The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 891 – The First Battle of Dreams

Yuchen left quietly under the night, but what everyone didn't expect was that the big army of dreams would encounter a bloody battle tonight, a cruel battle, a battle that the players in Huaxia District would never know. Forget the battle of shame!

"It's already six o'clock, the whole army obeys orders, repair for half an hour, adjust the status, and all set off!" After Yuchen left, the command of the 50 troops was handed over to Xingzhu.

Although Xingzhu in China is not as famous as players like Yuchen and the others, in the hearts of the soldiers, Xingzhu can also be regarded as a god-level player with first-class operations, and he is also the first to beat the violent seven consecutive beheads. Impossible to upgrade the skill, abruptly upgraded to the crazy explosive nine consecutive cuts, it is precisely because Xingzhu opened the first row, and there are many strong players in the later stage, who can advance to the position between the seven consecutive cuts and the eight consecutive cuts, Moreover, many people have faintly touched the eight consecutive slashes that can easily kill a strong person in seconds!


Although Yuchen left, it did not affect the morale of the players in the slightest. On the contrary, they became more enthusiastic. They also had their own dignity, and followed Yuchen all the way to this place. What they wanted more was to rely on their own strength to enter the real world. on the battlefield.

Therefore, these 50 people are so sincerely looking forward to, looking forward to, the day when they can gain their own glory, waiting for half an hour, at this moment, for them, it is a bit long, and it is also a long time...

They are conflicting in their hearts at the moment. On the one hand, they are passionate, and on the other hand, they are also a little nervous.

Xingzhu closed his eyes and rested, without saying a word. Yuchen handed over the group of 50 horses to him. To be honest, the pressure was great. If he was in China, he could drive straight into the battlefield and lead 50 horses. However, It is different now, this is on the battlefield of the world, no matter from which aspect, Xingzhu must ensure that they can win, and even minimize the sacrifices!

Half an hour later, Xingzhu slowly opened his eyes. There were 50 people in the dark. Xingzhu walked forward and shouted, "Brothers, let's go!"

"Yes!" Under the dark night, people shouted in the group channel. The night passed by in a hurry. People must fight for every moment when the night comes, and the killing starts again. The 50 troops are making arrangements Next, it is divided into three steps: luring the enemy, killing the enemy, and destroying the enemy!

First, a dozen players with a speed of over 5000 go out as bait, the kind that can run away at the first time, and then, 10 people are divided into ten teams of 1 people, hiding 1000 meters behind these teams In addition, the last 40 people will protect the 10 people around, and a group of teams will hide to see if there are other enemies.

Thieves, archers, mages, warriors, knights and other professions were assigned in an orderly manner, and all the teams set off neatly, and the dozen or so brothers who were used as bait, the leader was also the deputy head of the Dream Killing Society, Chasing Shadow.

As the left and right hand of Shadow, his assassination ability is also very powerful. Now, as a bait, he is not at all unhappy, but regards this as a kind of glory.

More than a dozen thieves and archers walked forward in the depths of the forest. The archers were in the middle, before and after the thieves, and a few scattered mages were blessing various states. Before departure, the soldiers added states to everyone. Increase defense power attack power speed for 30 minutes...

Moving forward cautiously, in order not to be discovered by others, this team deliberately made a very concealed route, making people mistakenly believe that they are hunters in the dark...

Hunters, that is, a relatively wretched team, many people will leave without hesitation when they see such a team, but if there are few people, they will definitely be attacked by groups!


At night, the howling sound of the evening wind, because of the cover of the big tree, the wind sound is like the howling of ghosts, which makes people feel chilling. Zhuiying and other dozen people walked carefully, and finally they stopped suddenly after being cleaned up by Zhuiying. Not moving, and hiding, as if waiting for prey!

Under the dark night, at a distance of 500 meters from Shadow and the others, a short player, his eyes bursting with light, seemed to see his prey, he licked Tian's lips and said: "Yo Xi, you are from Huaxia!"

The player who acted as a scout turned out to be from Dongpu District.

After finding Chasing Shadow and the others, the thief quickly sent the news back to the large army hiding behind him, and then he received a message, leading the players in Huaxia District to their location!

The thief licked Tian's lips: "Although there are only a few, I am very happy to see the end of the players in Huaxia District who die in battle!"

As he said that, despite the wind moving around him, the thief intentionally made a hesitant appearance. He walked out in a panic, kept moving, and soon came to Zhuiying and the others. He said in a horrified tone: " Baga, Baga, where did the big troops go!"

Hearing this, Zhuiying and the others were indeed as happy as the thief thought, they jumped out regardless of 21, and under Zhuiying's command, they shouted loudly: "Players in Dongying District, kill without mercy!" !"

"Oops! There's an ambush!" The player in Dongying District turned pale with fright, as if he saw a terrifying monster. A movement speed of three thousandths!

"Chasing!" After sending a message to the main force, Chasing Shadow went up without saying a word. The thief and the mage archer went all out, and the archer also used fixed body archery to stop the thief. Unfortunately, What's more, the shot missed!

"Hahaha, you people from Huaxia District are really useless, can't you even shoot arrows accurately?" The players in Dongying District laughed deliberately, as if they really hoped that the group of Huaxia District players could continue to chase him down!

The distance of 500 meters is not short or long, but it is all reached in the blink of an eye.

When he came to the hidden place where the big army was hiding, the player from Dongying District stopped in place.

Chasing Shadow said angrily: "Be obedient and die!"

"Shoudie? Hahahahaha, your Huaxia district is nothing more than that, you don't even know you've been fooled!" The thief's wild laughter echoed in the forest. Seeing the other party like this, Zhuiying and the others' complexions changed drastically!

Seeing this, Zhui Ying and the others immediately took precautions, pretending to be panic: "No! There is an ambush!" However, by the time they realized it, it was already too late, and within a short time, tens of thousands of people appeared densely packed around them. People, all of them are players from Dongying District!

"Yo Xi, a Chinese!" The leader Chihiro Black Dragon came out and licked Tian's lips with a bloodthirsty look on his face!

"How many Chinese people are there? You Chinese people have the most people. With you, we have hunted down a hundred thousand Chinese players!" Black Dragon laughed wildly. In his eyes, although there were only a dozen or so people, Killing even one player in the Huaxia District can make them feel happy!

The surrounding Dongpu District players were laughing wildly, but their laughter was undoubtedly an insult to the Huaxia District, Zhuiying's complexion slowly darkened, and then he raised his head with angry eyes and said coldly: "Say, you Have you killed [-] players in our Huaxia District?"

Heilong was very upset, because the appearance of Chasing Shadow made him feel like what he said was a joke. For some reason, listening to his tone, he wanted to kill this group of Huaxia players.

"With you, it won't be over. After that, we will kill more players from the Huaxia District. The victory of this game will be won by our Black Dragon Club!" The Black Dragon burst into a drink in the forest, completely forgetting , even they are in danger anytime, anywhere!

"You guys from the Black Dragon Club? Hahahahaha, hahahaha, joke, joke, as long as I have one person in Huaxia, no matter if it is from any of your countries, I will never win this competition!" Chasing Shadow also laughed, and the dozen or so people behind him The other players also laughed, yes, as he said, as long as there is one player in Huaxia District, then this victory belongs to Huaxia District!

Everyone has super confidence in that man, he is Yu Shenyu Wuchen!

At this moment, he is rushing to the very center of the battlefield, where the decisive battle will be held!

Seeing Zhuiying and the others laugh, the black dragon's complexion darkened, and immediately burst into a stern face: "You Huaxia just like to deceive yourself and others, now, you all go to die!" Naturally, the black dragon would not believe what Zhuiying said, and In his opinion, the group of Chinese people in front of him has completely angered him!

"Can we go to die?" Facing tens of thousands of people, Zhui Ying not only did not have the slightest fear, but smiled very complacently.

"Death is imminent, you can still laugh! Die to me!" Heilong was furious. What he wanted to see was the panic and uneasiness of this group of people, and even the picture of begging for mercy, not the calm appearance of this group of people now!

"The dead, I'm afraid it's you!!" Zhuiying shouted loudly, and as expected, the surrounding jungle immediately moved, and the sound was even more deafening. Under the shocked faces of Heilong and others, 10 people, Densely surrounded them together!

"Now, who do you want to say will die?" Zhuiying grinned!

However, Chasing Shadow was a little disappointed. He didn't see the slightest panic on Heilong's face, and even that trace of surprise flashed by. Heilong sneered: "Sure enough, I knew there was an ambush, but, do you really think that there is an ambush?" Are we afraid of you|?"

"Brothers, come out!" As the black dragon shouted, 20 players appeared behind them!

"20, [-], whichever wins, I think you Huaxia District already know it, hahahaha, this time is really a big profit! You can go to hell!" Black Dragon laughed wildly, his face was full of heat!

"Do you really think so?" But just as the black dragon was laughing, a cold voice seemed to come from all directions. Xingzhu led the remaining 40 people, and at some point, they quietly transferred the 20 people. Surrounded by silence!

At this moment, the faces of Heilong and the others changed drastically. Looking at the 50 players in Huaxia District, they seemed to see the god of death waving to them...

(First, ask for flowers)

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