Chapter 281 Lure the enemy to go deep
In the middle of the night, King Chetuo sat in the luxurious king's tent and entertained the generals in the army with delicious food and wine.

King Chetuo, who was wearing a loose robe, reached out and cut a thick piece of roast lamb leg with a gold-plated dragon and phoenix dagger, then put it on a gold plate, and signaled the attendants behind him to hand it to Qu Shaoqing on his left.

"Strategy and decisive victory for thousands of miles, Shaoqing should be the first achievement in this battle. Do all the generals have any objections?"

King Che Tuo wiped his hands on the luxurious brocade robe, picked up the luminous cup, and looked around, although the tone was asking, but no one could refuse.

Of course the generals dare not criticize.

"Fear at the end."

Qu Shaoqing suddenly received such an honor, Dang Shi stood up respectfully and took the gold plate from the servant with both hands, expressing his refusal in fear.

"I gave it to you, but Aiqing doesn't want it, but you don't like this king's reward too lightly?"

King Chetuo had a candid smile on his mouth, but what he said made Qu Shaoqing break out in a cold sweat, and kept whispering that he didn't dare to speak.

Since ancient times, being with a king is like being with a tiger.

The more powerful the monarch is, the less he can tolerate disobedience from his subordinates.

You don't want what I give you, isn't there more in the picture?

"Everyone, drink this cup to the full with the widow!"

Seeing Qu Shaoqing accepting the reward tremblingly, King Chetuo showed a satisfied smile on his face, and drank the grape wine in his glass in one gulp.

Amber wine trickled down from the corner of his mouth, as bright red as blood.

King Che Tuo walked to the edge of the last table and joked to Zheng Xin who had just surrendered.

"Bo Yu has caused me a lot of trouble this time, if it wasn't for the late support from Yang Benzhong, maybe this king will return without success."

After all, he did not forget to pat Zheng Xin on the shoulder.

Zheng's confidence sank for no reason, seeing the eyes of the generals around him who had already disliked him getting more and more unfriendly, he was about to explain, but King Chetuo waved his hand and continued.

"But I don't blame you. At that time, you were guarding the general of Shiyu. It is the duty of a courtier to be loyal to your duty. It was the king of Shiyu who didn't know people and killed the soldiers and civilians of your city. Now in my hands, the widows can't bear it." It's not that you are waiting for the faint king."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

What else could Zheng Xin say, he could only hold back a flattery for a long time.

Yang Benzhong delayed the military situation and killed thousands of guards in Shanggu City, but this was Yang Benzhong's fault after all. Although Zheng Xin hated the unconscious emperor emotionally, he also knew who the culprit was.

"Boyu is from Shiyu. Letting you attack and plunder your homeland is a bit difficult for the strongman. Why don't you wait a few days and I will transfer you to the Eastern Front. How will you meet those old acquaintances?"

Who else could that group of old acquaintances in the east be, except for the big cannibals who came to harass them every two days?
Zheng Xin immediately realized King Chetuo's meaning.

"I thank your Majesty Long En!"

This time Zheng Xin expressed his sincere thanks.

After all, he was born and raised in Lao Shiyu, and many of the three towns in Yanbian are still his old friends. If King Che Tuo really wanted him to do something to his own robe, maybe Zheng Xin would hesitate a bit.

But for those who fight big food, he doesn't have any sympathy at all.

"Ha ha!"

Another guard was subdued, King Che Tuo was in a good mood, and couldn't help but speak freely of his ambitions to the fine wine in his glass.

"This time when Shanggu was captured, the hinterland of Shiyu is just within my grasp. If Shiyu's bones can be broken in this battle, then no one will be the enemy of Chetuo in the first battle. In my lifetime, I will definitely let him go." Chasing electricity to drink the agate river."

"In this way, I will live up to my experience in this world!"

Zhui Dian is the favorite horse of King Chetuo, and the Manao River is the mother river of the Lainau people in the southernmost Lainau State of Heniu Prefecture.

King Chetuo didn't want his horse to drink the river water, but he clearly wanted to fight all the way from the north to the south.

Become the co-owner of He Niuzhou.

Zheng Xin was terrified at first, and then he felt a rush of blood rushing to his heart after a long absence.

A man can't eat five tripods in life, and he can cook with five tripods even in death.

What a grand undertaking it is to establish an eternal dynasty that dominates He Niu!

Once the matter is done, I will leave my name in history.

In comparison, King Shiyu's intention to keep his mind suddenly seemed so insignificant, so insignificant that it was not worth mentioning.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

The bonfire of the banquet may be extinguished for a moment, but the raging ambition that is lit in people's hearts is a fire that will never be extinguished.

The next day, Che Tuo's army only left [-] guards in Shanggu City, strangling this important military base.

The remaining [-] troops marched out again, and approached the nearest feudal town. Now that the offensive has reversed, the Chetuo people can kill and loot wantonly when they advance, and they can defend Shanggu City when they retreat. Instead, the people who should be anxious have become Shiyu people.


The sorrows and joys of people are not connected, Yang Benzhong only feels that the defense of Shuolin Town is noisy.

The news of the fall of Shanggu City is unbelievable. Yang Benzhong led an army of [-] to help, but after a day, there were only [-] frightened remnants left. It came as a surprise.

If it weren't for the fact that the remnants of the escaped soldiers were more or less injured, their panicked state of mind obviously meant that they had just experienced a bad battle.

Fang Huayun, Shuolin's defender, felt that Yang Benzhong was making fun of him.

It's just that Fang Huayun couldn't laugh anymore.

The sentry sent out to inquire about the situation only came back Sanqi, and they were still lying in ambush less than [-] miles away from Shuolin Town.

Fang Huayun could only put Zheng Xin's rebellion aside and mobilize the troops and horses of the feudal town to set up defenses, just hoping to delay the Chetuo people's footsteps.

Unlike Shanggu City, which has mountains to rely on, Shuolin Town used to be an important border town, but the surrounding area is surrounded by large plains. In recent years, with the ancient city as a barrier, it has long lost its power to fight without military equipment. Surrounded by the army of people, there is no way to block its edge.

Fang Huayun's idea was just to delay for a few days, waiting for the guards from other towns to come to help.

It's just that this idea was strongly opposed by Yang Benzhong and Zhong Zhun. In Yang Benzhong's words, this move is tantamount to letting the Chetuo people surround the spot to fight for help. It is to deliver food to the Chetuo people. If too many people come, the Chetuo people turn around and leave.

Losing the initiative is tantamount to being passively beaten.

Yang Benzhong's idea was to abandon Shuolin Town, spread out and hide the soldiers and horses along the way, lure the Chetuo people to keep going deeper, and then cut off the Chetuo people's supplies from behind. Dead end.

Putting aside the influencing factors on the frontal battlefield, Yang Benzhong is indeed a qualified coach, but his suggestion is destined not to be adopted.

There is no other reason. Fang Huayun's duty is to guard Shuolin. If he really follows Yang Benzhong's suggestion and abandons Shuolin Town, his feudal town will be considered to be over.

If the Chetuo people really went deep into the battle as he said, it would be a great achievement, but once the opponent stopped walking after occupying Shuolin, the crime of surrendering the important military town without spending a single soldier can all be suppressed. on him.

(End of this chapter)

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