The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 887 – Encountering the Powerful

"bang bang bang"

"Boom boom boom"

The powerful attack of Collapsing Sky + Brutal Nine Slashes almost split the battle between winners and losers in an instant. The man in black who attacked the American area, under Xingzhu's tyrannical face-to-face confrontation, his entire body was cut into nine sections And knock it out!

Seeing that the enemy is dead, Mengmeng's brothers breathed a sigh of relief. Back then, when hundreds of people fled, Xingzhu attracted the men in black to hunt down and kill them. His strength, defeating him now, can be said to be the rest of his life!

However, in fact, their smiles only froze for less than a second. Xingzhu is different from others. Because of this, he was dazzled by joy, but instead, he was very calm, because after beheading the man in black, he did not receive any notification from the system, which also meant that the opponent was not dead!

Xingzhu trembled, because he had already beheaded his opponent, even under the gaze of everyone, if he was still alive, it could only show that the opponent was terrifying!

"Hurry up... run!" Xingzhu looked at the other party's body, and was horrified to find that the body of the man in black had disappeared. In less than a second, the body of the man in black had disappeared!

It is said that the brothers of Mengmeng did not hesitate at all. It is not that they have discovered anything, but that they absolutely obey the orders of their superiors. This is a kind of trust. It may become a fatal injury, or delay time!


Xingzhu took the lead in running away. Although he was unwilling, he had to admit that the opponent's power was too weird. Dreamers had never been so embarrassed. However, Xingzhu would not let his brothers sacrifice their lives in vain. On the battlefield, it is still possible to win, but if you fail, you will lose everything!


Just when Xingzhu and the others were running away, laughter came from their ears. The laughter came from all directions, and it was impossible to tell where it came from!

" you think you can run away? Become my ghost in the ghostly stream!" A shadow like a ghost suddenly appeared in the way of Xingzhu and others. This is the mysterious man in black from before. !

At this moment, his beheaded body has returned to its original state, and there is nothing unusual about his whole body, as if the injuries he suffered before did not exist at all!

Xingzhu was a little unwilling. With such a powerful attack as the violent nine consecutive slashes, as Xingzhu's final skill, if it were someone else, he would probably die or be disabled, but the person in front of him was unscathed. Xingzhu really couldn't figure it out. Roared: "Why!!"

The man in black replied with a strange voice. There seemed to be disdain and sarcasm in the eyes that couldn't see his face clearly. He grinned and said, "I never thought that someone could use the violent nine consecutive cuts beyond the scope of the system. In our American area, You are definitely the No.1 among berserkers, if it was another opponent, maybe you would have succeeded, but it is a pity that you met me!!"

The man in black's confident words came through the system's translation. Although Xingzhu was not reconciled, looking at the situation around him, it was obviously not good for them. There were dozens of brothers behind him, how to save him?

Xingzhu's expression changed: "Let go of my brothers, I will give you my head!"

The man in black said dismissively: "In my eyes, your head and theirs have no value at all, so none of you can run away, including those who left before!"

"If that's the case, then come to Bibi!" Xingzhu was furious, his face was ferocious and he shouted loudly, his whole body was full of light, and the fifth-level violent fighting spirit surged, and the blue light wrapped his whole body in it!

"Oh? Tier [-] fighting spirit?" A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the man in black. He didn't expect to meet such a strong person in this small dark forest. Although he was disdainful, Xingzhu's The performance has already surprised the man in black!

"However... just this is not enough, in my eyes, you are too weak..." After the words fell, Xingzhu's fifth-level fighting spirit suddenly turned into Starlight disappears...

Xingzhu froze in place, with cold sweat seeping out of his forehead, just at that moment, he felt a terrifying force, this force, without a doubt, was the domain!

He raised his head only to find that the man in black had appeared beside him... and there was an extra sharp sword with a unique shape in his hand, emitting a ghostly green light all over his body!

"You are worthy of my sword, remember my name, Reeseg Napoleon" After finishing speaking, the green sword in his hand was already emitting a dazzling light, and at that moment, he swung the sword down, approaching the star Bamboo head!

"Brother Star Bamboo!!!"

"Don't!" The brothers of Dream rushed away, however, staring at the divine sword waving down, at that moment, they felt how small they were, and the star bamboo in the field, the big beads of sweat Depressed, he wanted to resist and break free, but he found that his own strength could not do it at all!

"Napoleon, there is no such name on the world rankings at all... This means that because of his level or occupation, he is no longer counted in the rankings like the boss of his dreams, Yuchen!" Unwilling, but also helpless, he could only watch the moment when the sharp sword killed his head!

At the very moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the jungle!

"Instant block!"


The crisp sound of weapons colliding reverberated on the banks of the Dark Moon River. There was a burst of water and light on the river, and a gust of wind. The sound of the collision just now still lingers in people's hearts, lingering...

"It was you who killed my brother!!" At the very moment, a figure in white clothes suddenly appeared, resolving the crisis of Xingzhu and the others. After seeing who was coming, the dream brothers couldn't help it. Exclaim and chuckle!

"President, Boss!" The brothers looked at Yuchen's appearance excitedly, and the dozens of people present trembled, and the whole person became excited.

"Retire first." Yuchen didn't talk much, when he found Xingzhu and the others, it happened to be the moment when this scene happened, Yuchen didn't have time to think, and rushed out!

There are not many people in China who can force Xingzhu to this extent. After all, Xingzhu will not be the kind of person who speaks lightly and does not fight.

"Yuchen..." Xingzhu recovered from the shock. At the critical moment, he did not expect that someone would come out to save them, let alone that this person was Yuchen. Seeing Yuchen, Xingzhu immediately Know, they are already safe!

Give the stamina medicine level to Xingzhu and the others to let them recover quickly. You must know that there are many wolves, tigers and leopards around. After these things last night, Yuchen looked at the man in front of him!

The demon pupils were not closed, and under the gaze of Yuchen's purple-gold eyes, the man in black actually had the feeling that his whole body was naked, as if in front of Yuchen, all his concealment was in vain!

"Hey, a 200-level seventh-rank expert, an expert player who has not yet entered the world leaderboard, Xingzhu, your luck is really good!" After reading the other party's information, Yuchen grinned...

Because, Yuchen already felt that his blood was boiling with physical strength!

Seeing Yuchen say, and that smile, there is a kind of domineering invisible pressure on people, and Rao Rui Sege of the Napoleon family also felt a sense of oppression.

"Who are you..." There are only a handful of people who can block his attack, even in the United States. Moreover, Yuchen's speed is so fast that Reesege can't stand it. In his image, I'm afraid Even the number one thief in the American district is not as fast as the man in front of him!

"Me? I'm just a nobody..." Yuchen said lightly. In his eyes, this man was already a corpse.

"I don't want to kill the unknown, report the name!" The unknown, Rui Sege will not underestimate the enemy, his expression is serious, and he can't help shouting angrily. He thinks that Yuchen is despising him, looking down on him, and he doesn't even want to say his name!

"Want to know my name? Let's see if you have the ability!" Yu Chen was unwavering. The person in front of him had killed hundreds of his dream brothers. No matter what, how could he let him go away safely?

"You will pay the price for your arrogance!" Rui Sege showed a fierce look. Judging from the respect and titles those people gave to this person in front of him, this person is definitely not an ordinary person, and he may even have a pivotal position in Huaxia District.

If you kill the person in front of you, it will definitely hit the momentum of Huaxia District, Rui Sege thought in his heart, although he doesn't know who Yuchen is, but killing him is the right thing to do!

"You talk too much..." Yuchen's expression was raised, and he didn't seem to want to continue the conversation. He withdrew the black knife in his hand, grinning at Rui Sege: "Just treat me as arrogant, and kill me instantly with my hands." you!"

"Arrogance! I'm going to kill you! Damn Chinese!"

Yuchen took a step back suddenly, disappeared in an instant, stepped out of the horse, and gathered the strong wind in his hands. Seeing Yuchen's movement, the eyes of Mengmeng's brothers became hot. Reesege may not know this movement, but Mengmeng The brothers are very familiar with it, and even Yuchen's pulse technique is something everyone is eager to learn, because the fighting posture is so handsome and cool!

"Youmingjian, kill him!"

"You have already missed the opportunity..." Yuchen's expression froze, and he slowly raised his head. When Rui Sege and Yuchen's eyes met, Yuchen disappeared with a bang. By the time Yuchen arrived, there were already three incomparably bright cyan lights hanging behind him, and Rui Sege was smashed into the ground by Yuchen!

The dust is flying around, killing the strong in the American area with his fists, I am afraid only Yuchen can do it!

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