Age of Arcane

Chapter 106 Mighty and Sandpaper

Chapter 106 Mighty and Sandpaper

There is a big contrast between the voice of the sandpaper and her image, and there is another difference between the cuteness with the pink double ponytail and the drink bottle and the mature tone.

In comparison, Wei Meng fits his name well regardless of his body or momentum.When the Man of Steel sat there, it was a tyrannical style.

In order to separate themselves from their former selves, the mechanical clan generally no longer use their previous names, but name them after some of their own characteristics.

For example: Mighty, Iron Mask...

What puzzled the Machinists on Xiejiao Street was that Sandpaper followed the rules of Machina in Xiejiao Street, but never admitted that he was a Machina.No one knows her past, only that she is a very powerful mechanical reformer, whose level is comparable to that of mighty.

The mechanical transformation shop she opened is the strongest competitor of the mighty mechanical transformation shop.

Wei Meng respects the little girl next to him who is not as tall as his own legs, and has always wanted to pull her into the mechanical clan of Diagonal Street.

"Since your store is located on Diagonal Street, the troubles in Diagonal Street are your troubles. Come with me to meet the Inspector Meteor. He is so respected by the people at the pier. We can't easily offend him. "

"Okay..." After drinking a little "drink" of sandpaper, the voice became a little more normal, but still had a strong sense of machinery. "He took control of the entire terminal, and in the future, our goods will be in and out of his hands.

It's uncomfortable to think about, can we kill him? "

"If you want to do something, I won't stop it, but you can't be here." Wei Meng said to the subordinates behind him: "Go, let Inspector Meteor come here."

"Yes, Boss Mighty."

Sandpaper raised the tip of his eyebrows and stopped talking, as if he was really thinking about how to assassinate a senior imperial agent.

Not long after, Luke walked in with Shelley and the others.

Wei Meng stood up and saluted Luke, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Inspector. The people below offended you by being ignorant. Please forgive me. He has also received the punishment he deserves."

Luke didn't respond to Wei Meng. Instead, he said in an arrogant tone: "I know that the people below are ignorant, so I usually take care of it. Fortunately, I am here today. If it is someone from the Imperial Army... it will definitely It doesn't end like this."

Wei Meng controlled his temper.

Everyone in the venue knew that the inspector of the Haijiao District Bureau of Secrets came to find him, and if he made a mistake here, the imperial army would definitely rush in.


Must endure.

"Apologize to you again. Inspector, please sit down... If there is anything I can do for you, please instruct me."

Luke handed the hat and cane to Karina and sat down on the sofa, looking up at the sandpaper sitting beside him.

"The sandpaper is also here, very good! I heard that your mechanical modification technology is at the top level. The pair of mechanical arms under my subordinate should be eliminated. You can design and modify a pair for him."

Pixar, who was standing behind Luke just now, looked at Karina first and then at Shelley, and then quickly comprehended in Shelley's eyes, he quickly bent down and asked, "Detective, I have a mechanical arm here, Do you want to get me a new one?"

"Nonsense! Go... let Little Sister Sandpaper show you."

"Yes, Inspector."

Pisco saluted Luke happily.

This is a sandpaper machine reformer who is famous all over Diagonal Street!

Thinking that he would soon be able to change to a pair of mechanical arms modified by a sandpaper master, Pisco walked towards the sandpaper with a face full of joy.

But at this moment Sandpaper said: "I didn't agree to take this job."

Pisco, who was halfway through, stopped on the spot and looked at Luke with some grievances. He didn't have his usual vicious look.

Luke said: "Have I asked for your opinion? Your store is operating within the Golden Shield Empire, so I have the right to enlist you to serve as imperial officials, and of course I will pay you accordingly.

Pisco, in the past... all the expenses of your two arms were reimbursed by the Secret Service. "

There is such a good thing, Pisco shouted: "Yes, Inspector. Thank you, Inspector!"

And the sandpaper still said: "Detective Meteorite, don't mess with me... I won't take this job!"

Wei Meng felt the killing intent flowing out of the sandpaper at this moment, and thought of what she said just now that she wanted to kill Meteor Xing, so he hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Master Inspector... I will give you the arms of Brother Pisco, and I will design and modify a pair of mechanical arms for him for free."

Pisco thinks so too.

The level of power is on par with sandpaper, and it's free!
But Luke stared at the sandpaper and said: "This job must be done by the sandpaper himself. If you don't want to do it, just come back to the Secret Service with us...

Wei Meng, she is not from your machine clan, so you won't stop me. "

Wei Meng didn't know why Inspector Meteor Star targeted Sandpaper so much, but Sandpaper didn't admit that he was a member of the Mechanic Race, so he really had no reason to offend such a powerful Secret Service.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense, as if a fight was about to break out.

Shelley put her hand on the handle of the gun, and Kailinna also sensed something was wrong and secretly held the magic wand inside the cuff.

Several machine races looked at Wei Meng, waiting for his instructions.

Sandpaper held the beverage bottle tightly, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

Wei Meng can only persuade: "Master Inspector..."

But before Wei Meng finished speaking, Sandpaper suddenly said: "Okay, I'll take over this job... Big man, come with me, go to my shop."

Sandpaper stood up from the sofa, walked out with twin tails flicking.Before going out, he turned his head and complained to Wei Meng: "You insist on keeping me here, this time you will cause trouble for me!"

Pisco was a little scared, worried that if he followed the sandpaper, he might be cut on the operating table.

But under the stern gaze of Inspector Meteor Star, he could only follow the sandpaper and leave nervously.

After the door closed, Luke lit a cigarette for himself to relieve the tense atmosphere.

This little girl is still fierce on the surface, but she is a coward in her heart!

Time to get down to business.

"Wei Meng, the reason I came to Diagonal Street this time is to recruit you mechanical clans.

Make an offer! "

Wei Meng, who was just grateful for the end of the crisis, sank again because of Luke's words.

Why didn't the detective play his cards according to common sense?

No one talks about this kind of thing!

"Detective Meteorite, the business we run here should have nothing to do with the Bureau of Secrets, right? If you need mechanical transformation, you can come here to find us at any time.

Incorporated... We don't want to be agents of the Empire. "

"I didn't let you join the Secret Affairs Bureau, but recruited you on behalf of Yanyang Group. I will take over Haijiao Port completely, and all your import and export routes are in my hands.

I am very optimistic about the technology mastered by your machine clan, as well as your own combat effectiveness and discipline. The machine clan will become an important pillar of Yanyang Group. "

"Inspector, are you threatening us?"

(End of this chapter)

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