Chapter 279
There is still a difficult problem in front of several people in order to make a good confession.

That is how to highlight the siege of Chetuo people.

Che Tuo's soldiers split up and even rushed all night to block the retreat of Shi Yu's remnant army, obviously intending to completely eat this patchwork of reinforcements.

The road from Feng County to the capital must be full of difficulties.

If you are not careful, you will fall into the enemy's siege.

At that time, no matter how powerful the martial arts is, how many people can it resist, ten people, a hundred people, or a thousand people?

The death of General Zhang left a big shadow in Yang Benzhong's heart.

A dignified master, in normal times King Che Tuo would have to go through a life-and-death fight if he wanted to take down the opponent, but in the midst of the chaotic army, he killed the young General Zhang with a single knife, and even the sacrificial vessel I didn't even have time to use it.

Most of the well-known warriors in the army died under random swords. It can be seen that the bravery of individuals on the battlefield will be infinitely reduced.

Yang Benzhong didn't want to die.

He's still young, and he still has a lot of time to make a difference.

He lost this time only because his opponent was King Chetuo, the Rentu who had defeated countless powerful enemies and whose name alone could make people frightened. It was too unfair for him to lose.

Today's Yang Benzhong has long since lost his original arrogance, and for a long time to come, Che Tuo King will be a nightmare deep in his heart.

Zhong Zhun also does not support entanglement with the Chetuo people.

After all, today is different from the past, without the natural danger of Shanggu City, the hinterland of Shiyu is so defenselessly exposed in front of the enemy, whether to attack or defend is no longer what they can decide.

Instead of being trapped until you run out of ammunition and food like being cut by the enemy's soft knife, it is better to break out of the encirclement early and make another plan.

Shiyu still has ten counties, and it is not a problem to pull out an army of 10 people.

The few remaining generals in the army reached an agreement in an instant.

But soon a new problem appeared again, how on earth should these remnants and defeated generals escape from the hands of [-] Chetuo people who are staring at them?
This matter will change if it is too late. Once King Chetuo regroups and encircles the Chetuo people here, then these people like himself will be fish on the chopping board to be slaughtered.

There is not much time left for them, or in other words, there is only one night left.

Either, break through tonight, or just sit and wait.

"General Zhong, do your soldiers still have the strength to fight?"

Suddenly, Yang Benzhong squinted his eyes and asked Zhong Zhun.

"The enemy army saw that the general's subordinates were pruned at the end, and they didn't dare to fight with them. They just tentatively shot two arrows and then retreated."

Zhong Zhun didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"I have a note, I don't know what the generals think, we just need to be like this..."

Yang Benzhong turned around and pointed to the deployment map, and explained to several people.

His method is very simple, that is, the remaining [-] soldiers in the general are divided into three groups and break out in three directions. Before the Chetuo people have formed an encirclement, how many people can escape.

The enemy generals sent by King Chetuo to cut off the way only had 1 horses in their hands. If they were to divide into three groups like them, they would only be defeated one by one. receive.

In this way, the other two men and horses can be preserved.

It wasn't until now that Yang Benzhong finally came up with some decent skills.

As a general, you should have something to give and something to gain.

Although he knows that there is a high probability that no one will survive the part that breaks through the siege of Chaowangcheng, Zhong Zhun also knows that now is not the time for benevolence.

Without hesitation, he decisively sided with Yang Benzhong.

Both of them knew very well that the one that led the Chinese army to break through the siege would most likely be stopped, so whoever would be the unlucky guy was very important.

If it is an embroidered pillow straw core, let alone other things, it is still a question of whether it can hold back the main force of the enemy army.

Of course, the two of them would not allow this to happen.

The candidate to be sacrificed must be a veteran on the battlefield, preferably a guy who can't pee with them in the same pot.

Now that they have decided to distort the facts, the two of them will of course take the opportunity to get rid of some survivors of this war, some people who may expose their lies.

The two had a small discussion in the military tent, and then Zhong Zhun stood behind Yang Benzhong and walked out of the military tent one by one.

"General Chang, later General Zhong and I will each lead a team to break out on both sides. At that time, the enemy general will divide his troops into two groups in an attempt to completely eat us. After half a stick of incense, you will immediately lead five thousand elite soldiers to break out of the encirclement. Be sure to bring back the news of the fall of Shanggu City!"

Yang Benzhong patted a veteran on the shoulder heavily, with deep affection and deep meaning, as if he had already prepared to sacrifice his life for the country.

"Why is this so handsome!"

The veteran did not doubt that there was him. Although he had some complaints about Yang Benzhong's misjudgment before, but after all, it was a same-sex match. Naturally, he couldn't help but want to dissuade Yang Benzhong's death will.

"General Chang doesn't need to waste his words. The cause of this defeat is all my own. What's the face of my loyalty? It's still useful to treat this crippled body as a pawn for the old general."

Yang Benzhong made a generous statement.

When it was over, the eyes that met the old general were full of sincerity.

But he couldn't help sighing in his heart, if it wasn't for this person being too upright and recalcitrant, why would he be willing to lose another major general in the army.

"Since the commander-in-chief has this heart, I will live up to the entrustment. If I can't send the general to His Majesty, I am willing to die to thank the world!"

The old general bowed heavily to Yang Benzhong.

"This is the talisman of General Zhong's men and horses, and now there is only this one in the battalion that still has some fighting spirit. The general must lead them out of the encirclement, so that we can live up to the painstaking efforts of the two of us."

Yang Benzhong held the veteran's hands, as if entrusting the funeral.

Chang Damao clasped his fists and sang "Here", without further ado, he led his soldiers down to receive the trilogy, intending to wait for an opportunity to break through.

"Brother Zhong, are you willing to send out all the elite under your command?"

Seeing that Chang Damao had gone far away, Yang Benzhong finally stopped putting on airs, and joked with Zhong Zhun with a smile.

"General Chang has the heart to serve the country, so how could he fail to fulfill his wish."

Zhong Zhun was quite emotional.

"You are hypocritical, don't dawdle, you and I will hide the soldiers and horses in the woods on one side later, and once Chang Damao starts to break through, you and I will also take the soldiers and horses to fight towards the important towns on both sides, don't be careful .”

Perhaps knowing that he was guilty of being a thief, Yang Benzhong was also afraid that Zhong Zhun would be caught off guard and stabbed in the back.

At that time, don't rush out by yourself foolishly, but make Zhong Zhun a scapegoat instead.

You can't have the heart of harming others, and you can't have the heart of guarding against others, especially because he has set a good example for Zhong Zhun, so he is naturally afraid that Zhong Zhun will do this kind of thing to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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