Age of Arcane

Chapter 119 What to Want

Chapter 119 What to Want

At this time, Luke is riding a tiger.

All parties in Raging Waves City were excited by Viscount Iscoran's assassination.There is no need to think about watching the show from the sidelines. It would be nice to have a tiger ride now.

The three people in the room have already come to the conclusion that Congressman Virgil is treasonous, and the rest is to solve the problem around this result.

Viscount Iscoran proposed to smuggle to Chavegil first.

"Smuggling" has a complete system in Raging Waves City. Under the cover of interest groups, it is not easy to obtain conclusive evidence of Vergil's involvement in smuggling.

But Senator Ible is the chief financial officer in charge of Raging Waves City's finances and taxes, so asking him to produce evidence of Senator Virgil's smuggling was to open and close the safe.

But Ible said worriedly: "If I present evidence, not only Vergil, but even me will be involved. The entire government affairs office, the council, the Imperial Palace, and... royal family members of Rage City.

This is a huge case, can you control it? "

When Councilor Ible was speaking, he looked at Iscoran with a vigilant look.

He knew what terrible consequences might happen when the evidence in his hands fell to these old nobles.

Iscoran immediately said sincerely: "Your Excellency, our purpose is not to investigate the smuggling case. I also know that once this case is investigated, it will affect the foundation of the empire. This is not what we want to see. You can participate with Virgil The relevant evidence of smuggling should be handed over to Inspector Meteor, so that the Secret Intelligence Bureau of Cape District can have an excuse to detain Fugil and investigate him.

As long as evidence of Virgil's collusion with the enemy and treason is found, the investigation of the smuggling case will be terminated.

If you don't believe me, you should also believe in Detective Meteorite and Princess Eldest, and how important the stability of Raging Waves City is to the empire. "

Luke also didn't want to end up failing because of investigating the smuggling case.

"Viscount Iscoran is right. The smuggling case is connected to the royal family. We can't just go deep into it. This case will stop at Virgil's position, and it will be closed when we get evidence of his treason."

Senator Ible thought about it.

Now if we want to get rid of Vergil cleanly, we can only use treason to deal with him, so that the other councilors of Raging Waves City will not dare to end Paul Vergil casually.

Even if Vergil could not be convicted in the end, he would not be able to stay in the parliamentary position after being involved in a treason case.

Without the status of a councilor, the people around Fugil would immediately leave him.

At that time, there will be ways to take revenge.

"Okay, I will hand over the evidence related to Virgil to Inspector Meteor."

Councilor Ible cleared this hurdle, and Viscount Iscoran said: "The bounty hunters summoned by Virgil will be handed over to our Brotherhood of Blades to deal with.

After eradicating the people around Virgil, Inspector Meteor can do it. "

Luke nodded: "I know how to do it."

At this time, Councilor Ible said: "Thank you two for helping me in this crisis time. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Viscount Iskran first looked at Luke, and seeing that he didn't answer, he expressed his request: "I hope to fill the gap left by Virgil in the parliament."

Councilor Ible didn't expect Viscount Iscoran to open his mouth so loudly that he was about to become a councilor.

"If you want to become a member of the Raging Waves City Council, you must get the consent of more than half of the members. Even if I support you, you will only get one vote...

I'm afraid your status won't bring you a second ticket. "

Viscount Iscoran said confidently: "The first vote is the most difficult. I don't expect the parliament to vote for me to become a member. If I can make them start thinking about changing the structure of the parliament, even if I have successfully taken a step.

I don't think someone will fill up the vacancy of Councilor Virgil soon..."

"No!" Senator Ible said with certainty.Election of councilors is not just a game, and it is impossible for anyone to make up for it.Every member of parliament is the result of a compromise between the interests of all parties.

Viscount Iscoran said: "I can prove to the council and the nobles of Raging Tide City that the old nobles in your eyes can also accept new ideas and become a progressive force in society.

Many businesses of Brotherhood of Blades and Mr. Senator's business are very complementary. "

Councilman Ible was persuaded. I don't know if Viscount Iscorran's joining the parliament will benefit other councilors, but it will definitely be good for him.

"I will give you my vote... Inspector Meteor, do you have any requests?"

Senator Ible asked Luke.

With Virgil out of office, there is only one vacant seat in Parliament.

Viscount Iskran was determined to win this seat, and Luke had no intention of grabbing him.Moreover, things were developing too fast, and his foundation in Raging Waves City was not stable, so it was not easy to climb too high.

"I want to limit the size of the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau to less than 400 people."

The Public Security Department has reduced its staff to less than 400 people, just like the former Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau...

It's not as good as the Bureau of Secret Affairs, it really only has meaning for existence.

Ible understood Luke's meaning, this is to swallow the cape area!

In addition to obtaining the management right of Haijiao Port in the name of Yanyang Trading Group, is the eldest princess going to cut a piece of cake directly in Raging Waves City?

The eldest princess... must give it!

Ible said: "Virgil's incompetence has caused the incompetence of the entire security department in Rage City, and it should be rectified.

Especially Cape District!

The better Inspector Meteor did, the more it proved how dereliction of duty the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau had been in the past.

The Haijiao District Public Security Bureau should be handed over to the Haijiao District Secret Affairs Bureau for supervision, and let them learn from Inspector Meteor! "

Luke was shocked!

Is that okay?

I just want the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau to have no sense of existence. You directly make it "non-existent".

Since it is delivered to the mouth, there is no reason not to eat it.

"That's good too...the sheriffs of the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau are too poor in their professional skills, so they should learn from our Secret Affairs Bureau."

The three of them divided the benefits generated after the downfall of Congressman Virgil, and continued to discuss the specific steps on how to bring down Virgil.

Then there is the implementation.

Luke is going to hand over the evidence of "smuggling" to Senator Ible.

Viscount Iskran left first, and he wanted to arrange for the stabbing blades of the Brotherhood of Blades and the part-time assassins of the Assassin Tavern to assassinate the bounty hunters and henchmen summoned by Virgil. a bloody night starring assassins.

In this way, the Brotherhood of Blades announced its return to Rage City.

Luke, who got the evidence, did not leave in a hurry.

Ible thinks that Virgil summoned the bounty hunters to kill him.

But Luke knew it wasn't!
Virgil did not steal gold, did not treason, did not send someone to assassinate Ible.He always thought that Ible stole the gold, and now that the gold has not been found, how could he be in a hurry to kill people.

He summoned the bounty hunters, there should be other purposes.

It is not easy to run around outside at this time.

So Luke stayed here overnight under the pretext of personally protecting Senator Ible.

(End of this chapter)

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