The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 876 – The Eve of the Contest

The first time Yuchen wanted to form a team, he was rejected. For Yuchen, he was really depressed, but Yuchen was very nervous after winning Qingcheng's first kiss. As for why he was so sure, because when kissing, Qingcheng's delicate body was trembling, and it was obviously jerky. Yuchen's experience is now considered seasoned, so I can be sure.

"Fuck me, Xiang Tianwen and Long Xiang are two bastards, everyone is kind, these two guys, he lost to him in the martial arts meeting!" Xin Wufeng started to yell as soon as he came out.

"Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations, and I don't want to form a team with them!" No longer silently grinning, everyone has self-esteem, and there are many brothers who have dreams.

"Even with us, plus Wuchen, the victory is definitely [-]%!" Mo Lishang said with his eyes bursting with light. After all, there are many strong players in the dream team!

Feng Wu's scar also grinned and showed sharp fangs: "As long as we brothers go to battle, there is nothing we can't do, and there are still many brothers participating in the selection, but the first one is an individual competition, some of them were killed!"

"You really are a battle madman..." Wuxin smiled.

"Let those small places know that our Tianwei in China!" Feng Wu Scar grinned, and his whole body burst into murderous aura. Everyone was shocked, but they didn't see that Feng Wu Scar was still a little angry young beast.

"Yo, I can't tell, you still have patriotic sentiments!" Yu Chen came out, just in time to hear Feng Wu's scars.

"My grandfather once participated in the Anti-Japanese War, so..." Speaking of this, Feng Wu Scar's eyes are full of murderous intent. Growing up in such a family, Feng Wu Scar is more patriotic.

He patted him on the shoulder, but Yuchen's height obviously couldn't reach him, because this guy is a leopard man, Yuchen didn't care, and smiled: "Let's have a big fight at the World Martial Arts Conference!"

"Of course!" Hearing this, the brothers all showed expectant and even bloodthirsty smiles.

"Hehe, how about including me?" Just when Yuchen and the others made up their minds, a smile came from the sky, and two figures appeared in the dream territory.

Yuchen and the others immediately looked up into the sky, only to see two familiar figures appear in front of their eyes!

"Yuchen..." The familiar figure, the familiar back, is still a little thin, but the eyes are full of expectation and hope for the future.

"Wen Qiang, are you here?" Yuchen was overjoyed, it turned out that the uniqueness brought Wen Qiang to his dream.

"Chairman Wuchen, President Silent, and President Wuxin, this is the famous head of the God Slaughter Legion, and the god of space, Mo Lishang, Pluto hates the sky, right? I have long admired your name, and I have time to introduce myself in the future , the younger brother is the most unique." Unique is very humble, not the excessive kind, but a very kind smile, just like the intimacy of the younger brother next door.

Everyone hurriedly introduced themselves, and Yuchen smiled: "Unique, you did a good job, you were able to unify the power of Floating Void City. I heard that it is as chaotic as Sin City."

"Hey, it's a fluke, a fluke, but it's Wen Qiang who really made me succeed, this kid is very good at it!" The Unique One said with a smile.

Wen Qiang scratched his head in embarrassment: "Hey, it's just a small trick, Yuchen, can I join the dream now? Can I start from the lowest peripheral members?"

Wen Qiang's extravagant expectations are not high, and he seems to be afraid of Yuchen's embarrassment. After all, he has also heard that the assessment of dreams is quite strict.

"Those who can unify the forces of Floating Void City with small means are too wronged as peripheral members. Let's start with regular members first?" Yuchen didn't say this, but was silent.

Yuchen smiled and said nothing. In this way, he also avoided embarrassment. After all, entering from the outside is just a member, and it also needs the assessment of force value. Of course, Wen Qiang who climbed the Tongtian Tower should not have any difficulty.

Several people around nodded, seeing their approving eyes, Wen Qiang finally showed a gratified smile.

"Thank you."

"Don't be too restrained, go forward bravely, otherwise it will be difficult for you to mix with these guys." Yu Chen patted Wen Qiang on the shoulder, being too restrained, which made other brothers feel uncomfortable.

"It feels so good to have brothers..." Unique said most enviously.

"Hehe, aren't you and Wen Qiang the same?" It can be seen that the most unique person is a person who values ​​friendship, otherwise he would not have such emotion.

"By the way, Qiqi, don't you want to say something to Yuchen, hurry up." Wen Qiang grinned, and sure enough, he was no longer as restrained as before.

"Yes, Boss Yuchen, can you let me join the dream?" Unique said most excitedly.

Hearing this, including Yuchen, the collective was silent, and even looked at the unique one in disbelief. Just imagine a president with a strong union, whose power has also been recognized by players in the Huaxia District, and wants to join the dream. .. This is a bit unbelievable.

Seeing Yuchen and the others' sluggish looks, Qi Zhizhi looked a little unnaturally and said: "Isn't it okay...forget it..." His eyes and words were full of disappointment.

"Ah, no, no, I'm just a little surprised. How did you think of joining my dream?" Yuchen was a little surprised. After all, the most unique is the dark horse in the eyes of players these days...Join the dream?Wouldn't this be tantamount to giving up the hard-won glory?

Unique smiled: "I went to Tongtian Tower because I heard about your legend. Without you, I would not enter this game world. I never thought that I would meet you on the way to climb Tongtian Tower. At that time Really excited..."

Hearing this, Yuchen didn't expect that he climbed the Tongtianzhu because of himself.

"Hey, brother Wuchen, you don't know yet, do you? Your promotional images have already become popular abroad, and those people thought you were a promotional figure, but they didn't know that this was the real you!" Unique also saw the promotional image by chance screen.

"Uh" the game company told him about this matter, and paid a large amount of advertising fees, but Yuchen had enough money, so he didn't care at all, but he didn't expect it to become popular all over the world.

"Do you really want to join the dream?" Yuchen was still a little surprised. After all, although he didn't know the most unique ability, but if unique can join the dream, it must be even more powerful. In this way, his union will have three A monster!

"Yeah!" The unique one nodded emphatically.

"Our side is naturally welcome!" Yuchen smiled and stretched out his hand, holding both hands together, which is the sign of a dream.

This guy Wen Qiang didn't know where his eyes came from in the game, so he pushed: "Unique, you haven't entered the dream yet."

Hearing this, everyone was startled and looked at Wen Qiang curiously.

Wen Qiang simply let it go: "Utek intends to enter the dream, but if we consolidate the power that Utek has established now and don't disclose the news of Uk joining the dream, maybe it will play a key role in the future."

Yuchen, Unique, Silent, Mo Lishang, Fengwu Scar, Wuxin, Xinwufeng and others all showed surprise eyes. Indeed, this is also a great help for dreams!

"In this way, it is indeed possible and unique, what do you think?" Yuchen smiled.

"Well, brother Wuchen, I have no objection, I'm here for you!" Unique grin showed his white teeth.

Thus, a secret alliance began quietly like this, and the unique joining was undoubtedly a great strength for Yuchen. Just when they had just reached an agreement, a system notification sound came from the sky!

"Ding Dong, after half a day's selection and a lot of fighting, the list of 80 domestic selections has been released, and the [-]-member team that won in the end will represent the country in the national team competition!"

"Is it finally out?" Yuchen murmured, and everyone immediately opened the final list. To Yuchen's surprise, there were still 15 people shortlisted for Dream, and the rest were also selected by Demon God, Misty Rain Jiangnan, Floating Life at the End of the World, and Shura. , Emperor, Iron Blood, Overlord, God's Domain and other trade unions will be divided up, but this is also expected.

"There are only two people in the God Killing Legion. What's going on?" Seeing that only Man Niu was selected, Zhui Feng was selected, and Feng Wu Scar was obviously not satisfied with the result. Gui, Lin Tian, ​​Xingzhu, Canglang, Xiaotian, Wulei and others.

What shocked most of the dream brothers was that Xiao Ting, who had been dreaming very low-key, was nominated!

"When a handsome guy meets a wolf? Who is this guy? Tianyu? Unique, is it yours?" Yuchen saw that Tianyu was also shortlisted.

"Well, this guy is very strong, and I expected to qualify, but I didn't expect to be ranked 39th. I didn't expect that the members of Demon God, Shenyu, and Longxiang Guild are also quite strong."

Seeing that the people in front of them are almost all demon god Longxiang, Mengmeng can only come in third, which is a bit surprising.

"Damn it, the group of Demon Gods are too ruthless. If it weren't for the brothers of the God Slaughter Legion, we would all be wiped out this time!" While Yuchen and the others were waiting, all the brothers of Mengmeng teleported back.

And there was shouting...

"I'm so mad!" When Man Niu came back, there was also a voice of dissatisfied cursing.

"Brute bull, what's the matter? I said there are at least five people?" Feng Wu Scar was obviously very dissatisfied with this result.

"Feng Wu, don't talk about them, all the brothers from the God Killing Army sacrificed to cover us, and Xue Nu was not spared. We were flanked!" Shenyu and Demon God jointly defeated Mengmeng, only because too many people qualified for Mengmeng , they chose temporary cooperation.

After learning the ins and outs, Yuchen didn't say anything about it, but smiled instead: "This is something that can't be helped. But everyone has worked hard, yes, next, just wait for the arrival of the World Martial Arts Association! "

There are less than 10 hours left before the first personal competition!

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