Age of Arcane

Chapter 105 The Power of a Gun

Chapter 105 The power of a shot

Luke still doesn't have advanced gun skills yet, so he holds the gun with both hands in a satisfactory manner, with his center of gravity lowered, and assumes a gun-holding posture that is common on the battlefield.

Ruihuo wand has the effect of buffing the skills of long-handled weapons, and it still has this attribute when it is made into a red dragon gun.Luke, who obtained spear skills through secret techniques, felt that the gun in his hand was a part of his body.

The calm demeanor and the momentum from the battlefield spearmanship give people the feeling of reefs on the sea.

Facing the tide, stand still.

In consciousness, the information about the iron face was opened.

Iron Mask: Machina
Strength evaluation: three and a half stars
Iron Face's body was designed and remodeled by Wei Meng himself, and after each boxing match, he will carefully adjust and strengthen it.In a sense, the iron face is an experimental body of Mighty, and many of his new technologies are verified through the iron face.

Therefore, Iron Face's body modification is very extensive, especially the head modification, which is not something that any mechanical reformer can do.

Excellent strength, speed, and responsiveness make Tie Mian impeccable in his strength zone.Even facing Shelley, if she didn't use all the abilities of Medusa's pupil, she wouldn't be able to easily defeat Iron Face.

In the arena, he watched Luke intently, his fighting experience let him know not to underestimate any opponent.Especially since the other party is still the detective of the Bureau of Secret Affairs, he has no ability to sit in this position.

Dare to take the stage and definitely have a little confidence in your own strength.

Tie Mian did not attack recklessly, but first moved left and right with small steps, trying to pull open and rush in.Once close, the power of this long weapon will be reduced by more than half, and the victory can basically be sealed.

It's just that the opponent's defense is meticulous, and the tip of the gun moves steadily with his own movements, even if he fakes, he can't deceive the opponent at all.

Iron Face noticed Luke's right eye, guessing that it must have the same special function as his own.

The cautiousness of the two on the field made the game very boring. Someone outside the field whistled and urged them to fight quickly.

At this moment, Luke has read all the information on Iron Fist, and through some video guides, he also recalled the fighting style of this little boss in Diagonal Street.

I haven't come to brush this guy for a few years. After all, what he explodes is rubbish for later players.

Iron Face's frontal defense ability is very high, and there is a small triangular area in the center of the lower edge of the front chest armor, and a heavy blow there can destroy the center of his entire mechanical body.

One blow paralyzed him.

Luke's challenge to the iron face is to establish his prestige. If it becomes a tug-of-war, it will be too disrespectful.

Jianglei Huotong captured the movements of Iron Face, and the seemingly sensitive displacement showed a sense of slowness, allowing Luke to distinguish every detail of his movements.

The gun technique inherited from the secret technique brings with it a sense of life and death on a high-intensity battlefield. The brain is bathed in the energy generated by the fusion of the thunder and fire in the right eye, and the spirit is concentrated like never before. The consciousness seems to be in a two-dimensional world.

Two o'clock on the line.

Luke took out the gun when he thought it was time to do so, the tip of the gun sprinted forward like a spirit snake, and a bright light flashed from his right eye.


Iron Face's movements were captured and predicted, and the powerful coercion hit him like a wall, causing him to fly backwards and hit the iron net behind him.

Seeing the point of the gun stabbing at his chest, Iron Face tried to jump up and climb up the iron net to avoid it, but a bolt of lightning fell from above.Tie Mian's whole body was paralyzed and stiffened on the spot, and he immediately released the anti-static function to relieve the impact of the current on his body.

At this time, the tip of the gun was already close.

Unavoidable, Iron Face threw his fist at the tip of the gun, and steam erupted from the elbow to strengthen the punch.

Luke's spear was moving forward, and at the same time, the dragon snake flew up and entangled him, making his body change into a dragon shape.

Gaining strength, the fire spread outward from his feet.The flame edge of the gun head turned into a dragon head at this moment, and a dragon's roar resounded in the venue, making everyone feel terrified.

The moment the tip of the Red Dragon Spear touched Iron Face's fist, it pierced through the iron fist and the iron arm like a broken bamboo, and pierced Iron Face's chest amidst the parts splashing all over the place.

The spear head pierced through the armor and passed through the chest, protruding from the back.

The dragon roar stopped at this moment, the arena was extremely quiet, and everyone looked towards the middle of the ring with lingering fear.

Inspector Meteor stood there, holding the end of the gun with one hand.The iron face was nailed to the iron net by the spear and remained motionless, blood mixed with engine oil dripped out, and then was ignited and dripped to the ground.

what just happened?
Most people didn't see the shot from Inspector Meteorite clearly because of the dragon roar just now, and then they looked at the scene before them.

too fast!too strong!

As expected of the inspector of the Imperial Bureau of Secret Affairs, a master as strong as Tie Mian is only a matter of one shot in front of him.

The belated applause sounded in the arena. Only the winner can enjoy the honor in this arena.

Kailinna on the sidelines clapped her hands for joy, and the shy she also cheered loudly like everyone else.

Shelley and Piscoe looked at each other instead.

Is the detective so powerful?

He is so strong, and he acted so weak when we caught him, could it be...a temptation to us?

Lucky, lucky!

Nothing wrong was done.

Only such a powerful, charismatic, and wise detective can be worthy of His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

We followed the right person this time, and we will develop in the future!
On the ring, Luke released the dragon form, the gushing fire shrank, and the dragon snake retreated to the back of his right hand.

He pulled out the Red Dragon Spear, the iron mask fell off and fell to the ground.

Several venue personnel rushed to the ring, they put out the fire on Tie Mian first, and then hurriedly dragged him away.The iron face is just the destruction of the mechanical center, as long as the rescue is timely, the life can still be saved.

After Iron Mask was lifted down, Luke turned his gun to close the gun with one hand, and said to the audience: "Today, the inspector came to Diagonal Street to look for Wei Meng, and Iron Face actually said that Wei Meng is here to watch a boxing match?" Time to see me... Ridiculous!
There is such a guy who will bring disaster to you on Diagonal Street sooner or later. I will help you teach the iron face. The mighty boss should have no objection. "

After speaking, Luke looked towards the closed box above the stands.

The huge venue fell into silence again, and then the interested people began to leave, and soon most of them left.

Most of the remaining people are mechanical people, and there are some people who are not afraid of death and want to see the excitement to the end.

But what surprised Luke was that behind Shelley there was a group of unkind guys.Through a few familiar faces, Luke recognized that they were all gang members who lived and lived on the docks of Cape Harbor.He should be watching a boxing match here, and found out that the Secret Service was coming to trouble Wei Meng, so he automatically moved closer to help him.

Have guts!
In the box of the stand, the mighty with a fully mechanical body and a petite girl were sitting on the sofa respectively.

They saw everything that happened in the venue.

"Our new detective is a powerful character. Sandpaper... our Diagonal Street, I'm afraid it will never be peaceful again."

The girl called Sandpaper picked up the drink bottle on the table and sucked on the straw, and said in a special voice with a mechanical feel: "Diagonal Street belongs to your mechanical family, I just take care of my shop, don't bother me. "

(End of this chapter)

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