The world of online games is invincible

Chapter 898 – No. 1 Combat Strength

On a night where the wind is howling, the sky is turning white, and the dawn that will rise at any time will soon illuminate the entire earth. On the highest scenery of the ancient ruins battlefield, on the top of the golden dome of the sky, a man, a handsome man is standing Here, at the highest place in the world, he looks at the scenery on the battlefield alone, expressionless...


The strong wind blows the Buddha, and suddenly there is a sound of piercing from behind him, and immediately a figure appears in front of this man like an illusion...

"On this battlefield, we found many traces left by the monsters after using their power...things have exceeded our expectations. Many of our companions have died in the hands of the monsters..." Come People did not hide or procrastinate in the slightest, but stated the truth of the matter very clearly.

After he finished speaking, the figure at the highest place still didn't change at all. He closed his eyes slightly, feeling the strong wind oncoming, listening to the words coming from behind, and then slowly opened his eyes. The purple-red pupils burst out with shining luster, looking down at the vast world, he seems to be the king standing above all living beings, making people unable to look up to his existence!

"So, on this battlefield, there are not just one or two, but a large number of monsters?" The man's voice was nice, but it was very cold, and made people feel fear in their hearts.

"According to the power of the monsters left behind, there are at least 10 monsters with the power of monsters in this battlefield! Moreover, all our partners who fought against them have died!" The visitor said with his head down.

The man standing on the high place snorted coldly: "They are all useless waste. The power of the monster will be restrained by 50.00% of our power automatically. Under such circumstances, they will still be defeated. They don't deserve it." To be a member of the Monster Hunting City is even more unworthy of being a Monster Hunter!"

"What's the current trend?" The man from the top of the sky asked coldly.

Xu Ying kowtowed and said immediately: "Judging from the remaining power, it seems that the destination of these monsters is one place, the ancient city!"

Hearing this, the taller man frowned: "Ancient City, where those old guys are, hmph, let the Xingyun Cross Demon Legion set off with me, I want to see if there is still a monster who has been lonely for 1000 years." How strong is it?" The man standing tall, his purplish red pupils burst out with murderous aura, he looked down at the green world, this man is the king of the Demon Hunting City, the Demon Hunting King!

"Yes!" The phantom body behind him trembled, obviously shocked by the man's decision. The Nebula Legion, the most powerful legion gathered in the Monster Hunting City, their total number is only 12 people, but they have the ability to destroy The strength of a nation!

"Yaoxia, this time, I will never fail. I must wash away the shame of the year, the shame of the seal, and I will return it with interest today. You wait for me!" Disappeared.

An out-of-the-box crisis also quietly hit Yuchen and his group of monster players...

But at this moment, in a certain valley among the huge graphics of the ancient forest, the players of the God's Domain Guild encountered a strong man who was powerless to resist for the first time in his life. People can no longer give birth to the heart of resistance.

"The yin and yang formation will destroy the heavens and the earth!"

"The roar of the gods, the murderous aura of Tiangang!"

"God ruins, sword dance to the sky!"

"Blessings of the gods!"

With the help of Yuxi, she constantly used powerful power to bless her companions with countless attack power, defense power, agility, and intelligence, and did not even stop restoring their status for a moment.

It is a pity that, facing the absolute power of scum and garbage, they experienced the horror of despair for the first time. It is an invincible strength. He can recover from all attacks in an instant, just as he said Just like you said, as long as you don't give him a fatal blow, then he is invincible!

"I've said it before, your attacks are all futile. Although I don't want to attack the players in the Huaxia District, this is also the principle of the battlefield. If the situation is not forced, I will not do this. All I can say is sorry !" That handsome face kept appearing in front of them, seeing the scum and rubbish about to break through their defenses and come in front of everyone.

Everyone is full of anxiety, no one expected that they will meet such a powerful player here, and they still have such BT abilities, powerful life resistance, strong recovery power, this is simply super super super speed Rebirth, Xiao Qiang who can't be killed is even more tenacious!

"Stop talking nonsense there, this is the battlefield, as you can see, either you killed us, or we killed you! No need to say more!" Jian Changfeng was furious, and the more humble the scumbag's attitude Gentleness, this hurts the hearts of these powerful people even more.

Even if they can't win, even if they really can't beat the scum and garbage, they don't need that kind of sympathy. For the strong bow Zhang Zhang, sword Chang Feng, and God's Domain, it is nothing more than an insult in disguise.

"Ah, indeed, this is the battlefield. I shouldn't have the slightest sympathy or pity, so let's end this battle now!" Bingwei has hunted and killed countless people on the battlefield, showing great strength. Although the limit of combat power has soared, it is a pity that he still has not been able to cross the chasm of number one.

"Sword of Light!" A weapon suddenly condensed in the hands of the scum and garbage. This sword of light was about ten feet long and exuded a strong white holy light. It becomes like daylight, and people under this skill can feel the power of scum and garbage even more at this moment!

He himself is suspended in the air, and the ten-foot lightsaber is on top of his finger, as if as long as he strokes lightly in the air, the huge sword will follow his command to attack. The current him is different from the previous Ruya. In comparison, he has more determination, and seems to have decided to kill half of the players from the Huaxia District in front of him!

Desperate thoughts appeared in people's eyes one after another. After just a few rounds of confrontation, Gong Chang Zhang and the others understood that this person's strength was already irresistible, and in his hands, there was no possibility of survival!

"Peacock, use yin and yang to take sister Yuxi away, chasing shadow brothers, our sister flower will be handed over to you, Liu Sheng's information and scum's information tell the strong in Huaxia District, let them think ahead Get ready, here, let us resist!" The archer Zhang gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.

And Zhuiying also knew that as a man, he absolutely couldn't leave like this now, but seeing everyone's resolute gazes, he knew that he couldn't refuse their kindness!

Nodding heavily: "I will not let everyone down, even if I try my best, I will protect Big Sister Yuxi!"

The powerhouses of God's Domain nodded, and then looked at each other, each other's eyes were full of determination, and the aura of seeing death as home, on the contrary, let the fighting spirit in their hearts spread throughout their bodies.

"Three beeps, activate the Tiangang formation, peacock, take the opportunity to use the Yin-Yang clutch gun, remember, it only lasts for a moment, if we are left behind, then we will all die!" Zhang Zhang must give priority to the female players in the team Life, and Yuxi's identity is not ordinary, they must protect this beauty Yuxi well!

"Sorry, it's over!" The scum and trash seemed to have been ignoring their actions, allowing them to do what they did. After they were ready, his sword of light fell from the sky, a huge sword of light, a sharp sword Before the mang reached the ground, the surrounding big trees were cut off in an instant, and the incision was extremely neat, leaving a shocking incision!

"Tiangang formation! Open!"

The guild defense skills that can be learned at the [-]th level of the guild can only be used on the territory. After reaching a certain level, players can also use it on themselves, but the power is only one ten thousandth .

But even if it is one ten-thousandth, it is very powerful.After all, this is a super god-level defensive skill, a defensive formation that can withstand the continuous attacks of tens of millions of troops, issued by more than 3000 players of God's Domain!

The collision between the Sword of Light and the Great Formation of Tiangang caused splashes of light on the ground, and the holy white light flew in the sky, and the Great Formation of Tiangang Defense also appeared a large number of cracks at the moment it touched the Sword of Light. trace!

"Yin-yang separation and reunion! The art of instant body!" Right between the lightning and flint, a soft shout came from the light, perhaps because of the angle of view, she caught the best deed, and the peacock girl immediately used the art of instant body surgery!

The yin and yang formation was activated, and the yin and yang pattern appeared in the bright light.

"Sister, let's go!" Seeing the formation, Peacock wanted to leave immediately, but just as they were about to leave in an instant, the surrounding space suddenly turned white. Like the pure land, clean and white!

"Although I'm not used to killing women, it's a pity that on the battlefield, there is no distinction between men and women. If I let you go, I will naturally not chase them down, but under my nose, if you can't escape, then I will not follow you." Be merciful, you are all under my domain of light, here, everything is up to me, no matter what kind of struggle you make, it is meaningless, as I have said before." If these words of scum and rubbish can still make the strong in God's Domain feel rebellious, then the words now will undoubtedly make them experience despair!

Because in the field of light, their attributes have dropped by at least 70.00%. Is this the man with the world's number one combat power?Scum and garbage?

On the outskirts of the forest, a man in black was galloping. When he saw the white light shining in the sky, he rushed to the depths of the forest without hesitation in his deep eyes. Could he bring miracles to the people of God's Domain? Light?

(The 2nd group is full. Create a new invincible third group 37380319. Everyone is welcome to join. Not only will the update be resumed in August, but all the updates owed in July will be made up.)

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