Age of Arcane

Chapter 116 Speed ​​up the progress

Chapter 116 Speed ​​up the progress
Senator Virgil quickly shifted the firepower.

"Rep. Mihir, you are a technical councilor. I am afraid it will be difficult for the people you send to get close to Meteor. According to my understanding of Meteor, he is a very thoughtful person, and he is protected by a large number of spies when he enters and exits.

What we have to do now is to limit the expansion of the Cape Secret Bureau as soon as possible.If the cape area is controlled by the eldest princess, we will have to adjust our strategies in many places.

The adults in the imperial capital will doubt our ability. "

There was no immediate response from lawmakers to Vergil's suggestion.

If Meteor is just an ordinary inspector, or just took office, then things are easy to handle.But Meteor's current performance is obviously inconsistent with ordinary detectives, and it has become a trend. Behind this drastic operation is the shadow of the eldest princess.

Now in the imperial court, there are already voices supporting the eldest princess as the crown prince.

Although the eldest princess has not stated her position, and her gender is her natural disadvantage, her ability and His Majesty's love for her have added another variable to the battle for the crown prince.

The upstarts in the imperial capital are already treading on thin ice, they are all cautious, for fear of accidentally offending the First Prince and the Second Prince at the same time, and putting themselves in the water.

It is really difficult to perform balance micro-management with the addition of a long princess.

Therefore, the mainstream is to exclude the eldest princess from joining the competition for the crown prince. One more option means one more risk.

But Princess Chang is definitely not a master who can be suppressed by them. She holds the secret information bureau, which means she has an independent judicial system.

At this time, she placed such a pawn in the cape area of ​​Raging Waves City.

What do you want to do?
But no matter what the eldest princess's purpose is, it will destroy the original smooth operation system of Raging Waves City.

Must be limited.

Mrs. Mihir said: "What Inspector Meteorite did in the northern mining area did cross the line, but it is also because the northern mining area has indeed gone too far.

If it weren't for the northern mines attacked by the Cape Secret Bureau, I wouldn't have known that such inhuman things would still happen in a civilized society.My father responded to the new laws of the empire, which gave freedom to the serfs.

You are too arrogant in doing things, and sooner or later something big will happen.

Meteor can possess such a large amount of energy just after arriving in Rage City. First of all, it is our internal problems, and the internal problems are very serious.

Someone has betrayed our group, this is a consensus for everyone.We must find out whether the abnormal things done by Mr. Ible were because he had betrayed him a long time ago, or because he felt threatened by the inner ghost.

Senator Virgil, within your limit, the Cape Secret Service has expanded from 400 to 3000 people.Even those mechanical races in Xiejiao Street are willing to be Meteor's thugs.

We all hope that your restrictive measures on the Secret Intelligence Bureau of Haijiao District will play a restrictive role this time...

This is your chance to prove yourself. "



Members of the two capital factions raised their hands first.




Even the two members of the establishment faction expressed their reconsideration, which shows that this opportunity is really the last chance.

Virgil stood up angrily: "You idiots are being played by real ghosts..."

Virgil, who wanted to vent his anger, saw the way other congressmen looked at him, and knew that what he said would be useless.

This time, he will not get the support of the parliament to deal with the Haijiao District Bureau of Secrets, so he can only do it himself.

He could only sigh helplessly and said, "Okay, okay...I will prove myself."

Virgil angrily pushed away the chair and left the meeting room.

The remaining six members of parliament sat in their respective positions.

Mrs. Mihir said: "Parliamentaries, we need solidarity very much right now."

All the councilors were shocked.

The time for unity is the time for disunity.

Looking at the three vacant seats in Parliament, each MP has a different mind.


Luke from the Inspector's Office of the Secret Intelligence Bureau in Cape District was also very surprised when he heard the news that Councilor Ible had been assassinated.

who did it?

Kailinna on the side reported the assassination in detail: "...the assassin used a strong crossbow, and according to the analysis of the crossbow bolts found at the scene, it should be a special precision crossbow.

At that time, Detective Thomas discovered the lurking assassin, and made interference and protection actions, so that the fired crossbow arrows deviated from the direction.

Now Senator Ible is frightened and recuperating at home.We've sent spies over there to increase protection for Senator Ible.

It has not yet been found out who did the assassination. "

Luke tapped his fingers on the table slowly, quickly analyzing the current situation in his mind.

As a layout person, Luke knew that there were no "werewolves" in the parliament, so naturally he didn't have the necessary reason to assassinate Ible.

It was done by outsiders!
Moreover, the timing of the assassination of Councilor Ible was just the same as that of leading a team to attack the northern mining area, and it was even more radical.

After the parliament passed the issue of repairing Cape Harbor, the internal contradictions in the parliament that should have been eased became tense again.

Whoever benefits is the most suspect.

Luke confirmed that he didn't do it himself. The people from the Secret Affairs Bureau in Haijiao District can't play this kind of assassination and no assassination, and they can't see the professional level of the flaws.

Only the full-time assassins of the Brotherhood of Blades have this ability.

Luke was [-]% sure that it was Viscount Iscoran who wanted to use this method to force Ible to get closer to him.

This disrupted my original plan.

In the northern mining area, Luke deliberately showed the Naga in front of Senator Virgil, just to make him deepen his suspicion of Ible.

In order to maintain the enthusiasm of the congressmen to play werewolf killing to find the ghost, Luke doesn't mind being suspected of going in... let's play slowly.

After playing for a long time, he took out the batch of gold and said that I robbed it, and it was all right.

Viscount Iscoran's meddling will undoubtedly speed up the progress of this werewolf killing.

Iscoran, don't say hello in advance when you do this, it's not righteous!

Just when Luke was considering how to deal with this sudden change, a secret agent came in and reported: "Inspector, Senator Ible sent someone to invite you to his mansion."

Alas, I wanted to hide behind the scenes, but I didn't expect to be pushed to the foreground.

Calculated by Iskran.

"Go and prepare the car for me, I'll go right away."

When the secret agent was ordered to go out, Luke said to Karina: "Cancel the vacation of all personnel, and return to work immediately when they are on vacation. Tell the brothers at the dock to be careful, and be smart when you go to bed at night, so that you don't get wiped on your neck.

The Public Security Department sent people to watch it all day long, and if they found it, they would also watch it, and report to me immediately if there is any change.

Let the mighty send the mechanical clan to come here to overhaul all the equipment.

All members of the ranger are ready to attack and suppress violence at any time. "

Kailinna recorded carefully, and asked worriedly: "Detective, is something going to happen?"

"I don't know yet, so be prepared. Did the sandpaper come to report?"

"Sandpaper Detective has reported that she is now a trainee agent of our Cape Secret Bureau, responsible for mechanical maintenance."

"Let her accompany me to Mr. Ible's house."

"Ah! She's so young...I'll go and inform the Black Mamba Captain..."

"The black mamba stays here, just let the sandpaper accompany me. Her strength is not inferior to that of the black mamba."

"Yes, Inspector! I will pass on your instructions immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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