Age of Arcane

Chapter 117 Politics is not a business

Chapter 117 Politics is not a business
When Luke came out of the Secret Service, the convoy had already stopped outside the door, the accompanying imperial agents blocked the road, and sandpaper stood beside the inspector's special car.

She wore a canvas mechanic's jacket and hot pants of the same material, and a pair of boots on her feet.

Carrying a tool bag with maintenance tools such as wrenches and pliers inserted in it.

"I thought my job at the Secret Service was to overhaul machinery." Sandpaper resented sending himself out on field missions.

Luke walked to the side of the car and said: "You have more demands on me, so naturally I have more demands on you. Open the door, and I will entrust your protection to my safety along the way."

Sandpaper opened the car door: "Okay, get in the car... Detective!"

Luke got into the car, and the sandpaper followed.

All the guards and spies boarded the car, and the convoy headed towards the central city.

Inside the car, Sandpaper looked outside first, and then asked Luke, "Is someone going to kill you?"

"In Rage City, the most important thing is to protect yourself. Especially in my position, I don't know what I have done to block the way of others.

Last night, Senator Ible was assassinated, and we will go see him now. "

Sandpaper turned to look at Luke, and asked again: "I can't figure out why you chose me to protect you. You have so many loyal subordinates, and I... At best, you just picked up a little girl."

Hearing the sandpaper analogy to himself, Luke couldn't help laughing: "The Bureau of Secrets is expanding too fast, and when it gets bigger, people are needed everywhere. The situation in Rough City may change a lot recently, and they all need to be in their positions. to deal with emergencies.

I have to use you, the little girl I just picked up. I don't know if you can be like your sisters, and it is reassuring to use. "

"I..." Sandpaper took a sip from a small bottle of specially blended motor oil from his tool bag, and adjusted his voice again: "Um, um...I'll try, but you don't seem like a good person."

"What does it matter? In this world, purely good people may not be able to survive, but they are definitely not comfortable."

The smile on Luke's face made Sandpaper curl his lips and turn his head away.

Then she saw a person sitting on the co-pilot who should be empty, he turned his head, it was Greifali.

"You... can't escape!"

Sandpaper hurriedly lowered his head to organize his tool bag, taking out the wrench and putting it in repeatedly.

Then Luke said, "You should look him straight in the face."

Sandpaper looked at Luke in horror: "Who? can see him!"

"I see him in your eyes. A master once said: The best way to get rid of fear is to face it!
I think it makes sense. "


The convoy arrived at the Ible Mansion, and the reinforced imperial spies had surrounded and protected it.

When Thomas heard that the inspector had arrived, he greeted him immediately, and then reported to Luke about the assassination he encountered last night and the situation of Congressman Ible at this time.

As Luke walked into the courtyard, he said to Thomas: "You have done a very good job, you must protect the safety of Senator Ible and his family.

Some people who will affect the mood and illness of MPs should not be allowed to meet MPs. "

Thomas comprehended and replied: "Yes, Inspector. We will take good care of Senator Ible and will not let irrelevant people disturb him."

"very good."

Entering the small building of the mansion, Luke waited in the living room for a while, and Councilor Ible came out with the help of his servants.

Seeing Luke, Ible gratefully shook his hand.

"It scared the hell out of me! If Agent Thomas hadn't pulled me, I wouldn't have seen you. Now all I can think of is that arrow flying past my nose, what will happen?" It's a nightmare I'll never forget.

Thank you Inspector, you saved my life again. "

As he spoke, tears flowed from Senator Ible's eyes.

In less than a month, brushing shoulders with death twice in a row is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Your Excellency, please sit down..." Luke helped Ible to sit down: "I will send my most capable agent to investigate this incident, find the assassin as soon as possible, and resolve the crisis."

"You sit too..." After Luke sat down, Ible couldn't help yelling: "Virgil did it! He stole the gold! He must be framing me in the parliament now!

Damn Virgil, I shouldn't let it go so easily. "

Luke comforted the increasingly agitated Senator Ible: "Your Excellency, your current body cannot continue to be angry.

If Congressman Virgil really wants to harm you, I will definitely make him pay the price.

Do you have any evidence now? "

Ible calmed down his emotions. He rubbed his chest and said to Luke: "I don't have evidence... But I don't need evidence. The citizens and officials of the entire Rage City respect me. I give them jobs, give They bring wealth, bring them honor.

I am passionate about charity.

Even beggars have eaten my bread.

Only Virgil... He stole our gold, he wanted to kill me, and then plant it on me.I have seen through him a long time ago, he is a villain with no moral lower limit. "

And Luke said in embarrassment: "I'd like to believe that Virgil sent someone to assassinate you, but... our Bureau of Secret Affairs has the rules of the Bureau of Secret Affairs, and we cannot conduct an investigation on an imperial official without solid evidence." judgment.

Virgil has a noble status and is a member of the Council of Raging Waves City.

We still look for evidence first. "

"No, no, no, I can't wait!" Ible looked out the window nervously, and then said to Luke: "I know Virgil...he knows that I already know that he is going to kill me. If the assassination fails this time, he will definitely not." Will stop. He must have called an emergency council now, and framed me while I couldn't argue.

If I leave here to go to the council, the assassins he sent will strike again, and I don't want to experience another assassination.


Yes, yes, yes... The Brotherhood of Blades will have full-time assassins. Last time you said that Viscount Iskran wanted to see me. "

It seems that the plot is being staged strictly according to Iscoran's script.

Luke can only follow the plot that has been set.

"Your Excellency, as your friend, I need to remind you... Viscount Iskran's identity is very special. He is the head of the Brotherhood of Blades in Raging Waves City, and represents the interests of the hereditary nobles in Raging Waves City.

Cooperating with him means that if you are not regarded as an enemy by other members of parliament, you will be ostracized by them. "

Luke's words made Ible hesitant. After a long time of thinking, he asked: "Being misunderstood by other congressmen, I can explain to them that they need me. I can no longer let Virgil attack me unscrupulously, without paying any price.

will you stand with me "

Iscolan is right, Ibur is a good businessman but not a good politician.

Politics is not business!

"I promised you, I stand with you."

(End of this chapter)

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