Age of Arcane

Chapter 118 New Script

Chapter 118 New Script

Senator Ible, enraged by the assassination, decided to fight back, and Luke sent someone to invite Viscount Iscoran.

Viscount Iscoran, who had been prepared for a long time, came very quickly. A meeting that brought about a major turning point in the situation in Raging Waves City was held in an elegant small room in the Ible Mansion.

All irrelevant personnel leave.

Councilor Ible, Luke (Detective Meteorite), Viscount Iscoran.

New nobility, "representatives of the royal family", hereditary nobility.

The three sat down around a crystal round table, and outside the bay window next to them were a large number of imperial spies guarding the mansion.

Viscount Iscoran first expressed his condolences to Councilor Ible: "I have been worried about the safety of Your Excellency Councilor since I heard what happened last night. If I am not afraid that my identity will cause trouble to you, I will definitely come to visit you.

Now that you are safe and sound, I am relieved. "

Viscount Iscoran's acting skills are very deep, and he can't tell that the assassination was instigated by him at all.

"Thank you, Lord Viscount, for your concern." In front of a hereditary nobleman, Ible imitated the nobleman's behavior and words: "I have always admired the ancient Iscoran family, you and your ancestors have witnessed the raging waves The process of the city from scratch, from small to large. The greatness of Raging City is due to the contribution of the Iscoran family, but this contribution has been forgotten by the current managers of Raging City.

I think……

Inspector Meteorite will tell you the purpose of my invitation to Lord Viscount. "

Ible wanted to show the elegance and calmness of a nobleman, but he was still a little unconfident and timid in the face of Iscoran.

Luke doesn't have Ible's messy ideas.

"Member Ible thinks that it was Virgil who sent someone to assassinate him last night. It was Virgil who stole the gold, so he wants to kill someone and then frame it.

Councilor Ible wants to fight back, but our Cape Secret Affairs Bureau does not have the strength, so I want to ask you and the Brotherhood of Blades to help. "

Iscoran was in deep thought for a while.

"Although I really want to help the Councilor, this is not in the interests of the Brotherhood of Blades. Virgil is a member of the City Council of Raging Waves. If we deal with him... it will cause a lot of trouble for the Brotherhood."

Seeing that the Viscount Iscoran was still pretending to be reserved at this time, Luke said: "Yes! The position of the Blade Brotherhood in Raging City is very sensitive, and we have indeed made the Viscount embarrassing.

I think it's better to let Senator Ible continue to rest at home under our protection, and when Virgil relaxes, we will find a chance to fight back. "

Viscount Iskran looked at Luke.

I thought: You deliberately dismantled the stage!
I tried my best to create such a situation, you can't let me sell it at a high price!

Iscoran knew that he could no longer play anything and retreat.

"What Detective Meteorite said is a solution, but it will damage the prestige of Councilor Ible, and also give the initiative to Vergil.

I heard that Virgil just called an emergency parliamentary meeting, and then left in a hurry after the meeting.You should know that the Government Affairs Office's bounty on Elf Clear Sky attracted some dangerous bounty hunters, and some of them were summoned by Virgil. "

Hearing this, Ible couldn't help shouting: "He must be offering a reward to kill me. Damn Virgil, he's messing up Rage City on purpose.

The elf Clear Sky, the heart of the red dragon Neil Colon, the Book of Calamity... and even the destruction of the Wrath Tower are all Virgil's conspiracy.

He betrayed the empire, he was the gap between the enemy country, and his purpose was to destroy Rage City. "

The fact that Virgil summoned the bounty hunters really frightened Senator Ible, and incoherently attributed everything that happened in Raging City recently to Virgil's conspiracy.

This made Luke and Iskran look at each other.

This accusation is very interesting and has room for manipulation.

Iscoran reacted very quickly and said: "Your Excellency, you said that the recent crises in Raging City are the result of Virgil's conspiracy?"

"Yes, all of this is Virgil's conspiracy, it must be his conspiracy. Otherwise, why hasn't he found Fairy Clear Sky yet? He hasn't even found a hair.

I don't know if Fairy Clear Sky was arranged by Virgil, but we all saw that he allowed Fairy Clear Sky to continue committing crimes and create crises in Raging Waves City.

Inspector Meteor once accused Virgil of his position, but he didn't pay enough attention to it. At that time, we all trusted Virgil's loyalty to the empire.

Now... Virgil used the bounty offered to Fairy Clear Sky to find the most famous bounty hunters in the world, and they were also the deadliest criminals.

Virgil stole the gold and framed me, can it all be explained?He has betrayed the empire, and he wants to destroy the richest city in the empire, and throw the most shining jewel of His Majesty's crown into the sea. "

Ible frantically imagined Virgil's crime of treason, and forcibly explained Virgil's "behavior".

This new script made Iscoran immediately overturn his original arrangement for Virgil.He echoed Ible's accusation: "Your Excellency's intuition about the security crisis of the Empire makes me admire! Of course, Inspector Meteor Star discovered Virgil's treason earlier, and he is worthy of being a senior agent of the Imperial Secret Service.

In comparison, the reaction of our Brotherhood of Blades has been poor.

But our Brotherhood of Blades is as loyal to the Empire as anyone else, and my family exists to protect the Empire.The Iscoran family and the Brotherhood of Blades are obliged to assist the Raging City Council and the Imperial Secret Service in arresting enemy spies who occupy important positions in the empire. "

Luke thought.

I said that Virgil's ass is crooked at the beginning, just to get more money from him.You really want to accuse him of treason, punish him to death...

Not only to the death, but also to kill people.

Luke said: "It is my intuition as an imperial agent to judge that there is a problem with Councilor Virgil's position. And I have already sent someone to investigate Virgil's identity, but the evidence in my hand is not enough to prove that he betrayed the empire.

The identity of Congressman Virgil makes it difficult for us to conduct a deeper investigation on him. "

Iscoran looked at Luke at this time, with sympathetic eyes.

Shameless enough!

Iscoran waited for Luke to finish speaking, and immediately continued: "I think we should not start with treason when we investigate Virgil, which will easily arouse his vigilance. If we start with smuggling, he will rely on his own status as a congressman and the entire smuggling group If you back up, you will inevitably relax your vigilance.

As long as we can get Virgil under control.

I think that according to the capabilities of Inspector Meteorite and the Cape Secret Affairs Bureau, we will definitely be able to find evidence of Vigil's treason! "

Senator Ible and Viscount Iscoran looked at Luke together.

None of them dared to really accuse Virgil of treason. It would be better for the royal family to do this kind of thing.

Luke said very simply: "Leave the rest to me, my people...professional!"

 Let me take a moment to write the next plot.

(End of this chapter)

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