Chapter 280 The Dust Settles
On the only way from Fengxian County to the capital, the [-] Chetuo Bujia has been armed with sharp armor and ready to go.

The sound of hooves from far to near.

As the sun was setting, Chang Damao chose to break out of the siege when the enemy was most likely to relax. It was also because as dusk fell, the sight of the cavalry would be greatly reduced. Without the enemy appearing in the dark, he would have already lost his position.

In order to reduce the burden, everyone is only allowed to bring three days of dry food, and the horses under the crotch also eat their last meal before leaving.

When the horses' legs failed, it was time for the people to dismount and march day and night.

"Brothers, Yang Shuai personally led the pursuers away for us, just to give us a chance to pass on the military information. If there are more pursuers who catch up, I will stop the pursuit for you without saying a word."

"If Lao Tzu dies, the lieutenant will be on top, and if the lieutenant is dead, Pi will be on top."

"Even if you walk with your feet, someone must be alive to send the information out."

Chang Damao heard the screams of killing from the left and right wings in his ears, and felt that the responsibility on his body was extremely heavy.

It's just that the solemnity dissipated not long after.

Looking at the place where the setting sun was setting from a distance, Chang Damao's heart fell to the bottom of the valley immediately when he saw the Chetuo infantry soldier who had been waiting for a long time, dressed up and looking murderous.

Just looking at the number of people, the Chetuo people who are guarding the main road of this trip are overwhelmingly crowded, let alone thousands of people, how could they be in the slightest of Yang Benzhong's plan to lure the enemy to divide the troops? Yang Benzhong played a trick, he was the scapegoat who distracted the enemy.

Chang Damao was about to stop the Qingqi, but unexpectedly, the beloved horse under his crotch staggered suddenly.

Then there was a sudden stench.

Chang Damao's face was ashen, he was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Yang Benzhong, the killer who suffered a thousand knives, actually gave all the horses a lot of crotons in order to hold them back.

Now that the medicine has taken effect, Qianliju's horse's hooves are trembling slightly, and all his energy has been exhausted just to carry him, let alone move away.

Sure enough, the horses under the crotch of the crowd behind them howled in pain one after another.

"Yang Benzhong, I swear to kill you!"

Chang Damao turned over and fell off the horse, reached out to caress the mane of the horse, and then, the determination in his eyes gradually rose.

"Wang Han Ma Chao, you have been with the old man for many years, right?"

The old general seemed to have nothing to do with the household chores with his soldiers.

"Back to the lord, the last general has been under the lord's command for more than ten or three years."

Wang Han, who is taller and looks a bit serious, replied.

"Before I knew it, it's been 13 years. Why does this old man have the impression that you're still the nerd who would get mad at the sight of blood? I didn't expect you to die here with this old man today."

Chang Damao looked quite emotional.

"If you are dead, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is also a blessing for the last general to be able to follow the general on the saddle."

Wang Han also learned to wipe the saber on his waist, ready to fight to the death.

13 years is enough to change a lot.

"No, the two of you can't die here. If you still recognize me as a general, take off your armor later, and flee as quickly as possible in the twilight. Flee as far as you can, and bring back everything that happened, including General Zhang's death."

"I can die here, but I can't tolerate those villains who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and tarnish our reputation after death."

It seemed that Chang Damao's thoughts became clearer and clearer after letting go of a concern.

"They want to use the Chetuo people's knife to kill the old man, so that all who survive will be theirs. Whether it is black or white, isn't it all up to them?"

"General Zhang is in danger, and General Zheng's defection is also full of doubts. You must tell Xiang Xiang when you go back."

Chang Damao wanted to say something, but the approaching footsteps of the Chetuo people interrupted him.

"Go, why don't you go quickly?!"

Using his broken fingers, Chang Damao tore off a piece of silk from his body and wrote something hastily, then handed over the personal seal to Wang Han, and said carefully.

"You have read a few books, and your mind is more flexible than that kid Ma Chao."

"This thing can only be handed over to Xu Xiang. Others may not be able to believe it. Have you ever remembered it?"


Ma Chao wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Han.

Kowtowing heavily to Chang Damao, Wang Han quickly took off his armor and only carried the most common plain knife, then he took Ma Chao and slipped into the depths of the nearby jungle to take advantage of the turmoil.

"This kid!"

Chang Damao cursed with a smile, then turned his attention to the Chetuoren Zhongjun, that shadow-like figure.

"I have heard for a long time that your lord has three generals under his command. I don't know which one is your Excellency?"

"Damn it."

The fierce general with the tattoo on his face replied in a deep voice.

"The wolf is messing around, your lord really thinks highly of this old man!"

Chang Damao looked up to the sky and laughed three times, then turned serious.

"I know that you will die today, but it's not so easy to take the old man's life. Let's see if your ability is really as miraculous as the rumors say!"

After all, he led hundreds of soldiers to meet him head-on.

In order to ensure the speed, most of the Chetuo people were lightly armored. If the horses had not been tricked, they could completely crush them with just one charge.

But Yang Benzhong had been scared out of his wits on the frontal battlefield for a long time. He didn't believe that Chang Damao's mere [-] soldiers could break through the strong and healthy soldiers of the Pochetuo people. .

Really a general incompetent, killing the three armies!

Seeing his soldiers die tragically one by one, Chang Damao only felt a ball of anger burning in his chest.

But soon, the situation on the battlefield no longer allowed him to think too much.

Holding a saber in his hands, he rushed towards Chang Damao like chopping melons and chopping vegetables all the way. None of the soldiers who stood in front of him could catch the second knife.

Seeing that this person was about to kill him in front of him, Chang Damao unhurriedly took out his family-heirloom bow from behind, drew the bow and set up an arrow, and suddenly saw a stream of arrows shooting straight into his body.

However, Hun Ligan's attention was on this side from the beginning to the end. When he saw Chang Damao's cold arrow attacking, he untied a short halberd from his waist and threw it over. He went straight to Chang Damao's door.

Chang Damao hit the short halberd flying with a knife, and when he raised his head again, a shadow suddenly appeared on top of his head, the wolf tattoo on his dry face seemed to come alive, and he was about to bite Chang Damao ferociously.

As gold and iron clashed, the energy and blood of the two suddenly exploded on the battlefield, and the billowing cigarettes rolled up into the air, making sand and rocks so that no one around could get close.

For a long time, until a figure came out from the dust.

Shi Yu's remnant soldiers felt like they were sitting on pins and needles, especially with the bleeding head in their hands.

That person held Chang Damao's head.

(End of this chapter)

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