Age of Arcane

Chapter 124 The advantage is in me

Chapter 124 The advantage is in me
At the Headquarters of the Rangers of the Cape Secret Intelligence Bureau, Shelley gathered the backbone of the Rangers and "friendly people" in front of a map of the Cape District.

The map clearly marked the positions of the current warring parties.

Holding a command pole, Shelley stood in front of the map and said seriously: "Virgil's intention is very obvious. First blockade the cape area to cut off our connection with the outside world, and at the same time use the superior force to attack the secret intelligence bureau headquarters, The pier, Diagonal Street and us are cut, and finally eaten one by one.

Now the ambush team we have deployed should have launched an attack, but the number disadvantage is not enough to achieve results, it can only delay their time.

I reckon the sheriff wouldn't want to attack Secret Service headquarters directly, we don't need to support them.Diagonal Street should not be the focus of the enemy's attack. Without the participation of the military, Diagonal Street is not something they can take down.

So we mainly defend the pier and here it is.

albert! "

Albert immediately replied: "I am here, Captain."

"What's the situation at the dock now?"

Albert replied: "Because the Inspector had anticipated that something would happen tonight, the pier had already prepared for battle. Moreover, Holt thought that most of the gangs on the pier were still under his control. And sent orders for his men to cooperate with the occupation of the docks."

After a short thought, Shelley said to Albert: "You go to the pier immediately, let our people get on the boat and go to the sea as much as possible, and those who can't get on the boat will hide. Let the people of 'Holt' cooperate with the sheriff Occupy the pier and wait for my next order."

"Yes, Captain."

Albert received the order and left immediately.

Shelley looked at the manpower he could use...

There are more than 4000 members of the secret service, pirates, machine clan, and some gang members who can participate in the battle, which is an absolute disadvantage compared with the sheriff.

The quantity and quality of senior combatants is also not as good.

Give up on keeping a new force on the pier first, and the ranger headquarters will face the enemy's full-scale attack.

Simply defending, an old castle alone cannot be defended.

"We must attack!"

No one understood the intention of Shelley's words.

Pisco is a simple thug, Mrs. Tasia is a pirate, Mighty is a boxing gym, and everyone else is a scattered gang member.

But it can be seen that the enemy is outnumbered, and the castle should be used for defense instead of active attack.

Isn't this using your own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths?
Mrs. Tasia, who had quite a lot of combat experience, asked: "Captain Black Mamba... None of our people have experience in this kind of large-scale war, and we don't know how to cooperate with each other.

They should gather together to defend in order to hold out until dawn, waiting for the detective's support.

If he rushed out like this, he might not be a match for the sheriff. "

Shelley said: "Our people have no experience in large-scale warfare, and neither do the sheriffs. If we concentrate our forces to defend here, the sheriffs can safely use their superior forces to attack us.

The castle is just that big, and the enemy's organization ability is better than ours, so we can't defend it.

Going out is street fighting!
The gap between our ability to organize and the enemy's ability to organize narrows in street fighting, and our knowledge of the terrain turns to our advantage.Instead of fighting the sheriffs on the main street, we fought them house by house in the complex of alleys around them.

This can not only reduce our own losses, but also disrupt the enemy's attack rhythm and delay their attack time.

When it was dawn, when the enemy was the most exhausted by our tossing all night, people from the pier rushed in.I think we don't need to wait for the Inspector to find support, we can completely counterattack the Haijiao District Public Security Bureau! "

Everyone looked confused.

Shelley showed the courage of a commander: "I have joined the army since I was 18 years old, and I have participated in more wars than you have fought on the streets. Defense does not necessarily mean that you can defend a little bit. A weak force does not mean that you cannot attack and win.

Since the detective entrusted this place to me, please trust me. "

Piscoe, who admired Shelley the most, said first: "I heard from the elder sister. If the elder sister said that if she can win, she will definitely win."

Although the others were dubious, they could only choose to listen to Shelley.

After all, Shelley was right in saying that she had the most experience in war.What he was facing at this time was a real war, not the street fights or naval battles he was familiar with.

Mrs. Tasia, Wei Meng and other parties stated together: "We follow the command of the captain of the Black Mamba."

With the command of each department, Shelley immediately made arrangements for street fighting.

The troops stationed in the headquarters of the Einsatzgruppen left one by one as they were dispatched, and radiated to the surrounding streets with the old castle as the center.

In the front, after the sheriff's team suffered multiple ambushes, although the losses were not large, their progress was greatly slowed down.And because they were afraid of being ambushed again, the sheriffs became more cautious in their actions, which slowed down the entire process of sealing off the city.

Fortunately, good news came from the direction of the pier.

Word arrives from the pro-Sheriff's Dock Gang that they've taken the pier.The gang from the Intimacy Bureau was either wiped out or fled to sea.

This is the credit of the Haijiao District Public Security Department. Director Holt immediately reported the victory to Congressman Virgil who was waiting in the director's office.

Senator Vergil was very happy to take the pier so quickly.

Not surprisingly.

After all, the Haijiao District Public Security Department has been cultivating the pier for so long, and has an absolute advantage over the Secret Affairs Bureau. It is a surprise that they cannot be defeated.

The pier is settled, and then the Diagonal Street and the headquarters of the Bureau of Secrets are blocked, and the rest is the old castle of the former Furious Axe.

Concentrate the entire Raging City Public Security Bureau elite to besiege an isolated castle... The advantage is mine!
Virgil ordered an all-out attack, and all battles must be ended before dawn.

The war broke out in more than ten blocks centered on the headquarters of the Cape Special Forces.

All the intersections leading to the combat area were blocked by roadblocks set up by the sheriff.

A red steam locomotive roared down the street. Under the light of the headlights, the sheriffs on both sides of the barricade waved flags to order the approaching riders to stop immediately.

But the speed of the steam locomotive did not slow down in the slightest. Instead, two ice wheels shot out from both sides.The ice wheel spun rapidly and overtook the locomotive and rolled forward, smashing the roadblocks left and right.

The red locomotive rushed forward, and the ice cone formed a sharp impact angle on the front of the locomotive, sending the shattered roadblocks flying around.

The sheriffs on both sides hurriedly avoided the flying debris, and those with sharp eyes recognized the rider on the red locomotive.

"It's a clear sky, it's an elf clear sky!"

All the sheriffs present were astonished.

What is she doing here.

Think of the heart of the red dragon Neil Colon in the hand of the elf Clear Sky, and the book of disaster.She can snatch Dean Willred's wand, destroy the Tower of Nulei, and kill four abyss mages.

The sheriffs felt as if they were frozen from the cold all over their bodies.

 There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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