Bai Long Wuji thought for a while and said.

Fengwu Qingcheng and Qingcheng Mingyue sat together, and the two great beauties opened their mouths. After a long time, Fengwu Qingcheng said: "I also agree with Jiutian's words, and Mingyue and I have promised other sisters to join the team together Martial arts will be held, so..."

Mo Lishang on the side patted his forehead. It seemed that it would be a bit difficult to combine the strongest players in Huaxia District into a team.

"Quiet, where is Uncle Yanyu?" Yu Chen turned to look at Misty Rain and Jingjing again.

Uncle Misty Rain said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I also formed a team in the trade union..."

"I don't care at that time. It's not once or twice that we form a team..." An Jing shrugged and said indifferently. After all, it was not once or twice that they formed a team with Yuchen.

"Ask to the sky, are you really not going to participate?" Yu Chen was a little bit unwilling. Since he promised Jian Chen to come here, the best result is to get things done, but judging from the current situation, it might be a bit difficult.

Xiang Tianwen turned his head to look at Yuchen, and suddenly grinned: "What? The invincible Yushenyu Wuchen is afraid of failure, so he wants to gather us all together?"

Hearing that, everyone present was silent. Of course, everyone knew that Yuchen didn't have such thoughts. However, this was the result of everyone's arrogance. Everyone was a well-known powerhouse in China. Gathered together, in Longxiang Nine Heavens, Xiang Tian asked their hearts, winning the world team championship is definitely not difficult...

Because of this, they feel bored and uninteresting, so they are unwilling to accept team formation.

"Hey, it looks like you have underestimated me, so let's try it out. See you in the team competition. The world's number one team is also mine!" Yuchen stood up, silent, Mo Lishang, Feng Wu's scars, Wu Xin, Xin Wu Feng, He Tian and the others also stood up, everyone was kind, but now it seems that there is no need for that at all.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to be the champion of this team competition. When I become the champion, my Demon Sect will return to Zhongzhou. Yuchen, you just wait for my revenge!" left the light.

This result does not mean that they broke up unhappy, but that each of them has their own persistence in their hearts.

"Wait!" Just as everyone was about to leave, Jun Moli suddenly spoke, and he didn't want to end like this.

"What? Is there anything else to say? If my team can win, then the conditions you gave before still count?" Xiang Tian asked after thinking about Jun Moli, and sure enough, they reached some kind of agreement.

"Ah, there is nothing to say. The last match is the team martial arts meeting, so everyone still has time to think about it. Maybe you will change your mind during the battle, isn't it?" At this moment, Jun Moli revealed That confident smile even reveals the domineering aura of the emperor!

"Then I don't look forward to..." Xiang Tianwen left with hermitage and wind, and the two of them left...

"Yuchen, see you in the individual competition. This time, I won't give you an opportunity." Long Xiang Jiutian grinned.

"If I can beat you once, I will naturally be able to beat you a second time!" Yu Chen didn't hesitate.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it..." Long Xiang Jiutian was not angry, but showed an expectant smile, and disappeared in the hall immediately.

"Let's go, let's all go..." Jian Chen, Bai Long Wuji and the others were also speechless. It seemed that they could only return to their original thoughts.

Everyone exited the hall one by one, and Jun Moli and others also left helplessly. In the end, only Yuchen and Fengwu Qingcheng were left here, and Yuchen quickly lit up the light of leaving.

Who would have thought that Feng Wu would yell at her: "You are not a man!"

Hearing this, Yu Chen frowned, but didn't leave. He came to Feng Wu and looked at the beautiful face that made the world crazy. Yu Chen suddenly held Qing Cheng's forehead: "Who says I'm not a man?" gone?"

"It's a man, why do you want to avoid your feelings, it's a man, why do you want to avoid it, it's a man, why can't you accept me..."

But before Qingcheng could finish speaking, Yuchen made a sudden attack and kissed Qingcheng directly. This sudden scene stunned Qingcheng.

After a long time, Yuchen parted and grinned: "I'm a man, and it's because I'm a man that I'm afraid of doing things that men want to do. A beauty like you has tempted me a few times, but I really will." Animals are worse than..."

Saying that, Yuchen disappeared in place...

Qingcheng froze in place, Qianqianyu touched her lips, and immediately showed a flushed face: "You bastard..." and disappeared in the meeting room...

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