The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 888 – Inheritance of Satan

"Xingzhu, are you all right?" Yuchen's attention was diverted by killing Rui Sege with one punch, and he looked back at Xingzhu and the others who were slowly recovering. On the second day of the competition, I will regretfully withdraw from the competition.

Xingzhu and the others were extremely anxious, they had no time to think about it, and without explaining, they roared at Yu Chen: "Yu Chen, (boss) that guy might come back to life!"

"What?" Yuchen was startled. At that moment, Yinlongjue suddenly felt a sense of crisis. Before Yuchen could recover, the fiery red light around him flourished. This is not Yuchen. It's not Xingzhu's and the others', but someone else's!

When surrounded by fiery red light, Yuchen's body involuntarily floated into the air. Yuchen was horrified to find that his body could not move. Soon, he found the source of the skill release, and he was killed by him. Where is the dead Rui Sege? At this moment, this guy is standing in front of Yuchen safe and sound!

"So that's how it is. You've killed 10 people. Do you have a chance to be resurrected?" Yuchen stared at Reiseg. Although he was surrounded by his skills, Yuchen didn't panic at all. There are only a handful of people who hurt him!

"If you want to think so, I won't explain anything. For a dying person, I don't bother to explain. Go to hell!"

"Yuan Sha explodes!" With Rui Sege's explosive shout, the red beam of light surrounding Yuchen exploded in an instant, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly sent fluctuations, and the continuous ripples oscillated into circles of ripples... .

The whole earth was full of dust, Xingzhu and others were shocked when they saw this, but they calmed down soon. Yuchen was by no means easy to defeat, so they calmed down and watched the battlefield silently.

In less than a moment, Xingzhu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were reassuring, and it turned out to be where Rui Sege was!

"Hahahaha, no matter how strong you are, no one has ever been able to escape unscathed under the flames of my Yuan Temple!" Rui Sege laughed arrogantly, even Smith, their number one expert in the United States, could not escape. Don't dare to accept this trick!

Therefore, Rui Sege is confident, confident that Yuchen will never escape this terrifying blow!

"That's because you are not in China. As far as I know, there are at least tens of thousands of people in China who can escape your attack." Just as Rui Sege laughed, suddenly, Yuchen A ghostly voice came from behind him!

Hearing this, Rui Sege trembled all over his body. He turned his head in shock, and saw a handsome face that was hazy under the moonlight. He immediately stepped back in horror, pointed at Yuchen and said, " ,Why!!"

"What's so strange? Do you think that no one can escape your attack? Actually, it's really simple." Yuchen hates such arrogant and arrogant players the most, thinking that he is invincible in the world.

"Impossible, impossible! You must have used your life-saving skills. I don't believe you can dodge a second time!" Some people are like this. After their self-satisfied skills are cracked, they can't believe such a fact. He is also unwilling to admit his failure, and the same is true for Reiseg today. Driven by pride and anger, he once again used Yuansha Pyroblast!

The light was exactly the same, covering Yuchen's body. Seeing this, Yuchen's expression did not change at all. Instead, he felt that Rui Seig's actions were a little funny. Americans have the character that they are the kings of the world. Let them have a look, Rui Sege really wants to look down on the players in Huaxia District!

So, Yuchen grinned, revealing a confident smile!

"Yuan Brah explodes!"

"Space freezes!"

Just when the flame explosion in Yuansha cracked and was about to explode, Yuchen suddenly solidified the surrounding space, and the trace of the flame explosion and crack did not appear again, and Yuchen walked out of it slowly. ..

He looked at Reiseg and said, "Look, it's actually very simple to get out. I still have many ways?"

"Impossible, impossible!! How could this be, how could this be!" Rui Sege couldn't believe that someone could solidify his power, and then that person walked out of the light directly, turning Pyro into a Fragments of light, not a single speck of dust remained.

"Nothing is impossible, as I said, it's because you haven't met any players from our Huaxia District before!" Just as Rui Sege looked disbelieving, Yuchen came to him again.

His eyes turned cold: "I don't believe it, you can be resurrected for the third time!"

His hands were suddenly placed on his stomach.Apart from anything else, terrifying and surging power poured into Yuchen's hands, and the three pulse gates behind him exuded a strange and terrifying light under the moonlight, and then, there was a terrifying collision sound under the night!

I saw Rui Sege's body flying tens of meters away uncontrollably, colliding with a big tree, blood spattering from the whole mouth, a fatal blow, no doubt another instant kill!

But this time, Xingzhu and the others held their breaths, and even Yuchen walked towards the place where Rui Sege fell step by step. He wanted to see if this person was a magician!

When the professional power enchantment is resisted, there are only two ways to see, one is to disable the opponent, and the other is to share with the opponent. Obviously, Yuchen likes the latter!

Although I saw the other party's information, but I didn't see the occupation!

After approaching, the demon pupils flashed, and all the information of the other party appeared in Yuchen's eyes, and his lips squirmed: "The inheritor of Satan? It surpasses the profession of a god, but unfortunately your godhead is nothing more than that!"

The profession of gods is also relatively awesome in the game. There are several such professions in dreams. Their strength is easy to show in the early stage. If they do not activate the godhead in the later stage, they can only be stronger than other professions. ..

Only the player who has truly activated the godhead will have the power to destroy the world!

"You said my godhead is nothing more than that?" Just as Yuchen was muttering, the dead Rui Sege suddenly spoke, and suddenly raised his head, the strange weapon of Youmingjian suddenly stabbed Yuchen, Yuchen dodged in time , but the white clothes on the chest also had scratches, revealing the silver-white Tianchen battle armor inside.

Yu Chen frowned, of course it wasn't because he was stabbed by the opponent, but because this guy really came back to life. Xingzhu killed him once, Yuchen killed him twice, and three times. Obviously, the opponent couldn't be killed in such a short time Within a short period of time, kill 30?After all, the battlefield is too big, and it is already thankful to meet 1 people at one time.

If none of these are true, then the rest is the other party's profession, and Satan will pass it on!

Yuchen raised his brows. When the other party saw Yuchen's appearance, he thought he was afraid of something. Rui Sege stood up immediately, with black and purple all over his body, representing the power of darkness: "Have I said it? I want to Let you pay the price! Pay the price for your arrogance, your arrogance, and your humiliation to me!"

"Youmingjian, liberate!" Rui Sege's light was shining brightly, and the purple-black beam of light rushed directly into the sky. This action shocked the players in the entire Dark Moon River Forest. Driven by curiosity, everyone in the forest Hundreds of thousands of players emerged from all directions, rushing towards the location of the light!

"This idiot!" The Yinlong Jue has already surrounded the forest, and almost every move here is under Yuchen's control. The players rushed to the forest suddenly, and Yuchen mainly blamed this person for being too stupid.

But it was more of a secret joy, Yuchen grinned ferociously: "In this way, I don't have to bother looking for them one by one!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

Just when Yuchen was going to get rid of everyone who came here in one go, he almost ignored the guy in front of him. When the light dissipated, the dream brothers immediately exclaimed.

Yu Chen also frowned. If calculated according to the combat power of the system, this person's strength has skyrocketed by at least ten times compared to before, and his entire body has turned into a demon!

Demon, the real Satan demon appearance!Although it has a pair of angel wings, it is pitch black. Although it is somewhat different from the six wings in the legend, maybe it is because the godhead is not enough. Reesege's Satan transformation has only two wings.

"I won't kill the unknown! Tell me your name!" Reesege said angrily after transforming into Satan, fighting with Yuchen until now, and still not knowing the name of the other party, this is a shame and a shame!

Yuchen's expression was raised, and the corner of his mouth immediately rose: "I should have said that, if you want to know my name, your strength may not be enough!"

"Nonsense, you Huaxia players are arrogant. My current combat power has reached 120! If it wasn't for not being on the list, how could I let you underestimate me!" Reesege said angrily.

"Now, you pay for your arrogance, bastard, die!"

After incarnating as Satan, Rui Sege's strength has increased tenfold, from the original hundreds of thousands of combat power to more than 120 million. This huge change is enough to shock anyone!

However, in Yuchen's eyes, it is so insignificant!

"Drink!" Rui Sege's loud voice was still echoing in people's ears. He flew up and was about to kick Yuchen, but Yuchen dodged calmly, and the opponent continued to punch and kick. !

"Why, do you only hide now? Huaxia people, if you have the guts, fight me head-on!" Rui Sege deliberately provoked Yuchen, and then condensed a terrifying fist to kill Yuchen!

"If you have the guts, try it next! Aren't you crazy?" The moment the fist fell in front of Yuchen.

Yuchen suddenly smiled: "As you wish!"

"Dragon Fist Attack!" The fists clashed, when the dragon's head appeared on Yuchen's fist, after colliding with the opponent's dark fist, the force from the arm, the roar of the dragon shocked Rui Sege mind!

When he was thrown into the air by Yuchen's dragon fist, his eyes shone with a strange light, blood scattered in the air, and he murmured: " combat power is clearly... ..”

"I'm sorry, my fighting power is three times that of yours!" Retracting his fist, Yuchen looked at the scene of Rui Sege being knocked into the air with a stern look and muttered to himself...

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