The gloomy forest, accompanied by the passing of the moonlight, means that dawn is about to dawn, the sky is full of red clouds, and the rainbow light seems to break through the sky. But encountered a huge crisis, which is unexpected by everyone!

In the forest, a man came out slowly. The figure had just appeared in front of them, but the sound of death came from this mysterious man. His words were undoubtedly not announcing Yuxi, Chasing Shadow, Gongchang Zhang Waiting for someone's death.

Moreover, his tone seemed to be a little disappointed, and he was disappointed that there were less than 3000 people in front of him.

Gong Chang Zhang and the others were on the strongest side. When they saw the person coming, they were not surprised. They were just alone. They had guessed before that the person coming was not easy. When he heard the other person's words, he further confirmed what he had in his heart. Thoughts, however, these were not what surprised them the most, the most surprising thing was the visitor!

Due to lighting problems, this person couldn't fully see his appearance, but he could vaguely see that this player turned out to be yellow-skinned, blue-eyed, and black-haired, which at first glance was a sign of an Asian. It is indeed a player from the Canadian country!

This man turned out to be of mixed race!I just don’t know if it’s China or another country...

"It's actually a player from the Huaxia District!" Before everyone could speak, the man slowly came out from the invisible darkness. This time, people finally saw his face clearly, except for the confirmed Asians. , His handsome face also shocked everyone, and his tone seemed to have not expected that he would meet a group of players from the Huaxia District.

"Well, the interests are different, and the principles are different. Since it is a battlefield, there is no other way. You should stop struggling to avoid pain!" Maybe it was because he also had half of the Chinese blood in his body, so this man felt that he Said with good intentions.

However, this sentence is undoubtedly a kind of provocation and insult to the powerhouses of God's Domain. Facing such an arrogant mixed-race player, how can they admit defeat lightly?

"Arrest without a fight? Who do you think you are? Even the top expert in Huaxia District has never said such a thing to us!" Jian Changfeng was furious, and he drew his sword and shouted, although the momentum given to them by the visitors was almost negligible, or even fundamental. They can't feel it, but they also know that the man in front of them is definitely a terrifying master, but what he said is naturally unacceptable to the players of the God's Domain guild!

Even if he is a strong man, they in God's Domain will not be weak!

"No. [-] in Huaxia District? Longxiang Jiutian? But no matter whether I have said it or not, I am doing it for your own good. Although I have half of Huaxia's blood, there is nothing else to say on this battlefield. I can do it." Yes, it ends you in an instant, so that you don't have any pain. After all, the Yagyu Jubei in Dongying District is too fierce, and I don't want to waste time. The battlefield is such a trouble. Okay, the talk is over, tell Me, your decision!" This handsome man directly blocked all the subsequent words, and it seemed that he didn't want to say too much to shake his heart.

"Our answer? That is..."

"Yin-Yang bondage!" Before Gong Zhangzhang could answer, a yell came into everyone's ears, and the little peacock beauty instantly activated the Yin-Yang formation, and a Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram appeared under the visitor's feet. Immediately, he received a reminder from the system , I have been restrained for five seconds!

Seeing this, the man frowned, but he didn't have the slightest fear. The reason why he frowned was because it was too troublesome. Looking at the moment when he was already sneaking, and the warrior knight galloping forward, he murmured: "I didn't want to be so troublesome at first, but it seems that I can only do it."

"Where are you looking?" Gong Changzhang was a little angry. As a god warrior with a second-level godhead, he almost launched an attack immediately. The impact of God can not only stun the target, but also stun it Internally crippled and debilitated.

However, after he made the impact, the man in front of him was not affected much, and the other party's eyes wandered away, as if he didn't take them seriously. Even though he knew that he was a strong man, such an attitude made the bow leader Zhang couldn't help but a burst of anger spread in his heart!

The God Warrior Blade in his hand slashed at the opponent's neck without hesitation. Due to the bound state, the original dizziness for ten seconds was reduced to one second by the strong resistance of the Canadian player.

The handsome man who had recovered was vigilant. The moment the God's War Blade slashed across his neck, violent white power surged from his body, and the sound of heavy collisions spread to the ground. The handsome man looked at the bow. Chang Zhang grinned: "Hahaha, I can attack indeed. Although my body is restrained, if I can attack, you have nothing to do with me!"

"When you kill us, you are talking such big words!" Jian Changfeng, a professional god, a swordsman, a two-level godhead player, has a lightning body, as fast as a thunder, and in the blink of an eye, he has already killed Handsome mysterious man!

"Thunder. God's Wrath!"

The strange weapon in his hand released the light of thunder, and the powerful force seemed to be able to penetrate everything. Not only did his attack kill the mysterious man, but more than 3000 players present had already acted, and countless attacks poured into the position of the handsome man. , under such an offensive, as long as they can hit, even the strongest Slayer in their Huaxia District can only kneel down.

"God. Wrath Sky Slash!"

"Yin and Yang will be destroyed, Heaven will punish you!"

"Frozen land!"

"Angrily Slash!"

"Thunder is angry!"


Countless attacks landed in front of the handsome man. The terrifying aura gathered together, as if they were about to destroy the world. The whole earth seemed to be trembling. The mysterious man's blue eyes reflected the countless skills. Attack, everyone tried their best to attack, however, this person's gaze did not change at all, he was still so indifferent...

"go to hell!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!" The terrifying sound spread across the entire land, and the surrounding thick smoke enveloped the place where the handsome man was originally. Everyone held their breath at this moment and looked at the dust quietly. Flappy battlefield!

"Brightness resists!" However, under their attention, suddenly, a burst of white holy light formed a huge circle of light and spread, and Yu Xi and others were deeply shocked ten meters away!

"Ah, I was really shocked. However, these attacks are useless to me. As long as I can't kill me with one blow, no matter how terrifying or powerful the attack is, under my power, it can completely kill me. Get back!" The handsome man's wounds healed in an instant, his life was full, and the holy white light enveloped his whole body, these are his powerful powers to heal himself!

"Who the hell are you!" Gong Zhang Zhang yelled when he saw this, the man in front of him was so powerful that they couldn't imagine it!

The man grinned: "Scum and trash..."

Hearing that, the audience was silent...

No one expected that they would encounter the scum and trash who are currently number one in the world's combat power rankings!

The bitter battle is coming!

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