The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 890 – Battlefield Hunter

Another night fell, and another killing began. On the second day of the game, the changes on the battlefield became more obvious. From the beginning of an individual battle, it evolved into a team battle, a team battle. !

Groups of Hundreds, Groups of Thousands, and even a few members from the Huaxia District organized into groups of ten thousand people to sway their youth and blood to the fullest in this battlefield world. After that, it became abnormally intensified.

The death toll soared, and in the blink of an eye, three days passed, four days passed, five days passed...

The first personal chaotic competition of the World Martial Arts Association in the battlefield of ancient ruins is finally halfway through, and half of the 30 billion players participating in the competition have been eliminated...

However, the more people eliminated, the more worried the remaining players will be. Among the remaining 15 billion players, there are still a full 8 million players from the [-] million Huaxia District participating. Of course, this is not the case. The hidden danger of worry, the real hidden danger is that after those players who play soy sauce are eliminated, the remaining players are probably famous masters in various countries!

Even though there are many masters among the players killed and injured in the first half of the battlefield, no matter what, the remaining players must be the strongest among the strong!

There are strong players, and of course there are some fish that slip through the net. These are not things that people will consider and calculate. Players from all over the world who are red-eyed all choose to act at night and rest during the day...

Because, they know, this kind of rest time is running out, maybe it has become a tacit understanding, the battles that happen during the day are less than one-tenth of the night!

Therefore, on the battlefield, once it's night, it can be said that ghosts and wolves are howling. Even the ferocious beasts in the original world can only retreat under the violent murderous aura of the players!

Players who can survive on the battlefield for a full five days, the murderous aura on their bodies will naturally make wild beasts terrified.

The battle at night can be said to be the hottest. However, there are many teams at night, and even many players who travel alone. They are called by the players who have left the battlefield as "Battlefield Hunters, Battlefield Hunter!"

Battlefield hunters, this group is mainly composed of thieves and archers. Often when the team sets foot in their area, they will be immobilized by the archers with fixed archery, and then a group of thieves will flock to them and kill them immediately. , the dead can't die anymore!

This type of players has the most insignificant tactics, but they have been tried and tested. Players who set foot in their area are often wiped out, so they have a bad reputation, but the effect is good. Angry, but helpless!

When a group of thieves and a group of archers are united, even gods have to be afraid of three points, not to mention, if there is a group of mage priests, this kind of battlefield hunters are even more powerful!

The battlefield reapers are much more "open and aboveboard" than the hunters, and their aboveboard is only relatively speaking. The actions of this group of people have made many players complain, because they are dedicated to you when you try your best. The moment you win, this group of people will suddenly burst out, not only depriving you of your achievements, but also harvesting your life!

Therefore, the despicable means and inferior character of this group of people have been cast aside by many players!

The last category, compared to the first two teams, is a bit scary. The battlefield hunters, players named like this, have almost no life in the places they pass, and they only see killing...

No matter who they are, as long as they are not players in this type of country, they will kill recklessly. Of course, hunters will sometimes be hunted, it depends on the hunter's own strength.

Similarly, as for which type are the players playing?It also depends on how the individual fights, and with the team, there are only the first three!

Of course, there is also a difference in strength. There is a team that has been frightening in the battlefield world in the past five days. At the same time, it has also let players from all over the world know this fact!

In Huaxia District, there is not only one Long Xiang trade union, but also a dream that even Long Xiang is ashamed of now!

Among them, among the team of hunters, DREAM is the most famous, because wherever this group of people went, they never left anyone alive. The most important thing is not this, but a man who is the leader of this team. With a different kind of charm, he can always gather the players from the Huaxia District around him without coming to one place, as if he is the king of the Huaxia District, as long as he raises his arms, everyone is willing to work for him!

Four days have passed since leaving Moon River Forest. Within these four days, Yuchen's dream army has reached a terrifying scale. Among them, hundreds of thousands of members are from Dream and Invincible, and hundreds of thousands are from Players spontaneously entered the dream team, and they had only one reason, which was to make Yuchen the king of this personal competition.

Located on the periphery of the central battlefield of the ancient ruins!

As the battle intensified, the players also gradually headed towards the center. On the coordinates of the map, there is a city called the Ancient Temple. Unexpected adventure, but in the eyes of all players, this is the final stage, which is the final battlefield of the remaining players!

Set up camp, hundreds of thousands of white tents have a special flavor on this blood-stained battlefield. It is daytime, but it is the rest time for countless players, and the real hunting begins at night!

Here, Yuchen and the others rescued a team of ten thousand people, and the leaders are very familiar to everyone, mr. Uncle Misty Rain and Quiet!

"So, you haven't met An Jing and Misty Rain?" In the largest tent in this team, the cadres of the hundreds of thousands of teams are not only dreams, but also the masters of other teams. Gathered together, hundreds of people are continuing to discuss matters. Although this is just a personal competition, everyone has foreseen the upcoming national war!

"Well, this battlefield is too big." Bi Shuihan said.

In the battlefield of ancient relics, many people were born in the sky, under the water, and on land. However, this battlefield is like a huge circle, and they were born on the periphery of the sphere at first, just like the annual rings of a big tree. Circles keep deepening, and Yuchen and the others now seem to be located in the center of the annual rings of a big tree, and they are only one step away from the final road!

"Now our number plus your 3 people, we have almost 54. The number of teams is already too many, and there are still as many as [-] million players left in Huaxia District..." Yuchen was thinking, and everyone who was doing it also Did not bother.

"President Wuchen, you are worried..." Bi Shuihan suddenly realized something, looked at Yuchen and said in horror.

Yu Chen didn't open his mouth, but the bag inquiring beside him said: "Last night, everyone also discovered that before meeting you, we only met one team, which means that the number of players is not decreasing, but gathering. I think that players in other Huaxia regions have already realized this, and on the way to find partners, we have seen players from all over the world team up to fight against Huaxia region. If we continue to go deeper, we must do well, facing Prepare for a joint attack by players from multiple countries!"

After Bao Wenwen said this, the expressions of all the people present became serious. Obviously, they also realized that things are getting more and more difficult!

"Besides, the journey of team formation that I accompanied you all must come to an end. Although the rules of the game say that the winner is the one who survives in the end, everyone seems to have overlooked one thing, that is, honor points, personal honor points. It is the number that represents the number of players we killed. As far as I am concerned, my number is only 30, and it will be inconvenient for me to move with large troops in the future!" Yuchen thought for a while and said, there were no outsiders present, He was born and died, and Yuchen didn't want to hide it!

Everyone who is doing this is also a smart person, so they naturally understand Yuchen's meaning. It is almost all Yuchen's credit for passing the test along the way. If it weren't for Yuchen, they would not be able to get to where they are now.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of Yuchen that they can continue to survive on the battlefield, but because of their existence, Yuchen has been dragged down. Without them, Shenshenyu Wuchen can completely let go of his hands and feet. Make a world!

"Thanks to President Wuchen's care all the way, we are not young children, so we will naturally go all out, even if we may encounter dangers we cannot imagine in the future, but as a Chinese, how can we let other countries Even if we can't do it, we will never give up!" A strong man stood up and said sonorously.

These few words made everyone present look excited, and their eyes became extremely hot!

"Offend my Huaxia Xiawei, no matter how strong you are, you will be punished!" Yuchen didn't say much, because after he left, the danger everyone would face was hard to imagine. Thousands of people can actually be reduced to ashes in an instant!

"No matter how strong you are, you will be punished! No matter how strong you are, you will be punished!!"

"it is good!"

Many people were reluctant to bid farewell to the large army. Before leaving, Yuchen came to Xingzhu, Bishuihan, and Feng Kelei under everyone's gaze. Looking at these familiar faces, Yuchen also hoped that they could continue walking Go down, but the battlefield is often the cruelest place!

"Do your best!" Yuchen said firmly.

Everyone nodded and watched Yuchen leave...

Players on the battlefield all know the ferocity of Yuchen's team, but they don't know that the real reason for these players' brutality is because Yuchen, the real hunter, is going to go on the road alone again now, without these Restraint, the light of Yuchen, will bloom a strong light in the upcoming battle!

(Brothers, I am sorry to everyone. Xiaoyu knows his recent situation, so I would like to say sorry to everyone. I hope that brothers can give Xiaoyu another chance to work hard. I will definitely resume updating and make up all the owed updates!)

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