Age of Arcane

Chapter 125 The Clear Sky Appears

Chapter 125 The Clear Sky Appears
Luke drove the steam locomotive through four roadblocks in a row, and when he saw a large number of sheriffs gathered at an intersection ahead, he stopped abruptly and put the locomotive in the middle of the road.

"Clear sky!"

A sheriff recognized the elf, who was wanted throughout the city, and his voice caused the other sheriffs to turn their attention.

It's just that these security officers saw Qingkong and didn't attack immediately. Instead, they retreated involuntarily after a distance of more than 50 meters.

A reward of one billion is a temptation for some, but a source of fear for many.

No one is worthy of the bounty of this price, no one is qualified to challenge this bounty.

These sheriffs had the courage to fight the thugs, but facing the elf Qingkong at this time, they couldn't even hold their swords steadily.

Luke turned over and jumped off the seat, opened the space backpack and put the motorcycle in.

Pull out the double knives and walk towards the sheriff in front.

Under the footsteps, the ice spread to the front.

"As you can see, I am Clear Sky, the elf. I advise you to go back to wherever you came from. You were all deceived by Virgil tonight. Don't stop me, and don't die meaninglessly."

Ice fog flowers bloomed in the air, and when the light rain fell, they turned into snowflakes and ice crystals.

The fairies in the ice and snow made most of the sheriffs stare dumbfounded.

The beauty of the interaction complements each other, making them forget for a moment that this person who is walking is a terrible killer.

"Miss Qingkong!" The leader of the team didn't know why he used honorifics for a wanted criminal, he said: "What do you mean by these words? We were deceived by Congressman Virgil!
Can you please clarify for us? "

Luke walked up to the captain of the sheriff: "I have no obligation to explain to you, if you want to know the truth, you have to live and wait until tomorrow's sun.

I want to go...

Are you blocking me, or getting out of the way? "

The cold intensified, and most of the lowly magistrates were frozen and had no time to appreciate the beautiful elves.They feel that their blood is coagulating and they will lose consciousness at any time.

The captain of the sheriff waved his hand to let his subordinates get out of the way.

After watching the elf Qingkong pass by, he mustered up his courage and said, "Miss Qingkong, thank you!"

I don't know whether he is grateful for the grace of not killing, or for the information he has obtained.

Luke continued to walk forward, waving his hands without looking back.

"No thanks, goodbye!"

The cold dissipated, and the relaxed sheriffs immediately moved their numb hands and feet.

Someone asked the captain: "Captain, is what Qingkong said true? We were deceived by Congressman Virgil?"

The captain still looked at the clear sky that had disappeared into the night, and replied: "I don't know, it's obviously out of order for Councilman Virgil to suddenly attack the Cape District Bureau of Secrets. Even though the Cape District Bureau of Secrets has gathered many criminals and pirates, But if you want to launch this attack, you must at least get the approval of the city council.

But this time, only Senator Virgil's head of security in Rage City was ordered, and the other councilors didn't seem to express their attitude. "

"Captain, what should we do? If we violate Councilor Virgil's order and nothing happens tomorrow...we will all be held accountable."

"Notify our people to withdraw from the front first. If someone asks, just say that we have suffered some losses from Fairy Clear Sky, so we can only rest temporarily."

"Yes, captain. Do you need to notify the other teams?"

"No, don't do unnecessary actions until the matter is clear. You wait here, and I will follow up to have a look... Go, help me find a piece of clothing."

Saying this, the captain of the sheriff took off his hat and his uniform jacket.

A security officer pulled a piece of clothes that a resident had hung out to dry from the side of the road, and worriedly reminded: "Captain, this is too dangerous!"

The captain changed his clothes and looked at the direction where Qingkong disappeared. He didn't know if he was asking himself or others: "Do you believe that Qingkong is a heinous criminal?"

"I don't think so... Although beauty does make people feel good, but if she is really like what the wanted notice says, we should already be dead.

She snatched Ruihuo's wand from Dean Willred's hand, and it was too easy to kill us. "

"I don't think so either!" There was a strange look in the captain's eyes: "I must see with my own eyes that she is as flawless as I thought in my heart. If she is really the unforgivable criminal described on the arrest warrant, I will died by her sword."

"Captain..." The subordinate was very surprised by the captain's words.

"Don't persuade me, I haven't done this kind of heart-pounding thing for many years."

After changing his clothes, the captain drew out his sword and chased along the street in the direction where Qingkong was leaving.

Luke was walking in the middle of the street, she didn't let out the steam locomotive, this is already a war zone, it's not suitable for B with fragile items.Moreover, the road was full of rubble from the collapsed houses, and the fire spread, with flames gushing out from time to time.

It's better to keep your car in a safe place.

Walking silently, Luke could feel countless eyes looking at him from the houses on both sides.

There are citizens of Cape District, sheriffs who attack, and agents who defend.

They all discovered Fairy Clear Sky.

And after a month of manhunts all over the city, everyone knew what the clear sky represented.

The walking billion Reichsmark.

But everyone kept silent tacitly.

No one wants to pull this extreme combat power into their own battle situation. Whether she is an enemy or a friend, she may die if she is swept away.

If you put aside the danger represented by the fairy clear sky, it is indeed pleasing to watch her walking on the road in the dark.

At the same time, the news of the appearance of Fairy Qingkong also quickly spread from here to other places.

Luke revealed Clear Sky's whereabouts and used his own way to share the pressure for the Secret Service.

At the same time, she also noticed that the battle situation here was different from what she expected.

The Secret Intelligence Bureau of the Cape District should be guarded at the Ranger headquarters, where there are perfect fortifications.But why did they attack and come out, and... they played very well.

street fighting!

Luke couldn't help admiring the boldness and ingenuity of this tactic. While limiting the advantages of the sheriff, it also brought out its own advantages.

This should be Shelley's handwriting.

At this moment, Luke's impression of Shelley changed greatly, and at the same time he also figured out why Shelley had so many strange behaviors when he became an agent of the Empire.

Military and crime solving are two different thought processes.

The military formulates the outcome first, and then fills in the details around the goals to be achieved.

On the contrary, handling a case is to deduce the result through countless details.

Shelley's military resume is quite brilliant. If it weren't for her background, she should be a famous general by now.

But when he came to the Secret Affairs Bureau of Haijiao District, he only achieved the prestige of the Black Mamba.

Shelley is a treasure hero if he can make the best use of it.

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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